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Doctor: You’re welcome. I 77 you feel better soon. Ⅷ.书面表达(15分)

你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。 要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥;

(2)书写认真,句子通顺; (3)词数:80词左右。

UNIT 1 What’s the matter?检测题



(一)把你听到的建议代号写在横线上,对话读两遍。 1. M: I have a headache.

W: You should see a doctor. 2. M: I have a toothache.

W: You should see a dentist. 3. M: I have a sore throat.

W: You should drink more water. 4. M: I fell down and hurt myself.

W: You should go to the hospital and get an X-ray. 5. M: I have a cold and cough.

W: You should take your temperature.

(二)听对话和问题,选择符合每个问题的正确答案,每段对话和问题读两遍。 6. W: Do you play basketball after school?

M: No, I don’t. I play table tennis after school. Question: What sport does he play after school? 7. W: What is your favorite food?

M: I love vegetables. But Tom likes fish best. Question: What is Tom’s favorite food? 8. W: What does your father do? M: He is a famous cook.

Question: What does his father do?

9. W: Is there anything about animals in the book?

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M: Yes, there is. It says that goldfish can only remember things for three seconds. Question: What animal is the book about?

10. W: Don’t smoke here. Please look at the sign. M: Oh, sorry.

Question: What is the sign here?

(三)听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。 W: What’s wrong with you, young man? M: I feel weak and I’ve got a bad headache. W: Have you got a fever?

M: No, I have taken my temperature. It’s all right. W: How about your sleep?

M: Terrible! I dream a lot and I always feel tired the next morning. W: What have you been doing these days?

M: I have been playing computer games till late at night.

W: I see. You’ve done too much. Well, first you’d better not do that any more. Then relax a little, have a warm bath and take this medicine for a week. It will help you. M: Thanks, doctor. Should I take it three times a day?

W: No, just one pill is enough. Please take it half an hour before you go to bed. M: OK. Thank you. Bye!

11. What’s wrong with the young man? 12. What has he been doing these days? 13. What does the doctor suggest? 14. How should he take the medicine? 15. What should he not do?


Hello, Ann. This is Tony speaking. I called at around 9:00 this morning, but you were out. I have got two tickets to the film Tiny Times. Would you like to go with me? It begins at 3:20 this afternoon. Please come on time. I’ll wait for you at the gate of the cinema. Let’s make it 3:00.OK? Oh, it may rain this evening, so come with your umbrella, please. See you later then. 1~5ADBCE 6~10BBAAB 11~15CABCB 16.film 17.3:20 18.gate 19.rain 20.umbrella II.21.A rain意为“雨水”,是不可数名词。在所给的四个选项中只有too much可以修饰不可


22.A without意为“没有”;against意为“反对”;through意为“通过,穿过”。with意为“具


23.A look after oneself意为“照顾自己”;classmates是复数形式,故选yourselves。 24.C 句意为“你不应该犯同一种错误”。in the same way意为“同一种方式”,是固定短语。 25.D 本题考查see sb. doing sth.和see sb. do sth.。由when I passed by(当我经过的时候)可

知,当时“他正在跑”,故用see sb. doing sth.(看见某人正在做某事)。

26.D get off意为“下车”。 27.C 根据语境可知,应该是“刚好赶到”,故用in time(及时)。

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29.B 由常识可知“树叶通常在秋天落下”,故选fall off(从……掉下)。 30.C 句意为“五天后Aron用完了水”。“用完”可用run out (of),当主语是人时,用run out of,


31.C give up“放弃”,代词作宾语时放在give和up之间。smoking是不可数名词,故用it代


32.A 由句意判断,前句中if意为“是否”,引导宾语从句;后句中if意为“如果”,引导条件


33.D keep on doing sth.意为“继续做某事”。 34.C want sb.to do sth.“想要某人做某事”;hope 后不能跟sb.to do sth.;expect sb.to do sth.

“期望某人做某事;指望某人做某事”;wish sb.to do sth.“希望某人做某事”。问句为“简洗完衣服了吗?”,由答语的语气可判断出句意是“你不能指望她做这样的事情”。因此C项符合题意。

35.A enough修饰形容词、副词时应后置,故选A。

III.36.B 根据上下文可知,“他摔伤腿时正在打篮球”。故选when。 37.C 由句意可知此处应为“看望他”,故选to visit。 38.D 由上下文知,他通过读书发现了打篮球的好方法。“找到,发现”为find,其过去式为


39.B 由上文知,他开始认为读书不是坏事。 40.C finally意为“最后,终于”。 41.D 由下文知,Stuart在伤好后,又参加篮球比赛。take part意为“参加”,但其后接宾语

时必须加in; join in表示参加某项活动,符合语境,故选D。

42.A always副词,意为“总是,一直”。 43.C 与下文something good相对,故此处选C项,表示“当不好的事情发生时,好的事情


44.A try doing sth.意为“尝试做某事”。 45.D 根据上文,通过互相展示爱好,从别人的爱好中发现自己新的爱好。on the way“在

路上”;by the way“顺便说一下”;in a way“从某种意义上说”;in this way“用这种方式”。故D项符合句意。

IV.46. A 由第一段中Today most teenagers are at least one size larger than teens were 20 years

ago. Even clothing sizes have changed. Did you know that a small today used to be a medium 20 years ago?(如今大多数青少年比20年前的青少年至少大一个尺码。甚至衣服尺码已经改变。你知道如今的小号在20年前曾经是中号吗?)可知,本段的主旨大意为首句“青少年的体重在增加”,故选A。

47.C 由文章内容可知,A、B、D三项都是《如何限制屏幕时间并运动起来》这篇文章中

给出的建议,只有C项A recent research shows 97% of teens need more exercise.(最近的一项研究表明,97%的青少年需要多锻炼)是事实。

48.B 本文提出了青少年体重增加的问题。研究表明,97%的青少年需要多锻炼,锻炼有


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V.49.matter 50.teeth 51.knives 52.foot 53.importance 54.risks 55.decision 56.ears,eyes 57.temperature

VI.58.moving without是介词,后接动词-ing形式。 59.go have to为情态动词,其后接动词原形。 60.yourself 句意:你不应该总想着你自己。 61.to visit expect to do sth.意为“期望做某事”。

62.not to wait tell sb. not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不做某事”。 63.to help agree to do sth.意为“同意做某事”。 64.habits 我们应该摒弃坏习惯。

65.important 由be动词is可知应用importance的形容词形式important。 66.swimming keep on doing sth.意为“继续做某事,一直做某事”。 67.climbing mind doing sth.意为“介意做某事”。

Ⅶ. 68.wrong 69.well 70.sorry 71.off 72.lie/sit 73.nothing 74.enough/much/any 75.some 76.keep/be/stay 77.hope Ⅷ.One possible version:

Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.

I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.

I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.

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