外研版七上Module6Aninvitationtothecinema单元测评 联系客服

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Module 6 An invitation to the cinema




A.In the afternoon. B.No,there isn't. C.Houston Rocket. D.That's a great idea. E.At Sun Theatre.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 听力原文及答案:1.Where is the magic show? 2.Would you like to go to the theatre? 3.Is there a piano class in your school? 4.What's your favourite basketball team? 5.When is the film on? 答案:1~5 EDBCA

Ⅱ.请看图表,听问题,选择最佳答案(5分) Day Flower show Saturday Film:Lion King Sunday in the afternoon and in the evening Sun cinema 10 yuan

Monkey show Saturday Sunday in the afternoon(14:00-17:00) Wide Zoo 30 yuan Time In the morning(9:00-11:00) Place Zhongshan Park Price 20 yuan 6.A.It's in the morning. B.It's in the afternoon. C.It's in the evening. 7.A.20 yuan. B.10 yuan. C.25 yuan. 8.A.It's in the morning. B.It's in the afternoon. C.It's in the evening. 9.A.It's in the morning. B.It's in the afternoon.

C.It's in the afternoon and in the evening. 10.A.It's in Zhongshan Park. B.It's at Sun cinema. C.It's at Wide Zoo. 听力原文及答案:6.When is the Monkey show? 7.What's the price of the Flower show? 8.When is the Flower show? 9.When is Lion King?

10.Where is Monkey show? 答案:6~10 BAACC

Ⅲ.请听短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分) 11.Betty's favourite film star is Jackie Chan. 12.Tom likes to play computer games. 13.Tony likes to go to the cinema.

14.Tony's good friends are Daming and Kate. 15.Tom's favourite sport is football.


My name is Tony.I'd like to go to the cinema with my good friends,Betty and Tom.Do you know?Jackie Chan is my favourite film star.There is a new film about him on Sunday evening.I



like to go to the cinema.Betty likes to play computer games at home.Tom likes to watch a football match at the stadium. 答案:11~15 FFTFT


Ⅰ.根据括号内所给汉语写出单词的正确形式(10分) 1.Are there any (花园)in the town?

2.Is there a table tennis (比赛)this afternoon? 3.What's the (价格)of this computer? 4.The (魔术)show is on Sunday. 5.We often play (游戏)in the park. 6.Are there any (体育馆)in your city?

7.He often (看)TV on Saturday and Sunday. 8.The fourth day of the week is (星期四). 9.She often (拜访)her grandparents. 10. (游泳)is good for our health.

答案:1.gardens 谓语是复数are,前面有 any,所以 garden要加-s。 2.match 谓语是单数is,前面有 a,所以 match不要加-s。 3.price 4.magic

5.games 经常玩游戏,所以game 要加-s

6.gyms/stadiums 谓语是复数are,前面有 any,所以体育馆要加-s。 7.watches 主语是第三人称单数,谓语watch以ch结尾要加-es。 8.Thursday

9.visits 主语是第三人称单数,谓语visit。

10.Swimming 动词不能作主语,所以将swim变为动名词。 Ⅱ.单项选择(20分)

1.Would you like computer games? A.play B.playing C.to play 答案:C Would you like 后面跟动词不定式。 2.The teacher asks us our classroom. A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning

答案:B ask sb.to do sth.表示“要求某人做某事”。 3.My friend invites me the cinema. A.in B.on C.to

答案:C invite sb.to some place表示“邀请某人去某地”。 4.The film is in the afternoon. A.on B.in C.to 答案:A be on表示“上演”。

5.The piano class is Garden Hotel. A.on B.in C.at

答案:C at Garden Hotel 表示“在花园酒店”。

6.The Yoga class is nine the morning. A.on;at B.in;in C.at;in

答案:C 表示“在几点钟”和“在早上”分别用介词at和 in。



7.The volleyball match is Shenzhen Stadium Sunday. A.in;at B.at;on C.on;in 答案:B

8.Where Who Am I? A.am B.is C.are

答案:B Who Am I(《我是谁》)?是一部电影的名字,所以谓语用单数。 9.Jane and Angel going to watch a tennis match next Monday. A.is B.are C.am 答案:B 主语是两个人,谓语用复数。 10.Let's stay home the evening. A.in;on B.at;on C.in;at

答案:B 表示“待在家里”用at home,“在晚上”用介词in。 Ⅲ.完形填空(10分)

What do you do at the weekend?Some people like to 1 at home,but others like to go 2 a walk or play football.My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 .At the weekend,he always 4 the same thing.On Saturday he 5 his car and 6 he goes with his family to a village by car.His uncle and aunt have a farm there.It isn't a 7 one but there's always 8 to do on the farm.The children help with the animals and give them their 9 .Jack and his wife help in the field.At the end of the day,they are all 10 and Jack's aunt gives them a big meal. 1. A.play B.live C.stay D.enjoy 2.A.to B.for C.in D.at 3.A.day B.time C.autumn D.week 4.A.does B.makes C.borrows D.has 5.A.watches B.drives C.sells D.buys 6.A.Monday B.Sunday C.Saturday D.Wednesday 7.A.small B.big C.hard D.short 8.A.much B.little C.fast D.far 9.A.clothes B.places C.food D.water 10.A.clean B.late C.hungry D.friendly 答案:1.C 表示“待在家里”用stay at home。 2.B 表示“去散步”用go for a walk。

3.D 根据句意,是指在一周上班的时间。 4.A 表示“做同一件事”用do the same thing。 5.B 根据句意,是指他开车,所以选drives。

6.B 根据句意,星期六他开车,星期日他带全家去乡村。

7.B 根据句意,它不是一个大农场,但是总是有很多农活要干。 8.A 表示“很多工作”是不可数,用much。 9.C 根据句意,孩子们给动物食物吃。

10.C 根据句意,到了傍晚,大家都饿了,阿姨给大家做了一顿大餐。 Ⅳ.阅读理解(20分)


Here's Tom's invitation




Tom Read hopes you can come to his party! Time:5:30 pm.

Date:Sunday,October 16th

Place:Flat 18A Bi Hai Building Tel:790621


1.Tom Read is going to have party. A.a Teachers' Day B.an English C.a birthday D.a Chinese 2.The party is on . A.Sunday,October 16th B.Sunday,October 6th C.Monday,October 16th D.Monday,October 6th

3.It's going to start at . A.half past five B.half past four C.a quarter to five D.a quarter to four

4.He's going to have his party at Bi Hai Building. A.Flat 8A B.Flat 18A C.Flat 8B D.Flat 18B 5.Tom's telephone number is read as . A.seven o nine

B.seven o nine,six one two C.seven nine o,two six one D.seven nine o,six two one

答案:1.C Tom Read打算开一个生日晚会。 2.A 晚会是在10月16日,星期日。 3.A 晚会打算在下午5:30开始。 4.B 他打算在碧海楼18A公寓举行。 5.D


Wu Dong has a good friend.His name is Peter.He is from the U.S.A.Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class.They go to school five days a week.They stay at home on Saturday and Sunday.Peter likes Chinese and Chinese food.He likes rice cakes very much.At school they play table tennis after class.

Wu Dong and Peter like making things.Now they are making a plane.They like flying planes on Sunday morning.Peter speaks English and a little Chinese.Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English.They teach each other(互相). 根据短文内容判断(T)误(F)。 6.Wu Dong has an American friend.

7.They go to school from Monday to Friday. 8.They often fly planes after class.

9.Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese. 10.Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them.
