新视野第三版第一册讲稿1-6单元 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新视野第三版第一册讲稿1-6单元更新完毕开始阅读e8b86b20b9f3f90f77c61ba8


She arrived at home exhausted and barely capable of taking a shower before collapsing on her bed. 她回到家时精疲力竭,勉强洗了个澡,然后就倒在了床上。

2 if a building, wall, etc. collapses, it falls down suddenly, usu. because it is weak or damaged 倒塌;坍塌

Last night, the roof of the old house collapsed under the weight of the snow. 昨天夜里,老房子的屋顶承受不住积雪的重量而坍塌了。 Phrases and expressions 1.live in terror of sb./sth.

be very afraid of sb. or sth. all the time 一直很害怕某人/某物

Everyone for miles around lived in terror of the gang of robbers. 方圆几英里的人们都很害怕这伙强盗。 2. a string of

a number of similar things or events coming one after another 一连串,一系列(事件等) The team had a string of 13 wins last season. 上个赛季,该队连赢了13场。 3.turn off

(infml.) stop listening to or thinking about sb. or sth. 不再听;不再想

I couldn’t understand the lecture of this professor, so I just turned off. 我听不懂这位教授的讲座,所以也就不听了。 3. beat sb. to it

(infml.) do sth. before sb. else 抢在某人之前做

When I went to take the keys I found that someone had beaten me to it. 当我去拿钥匙时,我发现有人抢先拿走了。 4.pull over

drive to the side of the road and stop your car, or make sb. else do this (使)(车辆或司机)停靠在路边

The policeman signaled him to pull over and gave him a speeding ticket. 那名警察示意他靠路边停车,并给他一张超速罚款单。

I was told to pull my car over because it was in the way. 有人让我把车停靠在路边,因为我的车挡着道了。 5. slip off/down

move smoothly, esp. off or from sth. 滑落;脱落

One of the silk straps on her dress has slipped off her shoulder. 她裙子上的一根丝带从肩上滑落下来。 6.bring sth. to a halt

make sth. stop moving 使停止;使停住;使暂停

Production was brought to a halt by a strike. 生产因罢工而被迫暂停。 7. cut through


move or pass easily through water or air (在水中或空中)轻松地通过

I always admire the divers, who can cut through water easily. 我一直很佩服潜水员,他们能在水中自如地游动。 8.fill up with

become full of sth. (使)充满;(使)装满

There is growing concern that California’ s prisons are beginning to fill up with too many prisoners. 加州的监狱里开始挤满了太多的犯人,人们对此越来越感到担忧。 9.identify sb. as sb.

show who sb. is 表明…的身份

His accent identified him as a Frenchman. 他的口音表明他是法国人。 10.catch up with

come from behind and reach sb. in front of you by going faster 追上;赶上

The little girl had to run to catch up with her father. 那个小女孩不得不跑着追上她的父亲。

11.break through (sth.)

manage to get past or through sth. that is in your way 冲破;突破

The substance could help the ship break through icy waters more easily. 这种材料可使船只更易于穿过冰面。

Our army had little difficulty in breaking through the enemy lines. 我们的部队轻而易举地突破了敌人的防线。 IV. Language Points

1. Officer Jonda’s pulse quickened. Road conditions were dangerous on that cold, dark wintery night. (Para. 1)

Meaning: Police officer Jonda’s heart beat more quickly. On such a cold, dark night in winter, road conditions were dangerous. wintery: a. (also wintry)

1) cold or typical of winter 寒冷的;冬天似的

It was one wintery morning, and everyone was still sleeping. 那是一个冬天的早晨,每个人都还在睡梦中。

2) a wintery smile or expression is not very friendly (笑容或表情)冷漠的,冷冰冰的 She gave a wintery smile when he promised never to cheat her again. 当他发誓再也不欺骗她时,她冷冷地一笑。

2. It was swaying. It was not swaying violently, and was still barely within the lane, but on the winding road in the fierce November rain, it was enough. (Para. 1)

Meaning: The car was moving from one side to another. It was not swaying violently, and the driver still managed to keep it within the lane, but it was clear that the driver did so with great difficulty. With the road having a lot of turns and the heavy rain in November, an accident was likely to happen.


