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NHCE-BIII-Unit 8 IV: Section A--Text

1) work for:apply to; make efforts to achieve sth.

TranslationThe rules of safe driving work for everyone.安全驾驶的规章制度适用于每个人。

They worked for the complete abolition of capitalist exploitation of men by men.



NHCE-BIII-Unit 8 IV: Section A--Text

①inside the distance that a hand, etc.

can touch

2) within one’s reach:②inside the distance that can be easily


TranslationHe’s grown so much that now even the top shelf is within his reach.

他长得真快,现在连最高的一层架子都能够着了。I see that you live within reach of Seattle.我知道你住得离西雅图很近。


NHCE-BIII-Unit 8 IV: Section A--Text

coming after or following3) in the wake of:

TranslationAirport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday’s

bomb attacks.


He resigned in the wake of accusations that he had stolen from the company.



NHCE-BIII-Unit 8 IV: Section A--Text

4) in the first place:at first

TranslationThey were quickly forgot that I never wanted Feldman involved in the first place.

他们很快就忘记了,我一开始就不希望菲尔德曼卷进来。Had we known she would never have been allowed out in the first place, we would not have asked her to the evening party.
