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where student.sno=sc.sno and cno in

(select cno from course where cname='数学' );

② 求C1课程的成绩高于张三的学生学号和成绩。 select student.sno,grade from student,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and cno='1' and grade> (select grade from sc where sno in

(select sno from student where sname='张立') );

③ 求其他系中比计算机某学生年龄小的学生(即求年龄小于计算机系年龄最大者的学生) select * from student

where sdept<>'cs' and sage< (select max(sage) from student where sdept='cs' );


④ 求其他系中比计算机系学生年龄都小的学生。 select * from student

where sdept<>'cs' and sage< (select min(sage) from student where sdept='cs' );

⑤ 求进修了C2课程的学生姓名。 select sname from student,sc

where student.sno=sc.sno and cno='2'; ⑥ 求职没有选修C2课程的学生姓名。 select sname from student,sc where not exists (select * from sc

where sno=student.sno and cno='2' );

⑦ 查询送修了全部课程的学生姓名。 select sname from student


where not exists (select * from course

where not exists( select * from sc

where sno=student.sno and cno=course.cno));

⑧ 求职至少选修了学生为“S2”的学生所选修的全部课程的学生学号的姓名 select distinct sno from sc scx where not exists ( select * From sc scy

Where scy.sno=’200215122’and not exists (select * From sc scz

Where scz.sno=scx.sno and scz.cno=scy.cno) );



按以下要求用T-SQL语句表示并通过SQL Server Query Analyzer实现查询操作。 ① 找出上海厂商供应的所有零件号码。 select pno,jno,qty from s,spj


where s.sno=spj.sno and spj.sno in (select sno from s

where city='上海' ) ② 找出使用上海产的零件的工程名称。 select jno,qty,pno from s,spj

where s.sno=spj.sno and spj.sno in (select sno from s

where city='上海' )

③ 找出没有使用天津产零件的工程号码。

select pno (没调试出来的) from spj

where not exists (select * from s,spj

where s.sno=spj.sno and s.city='天津' )
