高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(12) 联系客服

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石狮一中 余信路

Day 45


1. Don’t _____________(犹豫) to turn to us if you have any __________(听力) problems.

2. Keep ___________(健康) by exercising regularly, for _____________(健康) is above wealth. 3. If you ____________________(用心去做) something, you’ll be highly ____________(评价). 4. ---What ________________(到底) are you doing?

---I _________________________(禁不住去了解) the __________(高度) of the ____________(直升升飞机).

5. ___________________________(在他的帮助下), I ________(租了) a car and drove _________________(到处)..

6. This ______________(历史) play is rewritten by this _____________(历史) spot, which helps us to know more about the __________(历史).

7. In the earthquake, I _________________________(头部被打伤hit), but it didn’t __________________(使我伤心).

8. I ____________________(坚持认为) that he _______________________(把事实瞒着我们). 9. Seeing the films of _________(英雄) during ____________(假期) is my __________(嗜好). Avadar is _______________(极为叫座).

10. Those people in the quake-hit area ___________(坚持) until help came to save them out.

Day 46


1. I ___________________(希望听到) the news ______________________(国内外) every day. 2. If we can ________________________(为争光) our _____________(祖国), we’ll _________________________ (感到荣幸).

3. ___________________________(实话说), we students are required _____________________ (对人诚实) others, and we should not _______________________(沉溺于hook) computer games.

4. There is no need to say that we should _______________________(做家庭作业). If possible, it’s necessary for us to ________________________(做些家务事).

5. _________________(怎么会) he _______________________________(缺乏幽默感)? He is _________________(没希望).

6. __________________(多久) do we need to take to _________________________(到医院) during ________________________(交通拥挤时间).

7. __________________(多久一次) do you _______________________(去看病).

8. The __________(女主人) and her ___________(丈夫) were ____________________________ (招待客人) in their beautiful ___________(巨大) ____________(房子).

9. He is ______________________(找书hunt…) everywhere in the library, from which we know that he is _____________________________(渴望知识).

10. After we _________________________(相互拥抱), he ___________________(匆匆离去). Seeing this, I asked him not to be _____________________(匆忙).

Day 47


1. There is a lot of evidence __________(表明) that music activities engage difference parts of the brain.

2. ______________(若有可能), ________(一…就) I get to Beijing, I’ll go to see you. 3. As an old saying goes, a friend _____________(患难) is a friend __________(真正地). 4. I can’t imagine his _______________________________(患这么重的病). 5. _____________________(要独立) is of great _________________(重要).

6. There is little ____________(可能) that our ___________(收入) is ____________________(在增长).

7. _________________________(工业革命) had _____________________________(影响很大) our life.

8. Please ________________________________(电话号码有变动告知我们). 9. If not ____________________(认真处理), the situation will get worse.

10. Everybody are required to take part in the social activities, _______________(包括) you/you ______________(包括).

Day 48


1. Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem _____________________(discuss) at the meeting. I insisted that he _________(do) it right, in other word, I insisted on his _________(do) it.

2. Don’t write your test paper ______________(用铅笔). ___________(相反), you must do it _____________ (用墨水).

3. To tell the truth, I was _____________(受到感动) by his ___________(鼓舞人心的) speech. 4. I ______________________________(没打算intention) getting married at present. ___________________(每隔一段时间), I go to visit _____________________ (名胜古迹). 5. This book is ____________________(为打算) for testing ________________(智力).

6. Sorry to ____________(打断) you, but I’ll __________________________(会见) the two ______________(口译者) in order to choose a better one.

7. An expert was ____________(邀请) to make an ______________(介绍) to the ________(发明) of the ___________(互联网) and its wide use.

8. Is it ________________(有趣) that a knife cut in the finger will heal ________(自己). But I know that nothing will go ______________(独立地) in the nature. ____________(本质上) everything helps each other.

9. He followed the operation ______________(说明书) ________________(一就 instant) he got the iPad.

10. It’s no use _________(哭) when you get stuck ___________________(在岛上).


Key to Day 45

1. hesitate, hearing 2. healthy, health 3. put your hear into doing, thought/spoken of 4. in heaven, can’t help getting to know, height, helicopter 5. With his help, hired, here and there 6. historical, historic, history 7. was hit on the head, break my heart 8. held the view, hid the fact from us 9. heroes, holidays, hobby, a great hit 10. held out

Key to Day 46

1. hope to hear, at home and abroad 2. win honor for, motherland, feel honored 3. To be honest, to be honest with, be hooked on 4. do our homework, do some housework 5. How come, has no sense of humor, hopeless 6. How long, go to the hospital, the rush hours 7. How often, go to hospital 8. hostess, husband, hosting their visitors, huge house 9. hunting for books, hungry for knowledge 10. hugged each other, hurried away/off, in a hurry

Key to Day 47

1. indicating 2. If possible, immediately/as soon as 3. in need, indeed 4. suffering from such a serious illness 5. To be independent, importance 6. possibility, income, on the rise 7. Industrial Revolution, a great influence on 8. inform us of any change of your telephone number 9. dealt with carefully 10. including, included

Key to Day 48

1. (should) be discussed, did, doing 2. with a pencil, Instead, in ink 3. inspired, inspiring 4. have no intention of, At intervals, places of interest 5. intended, intelligence 6. interrupt, have an interview with, interpreters 7. invited, introduction, invention, Internet 8. interesting, itself, by itself, In itself 9. instructions, the instant 10. crying, on the island