2020-2021学年黑龙江省牡丹江九年级中考三模英语试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2020-2021学年黑龙江省牡丹江九年级中考三模英语试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读eb7673c5750bf78a6529647d27284b73f24236c1


I. Multiple choice

1-5 BAABA 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 ACBBB 16-20 CACCB

21-25 CBACB

II. Cloze test 26-30 DBBAC III. Communication

31-35 CBDCA 36-40 AADBC

41-45 DEACB

46. I've no idea /I'm not sure /I don't know / I'm going to... 47 Where would you like to go? 48 Have you ever been there? 49. Me neither / Neither have I /I haven't been there, either.

50. Why not ride a bike? / Why don't we ride a bike?/ What about riding a bike?

IV. Reading comprehension 51-55 CCABB

56-60 BAAAA 61-65 ACCBB

66.friends 67.burning 68.along /down 69.came/got 70.little 71. He is from Heilongjiang. 72. Yes, they have. 73. In 1967. 74. He wanted to try his luck in the big city. 75. They are really cool.

76.F 77.about 16 glasses of water 78. 3/Three

79.Don’t wait for thirst before you start to drink

第三部分 词语运用

80.What are also helpful to stay cool in hot weather .

81.driver 82.tomatoes 83.helping 84.carefully 85.twentieth 86.Both 87.light 88.How 89.It 90.How

91.参考范文:Thanks for teaching me so well .You make our class lively and interesting .When I’m in trouble ,you always encourage me to go over the problems . I hope you are in good health .And I wish you can keep young and beautiful for ever .I am very grateful to you for what you have done for me .I will miss you for ever . Best wishes ! 92.略。