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发布时间 : 星期六 文章新视野大学英语第三版Book2-unit6课文翻译更新完毕开始阅读e82c295bcd22bcd126fff705cc17552706225ecb

9 “有时候,这些门是慢慢关闭的,我们没有看到它们在悄然消失,”阿雷利博士写道:“我们可能花很多时间在工作上,却没有意识到我们子女的童年正在悄悄溜走。”

10 So, what can be done to restore balance in our lives One answer, Dr. Ariely says, is to implement more prohibitions on overbooking. We can work to reduce options on our own, delegating tasks to others and even giving away ideas for others to pursue. He points to marriage as an example, \ourselves not to keep options open. We close doors and announce to others we've closed doors.\

10 那么,我们可以做些什么让我们的生活恢复平衡呢 阿雷利博士说,一个办法是制止更多的超额预约。 我们可以自己减少选择,将任务委派给其他人,甚至放弃一些点子,让其他人去做。 他用婚姻作为例子:“在婚姻中,我们承诺不保留选择机会,我们就创造了获得最佳选择的有利局面。我们关上可选择的门,并告诉别人我们已作出选择。”

11 since conducting the door experiment, Dr. Ariely says he has made a conscious effort to lessen his load. He urges the rest of us to resign from committees, prune holiday card lists, rethink hobbies and remember the lessons of door closers like Xiang Yu.

11 阿雷利博士说,自从进行了这个点击门的实验,他已经有意识地努力减轻自己的负担。 他敦促我们辞去委员会的工作,删减送节日贺卡的名单,重新思考兴趣爱好,并记住像项羽那样的关门者给我们的启示。

12 In other words, Dr. Ariely is encouraging us to discard those things that seem to have outward merit in favor of those things that actually enrich our lives. We are naturally prejudiced to believe that more is

better, but Dr. Ariely's research provides a dose of reality that strongly suggests otherwise.

12 换言之,他是鼓励我们放弃那些似乎只有表面价值的东西,而去追求那些能真正丰富我们生活的东西。 我们很自然、很偏执地相信选择越多越好,但阿雷利博士的研究却强有力地告诉我们事实并非如此。

13 What price do we pay for trying to have more and more in life What pleasure and satisfaction can be derived from focusing our energy and attention in a more concentrated fashionSurely, we will have our respective answers.

13 我们想在生活中得到越来越多选择的代价是什么 我们能从更集中的精力和注意力中获得什么样的喜悦和满足 当然,我们每个人都会有自己的答案。

14 Consider these important questions: Will we have more by always increasing options or will we have more with fewer, carefully chosen optionsWhat doors should we close in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open

14 试想一下这些重要的问题:怎么做会使我们获得更多,是不断增加选择,还是只保持少数精心挑选的选择 我们应关闭什么门,以便让机会和幸福之窗打开