2019_2020高中英语阅读强化训练(含解析)牛津译林版必修5 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019_2020高中英语阅读强化训练(含解析)牛津译林版必修5更新完毕开始阅读ec78a180f11dc281e53a580216fc700aba685223

1.Why does the author put forward questions in Paragraph 1? A.To introduce the main topic. B.To show the author’s attitude. C.To describe the life long ago. D.To show the difference in old photos.

A 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段两个问题可判断,作者提出两个问题主要是为了引出文章的主要话题。

2.What does the underlined word “solemn” mean in Paragraph 3? A.Anxious. C.Serious.

B.Satisfied. D.Surprised.

C 解析:词义猜测题。结合前文的Some believe people simply couldn’t hold a smile for that long以及第五段第一句A solemn expression was considered a dignified(有尊严的) way to be represented forever可推知,以前人们在照相时需要选择一个严肃的表情,划线词意为“严肃的”。

3.What conclusion can we draw from Paragraphs 4 and 5? A.An old portrait is more a picture than an art. B.Both portraits and photos can be seen as art. C.Wide smiles are also rarely seen in old portraits. D.Old portraits were influenced by the earliest photographs.

C 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句和第五段最后一句可知,照相机出现之前,肖像画也是奢侈品,人们非常珍惜这难得的机会,因此在肖像画中他们也表现得很庄重,故很少见笑脸。

4.What is the passage mainly about? A.The development of photography. B.Technology progress in taking photos. C.The difference between portraits and photos. D.Reasons why smiles are rarely seen in old photos.

D 解析:主旨大意题。综合全文内容,尤其是第一段内容可知,本文主要探讨了为什么老照片里很少见到人们的笑脸。

Ⅱ 完形填空

My sister, Shirley, is now 83.She has lived on a farm for 64 years and has never been a __1__ to hard work.For the first 12 years of her marriage, she and her husband __2__five children while living in a small house.Her husband __3__ from 9 to 5, and Shirley was __4__for milking the cows, growing vegetables in the garden, and helping

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with the crops.

After her husband’s death, she __5__to raise beef cattle, and grow corns and soybeans.Shirley was __6__for the cattle she had.There was a waiting line of people who wanted to get __7__from her.

The farming is hard work, but she has always __8__ the difficulties.Looking out from the window at the cattle eating grass and crops growing gives her a __9__that she is a part of the land.It also gives her the pride that she is doing something that has been__10__to her family.

I’m the younger sister, so when I was in high school, I__11__the bus every day at Shirley’s farm to __12__her kids while she worked.When I was there, Shirley __13__me how to cook and clean, and how to grow vegetables.__14__I helped her with the kids every day, now I__15__that she helped me more than I did.She’s my sister, but she’s also been my __16__and role model.

Shirley is __17__among those in her community. She always has a smile on her face and loves __18__a delicious meal whenever you go to her house, as if by magic.And at 83, she’s __19__ not ready to retire.She continues to run the farm that has been passed down to her.She is a role model to all who know her.I’m __20__to be her sister.

【解题导语】 作者的姐姐83岁了,但仍然辛勤工作在劳动了一辈子的农场上。她乐观勤劳的人生态度感染着他人。

1.A.helper C.farmer

B.stranger D.host

B 解析:她在一个农场生活了64年,她对辛勤工作从来都不陌生,即她一直辛勤工作。“no stranger to sth.”是固定搭配。

2.A.raised C.lost

B.helped D.loved

A 解析:虽然住在一个小房子里,她和丈夫还是养育了(raised)五个孩子。 3.A.slept C.worked

B.stayed D.lived

C 解析:根据语境可知,她的丈夫朝九晚五地工作(worked)。 4.A.sorry C.eager

B.ready D.responsible

D 解析:她丈夫从早到晚工作,而她负责(responsible)挤牛奶、种蔬菜和粮食等。 5.A.expected C.continued

B.seemed D.stopped

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C 解析:根据语境可知,丈夫去世后,她继续(continued) 做着农场相关的工作。 6.A.well-known C.accepted

B.sad D.reminded

A 解析:根据下文的There was a waiting line of people who wanted to get可知,Shirley因为她养的牛而广为人知(well-known)。

7.A.vegetables C.corns

B.soybeans D.beef

D 解析:因为她养的牛很有名气,所以人们都排着队想买她家的牛肉(beef)。 8.A.dealt with C.brought in

B.given up D.held back

A 解析:农场的工作很辛苦,但是Shirley总是能应付(dealt with)困难。 9.A.plan C.picture

B.sense D.dream

B 解析:看到牛吃草和庄稼生长,她就感到自己属于这片土地,故选“sense”。 10.A.beautiful C.important

B.terrible D.nervous

C 解析:她同时也很骄傲,因为自己所做的事对这个家很重要(important)。 11.A.got off C.left for

B.went on D.waited for

A 解析:上高中时,作者每天都会在Shirley家的农场下车(got off)。 12.A.look for C.look up

B.look after D.look back

B 解析:根据语境可知,作者每天下车来到她家农场,在她工作时帮忙照看(look after)孩子。

13.A.asked C.taught

B.warned D.refused

C 解析:作者待在那里时,Shirley会教(taught)作者如何做饭和种蔬菜。 14.A.Although C.Because

B.But D.So

A 解析:根据后面的she helped me more than I did可知,尽管(although)作者当时每天帮她带孩子,但她给作者的帮助更多。

15.A.talk C.decide

B.realize D.forget

B 解析:根据语境可知,作者现在意识到(realize)姐姐给她的帮助比自己给姐姐的更

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16.A.teacher C.child

B.student D.family

A 解析:根据role model可知,她是作者的姐姐,也是作者的老师(teacher)和楷模。 17.A.ignored C.respected

B.missed D.understood

C 解析:根据语境可知,她在社区里受到人们的尊重,故选“respected”。 18.A.changing C.preparing

B.choosing D.eating

C 解析:她总是面带笑容,有人拜访她时她总会准备(preparing)美味的饭菜。 19.A.only C.just

B.ever D.still

D 解析:尽管Shirley已经83岁了,她仍然(still)没有退休的打算。 20.A.ashamed C.disappointed

B.proud D.lovely

B 解析:根据语境可知,她是所有人的榜样,作者为有这样的姐姐而感到自豪(proud)。

阅读强化训练(五) (建议用时:15分钟)

Ⅰ 阅读理解

When Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to enter the Boston Marathon with a number, in 1967, she knew she’d be changing history.At the time, women weren’t officially allowed to enter the race.To be accepted, Switzer signed up with her initials(英文缩写) as “K.V.Switzer”.On race day, however, she showed her lipstick and earrings proudly, taking her place at the starting line.

Switzer was at mile two when race manager John Semple, angered by a woman entering the male-only marathon, ran up and tried to push her off the course, yelling,“Get out of my race!” But with Switzer’s boyfriend knocking Semple back, she made it in four hours and twenty minutes.

To mark the 50th anniversary of her barrierbreaking run, Switzer, now 70, plans

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