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发布时间 : 星期一 文章2018年人教版高中英语选修8全册学案含答案更新完毕开始阅读e7ff925ca4e9856a561252d380eb6294dc88226d


教学内容 Book8 Unit 1 A Land of Diversity Period 3 Grammar Revise the Noun Clauses 教师个案 学生笔记 学 习 目 标 Knowledge aims: Get students to know the use of the Noun Clauses. Ability aims: Enable students to learn the use of the Noun Clauses. Emotional aim: 1. Get students to become interested in grammar learning. 2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation. 学 习 Students will be able to use these structures correctly. 重 点 学习 Enable students to learn how to use the rules of the Noun Clauses 难 点 to answer the questions correctly. 学习方 法 自主—合作—探究 学 习

一、探索新知 名词性从句: 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 (Noun Clauses)。 名词从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句(Subject Clause)、宾语从句(Object Clause)、表语从句(Predicative Clause) 和同位语从句(Appositive Clause) 二、学习过程 主语从句 一个句子在复合句中充当主语叫主语从句。 e.g. That the earth is round is true . Whether she will come or not is still a question . What you are doing seems very difficult . When they will start has not been decided yet . 注意 11


过 程 学

1.引导主语从句的连词是不能省略的。 2.表示“是否”意义时,一般用whether 而不用 if引导主语从句, 3.有时可用形式主语it 代替主语从句: It + be +形容词+ that-从句 It + be + -ed 分词+ that-从句 It + be +名词+ that-从句 It +不及物动词+ that-分句 练一练: 1. ____ you don’t like him is none of my business. A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether 2. ____ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter 3. ____ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who 4. _____the sports meet will be held depends on the weather. A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That 5. ___ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It 6. When and why he came here ________ yet. A . is not known B. are not knownC. has not known D. have not bee 7. After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, ________ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space. A. where B. what C. that D. how 8. It worried Mary a lot _____ she would pass the college entrance examination. A. whether B. if C. that D. how 宾语从句 一个句子在复合句中充当宾语就叫宾语从句。 e.g. Do you know where he is ? I’m glad (that )you have passed the exam . I don’t know whether (if)you are willing to help me . 12


习 过 程

I’ m sorry for what I have said. 特别提示 1.由连接词that引导宾语从句时,that在句中不担任任何成分,在口语或非正式的文体中常被省去,但如从句是并列句时,第二个分句前的that不可省。 2.下列宾语从句 必须用whether 引导, 不可用if: a. 从句后有or not 时,不可用if : b. 介词宾语通常用 whether 引导: c. 后接动词不定式时。 3. 用who,whom, which, whose, what, when, where, why, how, whoever, whatever, whichever等关联词引导的宾语从句相当于特殊疑问句,应注意句子语序要用陈述语序。 4. think, believe, imagine, suppose等动词引起的否定性宾语从句中,要把上述主句中的动词变为否定式。即将从句中的否定形式移到主句中。 练一练: 1.He asked ____ for a violin. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid 2.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 3. Little Tommy was reluctant to tell the schoolmaster ____ he had done the day before. A .that B. how C .what D. where 4. The old man smiled when he saw how pretty _____ up to be during the past few years. A. had his daughter grown B. would his daughter grow C. his daughter would grow D. his daughter had grown 5. Have you seen Mary lately? My boss wants to know _______. A. how she is getting along B. how is she getting along C. what she is getting along D. what is she getting along 6. The true value of life is not in ______, but _______. 13


A. which we get; what give we B. what we get; what we give C. which do we get; what do we give D. how we get; that we give 7. You can’t imagine ______ when they received these nice Christmas presents. A. how they were excited B. how excited they were C. how excited were they D. they were how excited 8. Do you know ________? A. how many populations there are in the world? B. how much population there is in the world C. how many the population of the world is D. what the population of the world is 9. I don't doubt ________ he'll come. A. that B. if C. what D. whether 10. Does anybody know __ we will have a sports meeting this weekend or not. A. if B. where C. whether D. that 11.If depends on ____ we will be ready in time. A. whether B. that C. if D. when 表语从句 一个句子在复合句中充当表语就叫表语从句. 表语从句放在连系动词后,如:be,seem, remain等,有时用as if引导。其基本结构为:主语 + 系动词 + that从句。 e.g. The problem is that I am short of money. China is no longer what she used to be . The question is how we can get there . It looks as if it is going to rain. 特别提醒 1. 表语从句中的时态不受主句的限制. 2. 表语从句是不用 if 引导的,要用whether. 3.主语是reason时,表语从句常用that,不用because. 练一练: What the doctors really doubt is _____ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. 14