2019_2020高中英语阅读强化训练(含解析)牛津译林版必修5 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2019_2020高中英语阅读强化训练(含解析)牛津译林版必修5更新完毕开始阅读ec78a180f11dc281e53a580216fc700aba685223

D.They are not loved by others.

B 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的It is a growing number of people who feel they are no longer useful, no longer needed...可知,一些富人感到痛苦是因为觉得自己不再有用、不再被社会需要,即感觉不到自己对社会的价值。

3.According to Paragraph 4, to build a compassionate society, ________.

A.leaders have an important part to play B.wealth is the most important thing

C.job opportunities are the basic requirement D.everyone should learn to be independent

A 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的But those in positions of responsibility have a special opportunity to...Leaders need to recognize...可知,要创建有同情心的社会,领导们需发挥重要作用。

4.Which of the following does the author agree with? A.It’s impossible to build a compassionate society. B.Anger and depression are the biggest problems. C.People need to be rich to serve the society. D.People all want to be needed.

D 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的But people’s refusal... shows something beautiful:a universal human hunger to be needed.可推断,人们对人身和物质财富安全的不满意表明人们普遍渴望被需要。

Ⅱ 完形填空

Like most successful people, Jerry Weintraub’s back story was inspiring.He worked hard in New York City with two partners,__1__shows performed by second-class actors in small venues(场地).

Elvis Presley, a__2__ singer, had spent the 1960s largely out of the public eye.For eight years he had no concerts.Jerry had the crazy __3__ to take Elvis on tour.He managed to __4__ the phone number of Colonel Parker, Elvis’ manager.He contacted Parker and __5__what he wanted to do.But Parker just said,“No, thank you!” For the next year, Jerry kept __6__ Parker every day.He believed that__7__Parker would give in.One day Jerry’s phone rang, and it was Parker.“Do you__8__want to take my boy on tour?” he asked.Jerry answered, “Of course!”Then Parker __9__to tell Jerry that if he wanted to do it, he should __10__in Las Vegas with a million dollars.Jerry agreed,__11__ there was one big problem:he didn’t have a million dollars.He called

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everyone he knew to ask for __12__.Then a friend of his mentioned that he knew a man in Seattle with much money, who happened to be an Elvis’__13__.Jerry visited him and proposed(提出) the idea;the man agreed to __14__ him a million dollars.The money arrived later.Jerry delivered the check to Parker.They__15__ to a 50/50 split(划分) on the tour income.At the conclusion of the wildly __16__ tour, Jerry earned several million dollars.His first success__17__ his confidence and ambition.

Jerry became a millionaire and the most successful manager in __18__ business.His story tells us that for success we should have a big vision for our business and life, ask for help when we __19__it and work hard regardless of the __20__in the way.

【解题导语】 本文讲述了娱乐业的传奇人物Jerry Weintraub成功挖到人生第一桶金的故事。他的成功经验告诉我们,成功离不开坚韧不拔的意志。

1.A.organizing C.discussing

B.watching D.joining

A 解析:根据He worked hard in New York City with two partners和下文他安排巡演的语境可知,他负责组织二流演员在小场地进行表演。故选“organizing”。

2.A.strange C.common

B.free D.famous

D 解析:根据语境和下文巡演很成功的信息可知,猫王Elvis Presley是当时有名的(famous)歌手。

3.A.theory C.theme

B.idea D.method

B 解析:由前后文内容可知Elvis Presley有八年没有开演唱会了,Jerry有一个大胆的想法(idea),那就是让Elvis搞巡回演出。

4.A.win C.get

B.sell D.earn

C 解析:根据前后文可知Jerry有了想法后开始行动,他弄到(get)了Elvis的经纪人的电话号码。

5.A.warned C.gave

B.began D.explained

D 解析:根据语境可知,Jerry联系Parker并向他解释了自己想做的事,故选“explained”。

6.A.visiting C.watching

B.calling D.noticing

B 解析:虽然遭到Parker的断然拒绝,Jerry还是坚持每天给Parker打电话。故选

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7.A.fairly C.finally

B.partly D.quickly

C 解析:Jerry之所以坚持不懈打电话,是因为他相信Parker最终(finally)会改变想法。

8.A.still C.also

B.even D.only

A 解析:根据One day Jerry’s phone rang, and it was Parker.和他的问话可知,Parker终于改变了想法,问Jerry是否仍然(still)想让Elvis搞巡回演出。

9.A.preferred C.expected

B.liked D.continued

D 解析:根据前后文内容可知,得知Jerry的态度Parker继续提出了详细条件,continue to do sth.意为“继续干某事”,故选“continued”。

10.A.set about C.show up

B.make out D.come down

C 解析:根据语境可知,Parker要求Jerry拿着100万美元来到拉斯维加斯。show up意为“露面,出现”,符合语境。

11.A.and C.as

B.but D.or

B 解析:Jerry同意了Parker提出的条件,但是(but)大问题来了:他拿不出100万美元。

12.A.help C.luck

B.voice D.word

A 解析:因为需要100万美元,Jerry给他认识的每一个人打电话以寻求帮助(help)。 13.A.friend C.assistant

B.neighbor D.fan

D 解析:前文提到Elvis是著名歌手,可推测Jerry的朋友提到的在西雅图的有钱人正好是Elvis的歌迷(fan),有可能帮助他。

14.A.post C.lend

B.leave D.pay

C 解析:联系前后文语境可知,那个人在得知详情后愿意借给(lend)Jerry 100万美元。 15.A.got C.turned

B.agreed D.led

B 解析:Jerry提供了100万美元后,与Parker达成一致,同意就巡回演出的利润五五

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16.A.successful C.positive

B.funny D.crazy

A 解析:根据后文Jerry赚了几百万美元可知,那次Elvis的巡回演出获得了空前的成功。故选“successful”。

17.A.achieved C.finished

B.increased D.changed

B 解析:根据语境可知,Jerry的第一次成功增加了(increased)他的自信和雄心壮志。 18.A.culture C.lecture

B.economy D.show

D 解析:由第一段可知Jerry的工作是组织演员演出,可以推断他成了演艺业里最成功的经纪人。故选“show”。

19.A.need C.lose

B.work D.miss

A 解析:Jerry的故事告诉我们,获得成功除了需要具备远见卓识,在你需要(need)帮助的时候也要寻求帮助。

20.A.decisions C.difficulties

B.chances D.directions

C 解析:想要获得成功还要不畏困难地付出努力,故选“difficulties”。

阅读强化训练(九) (建议用时:15分钟)

Ⅰ 阅读理解 London Bus Tour

The Big Bus Company offers open-top sightseeing tours with live guides, or with a digitally-recorded commentary in eight languages.Tickets are available for 24 hours.Admission prices are listed as follows, adults:£25;children:£10;family:

£55(2 adults+up to 3 children).The Big Bus Company has won Visit London sightseeing tour of the year three times.Central departure points include Marble Arch, Green Park,Victoria Station, Baker Street and Trafalgar Square.

London walking tours

One of London’s most established walking tour companies offers over 40 walks

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