Usage note: barely, bare

1) barely为副词,表示―勉强才能;几乎不;刚刚(表示 强调);只有,仅仅(强调数量之少)‖等意义。例如:

They barely earn enough to maintain themselves and their four children. 他们赚的钱只能供自己和四个孩子勉强度日。

He was so drunk that he could barely stand. 他醉得几乎站不住了。

She was barely 15 when she won her first championship. 她首次赢得冠军的时候才15 岁。

2) bare为形容词,表示―赤裸的;光秃秃的;无覆盖物的;仅有的,勉强的,最低限度的‖等意义。例如:

We used to do silly things, like running bare foot through the park. 我们过去常常做傻事,比如赤脚在公园里跑。

Gusts of cold wind shook the trees’ bare branches. 一阵阵猛烈的寒风摇晃着光秃秃的树枝。

The patient stood uneasily on the bare floor. 那个病人很不自在地站在光秃秃的地板上。 Our profit margin is a bare 1%. 我们的利润仅有1%。 3) barely为否定词,不应与not或其他否定词连用。例如: (×) The temperature was not barely above freezing.

(√) The temperature was barely above freezing. 气温接近冰点。

4) barely和hardly, scarcely一样,可以表示―刚…就…‖。在正式文体中,这些词可置于句首,句子采用部分倒装的句式。例如:

Barely had I said my name before he led me to the interview room. 我刚报上自己的名字他就把我带进了面试的房间。

wind: vi. if a road, river, etc. winds somewhere, it has many smooth bends and is usu. very long (道路、河流等)蜿蜒,曲折前进

I enjoy walking along the narrow and winding streets in my hometown. 我喜欢在家乡狭窄蜿蜒的街道上散步。

vt. turn or twist sth. several times around sth. else 缠绕;卷绕

He started winding the string in to bring the kite out of the sky. 他开始往回收线,把风筝从天空中收回来。

3. And half submerged in the current was the car. (Para. 5) Meaning: Half of the car was under the river water. Sentence structure note:

有时为了强调,可将部分谓语置于句首,构成倒装结构。用于这类倒装结构的动词大多表示位置或状态,如hang, stand, sit 等。 1) 现在分词置于句首的倒装结构。例如:

Leading to the park is a very delightful road. 通向公园的是一条非常宜人的路。 2) 过去分词置于句首的倒装结构。例如:


Buried in the sands was an ancient village. 埋在这沙土之中的是一个古老的村庄。 3) 不定式置于句首的倒装结构。例如:

To be carefully considered are the following questions. 下列问题要仔细考虑。 V. Homework 1. Review Text B 2. Do Exercise 4-8

3. Prepare to tell a real story about a hero

Unit 5 Winning is not everything

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination.

— Tommy Lasorda

Victory isn’t defined by wins or losses. It is defined by effort. If you can truthfully say, ―I

did the best I could; I gave everything I had,‖ then you’re a winner.

— Wolfgang Schadler Section A Cliff Young, an unlike hero


To talk about the sporting spirit To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the paragraph writing skill I. Warming-up

1. What sports do you like doing?

? ?

basketball, football, baseball, swimming, cycling, badminton etc. hardly ever/ less than half an hour/ 1-2 hours/ more than 2 hours etc.

2. How much time do you spend on sports every day? 3. Do you think playing sports is important to students? Why? Yes. The benefits are listed:

? ? ? ?

to have a more healthy body

to provide an opportunity to cooperate with each other to have a positive effect on mental health

to increase self-confidence and self-awareness to reduce depression and anxiety

II. Pre-reading Activity

Listen to a piece of news about London marathon and discuss the questions. 1. Why did many athletes want to perform well in the elite race of London marathon? No.