高三英语-2016届高三第一次阶段性测试英语试题 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章高三英语-2016届高三第一次阶段性测试英语试题 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读ed735039773231126edb6f1aff00bed5b9f373bf









1. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a hospital. B. In a friend‘s house. C. In the man‘s house. 2. What is the woman going to buy?

A. A book on planes. B. Pictures of ships. C.A book on ships. 3. What kind of music does the man like?

A. Folk music. B. Pop music. C. Classical music. 4. Why doesn‘t the woman buy the coat?

A. It is expensive. B. There isn‘t her size. C. She doesn‘t like the color. 5. What is the man doing?

A. Finishing his homework. B. Doing physical exercise. C. Smoking on the upper floor. 第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。

6. What‘s the matter with Hudson‘s mother?

A. She was ill, but she felt much better. B. She was seriously ill. C. She went to see him. 7. What kind of person is Mr. Hudson according to the dialogue?

A. A very good worker. B. A person who often gets angry. C. A person who cares nothing.

8. Which may be the reason why Mr. Hudson is so sad? A. His mother‘s illness.

B. Maybe his son has brought him some trouble. C. His manager wants to fire him. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

9. What are the two speakers generally talking about?

A. People served in shops. B. Goods in various qualities. C. Shopping in different places. 10. What is the man?

A. A salesman in a small shop. B. A manager of a supermarket. C. A staff of a department store.

11. What might the woman think of supermarket staff?

A. They‘re unfriendly. B. They‘re very nice. C. They‘re well paid.



12. Why is it difficult for the woman to lose weight?

A. She enjoys delicious dishes too much. B. She works too long. C. She has no time for exercise. 13. Who is Michael?

A. John‘s manager. B. Julia‘s husband. C. Kate‘s friend. 14. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Change her job. B. Stop working and spend more time with her family. C. Eat less and do more exercise. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. Where does Mike work?

A. In a grocery. B. In a language school. C. In an art school. 16. What does the woman want to do for a change?

A. Learn to dance. B. Learn a new song. C. Learn to draw. 17. What is most difficult for the woman about learning Arabic?

A. Grammar. B. Pronunciation. C. Idioms. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

18. What kind of clothes does the speaker‘s sister like?

A. Cheap clothes. B. Ordinary clothes. C. Clothes of new design. 19. What do the twin sisters have in common?

A. They enjoy loud music. B. They enjoy friendship. C. They want to have their children.

20. Why doesn‘t the speaker like living in the same room with her twin sister? A. The speaker likes to keep things neat while her sister doesn‘t.

B. Her twin sister often brings friends home and makes too much noise. C. They can‘t agree on the color of the room. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)



21. __________ this kind of humour may sound cruel, it usually only works if both the

comedian and the audience have affection for or admire the person being made fun of. A. When B. Since C. While D. As

22. We cannot play a waiting game ________ we bet on future technological miracles.

A. where B. since C. as D. what

23. In the past couple of years, faced with the challenges from online book sellers, physical

bookstore owners ____ ways to ____ customers with different concerns and needs. A. have been exploring; cater to B. are exploring; appeal to C. have explored; catch up with D. had been exploring; adapt to 24. – Hurry up! Here comes the last boarding call for our flight for Berlin.

– Oh, no! I ____ my passport! Where ____ put it?

A. lose; could I B. have lost; could I have C. lost; might I D. had lost; can I have

25. A small action can make a big difference, and ____________ couldn‘t be truer when it comes to the efforts to cut down on carbon emissions in China.


A. what B. which C. that D. as

26. Fierce competition can never be avoided ____ the difference in payment and working condition exists.

A. as long as B. in case C. in that D. even if 27. Why did you break the rules and regulations? That‘s silly! Go to the corner and ____.

A. cool your heels B. search your heart C. talk your head off D. fall on your feet 28. Despite the first lady‘s speech, it is the designers‘ words that really__________ the students.

A. responded to B. stuck with C. got through D. wiped away 29. In the movie Automata the human race has been reduced to 21million people, _____ Earth is a radioactive desert, mostly _____ the sun is burning too brightly.

A. where; when B. while; as C. since; because D. when; where 30. Lorin Maazel was expected to direct the Munich Phiharmonic Orchestra at the opening of the festival, but with Maazel‘s passing away, the task now ______________ Andris Poga. A. breaks down B. falls on C. comes up with D. runs into

31. Katherine is not _______ in the way to treat her children. Sometimes she is too strict with them and sometimes she just allows them everything.

A. conventional B. consistent C. considerate D. controversial 32. The goal of The Shawshank Redemption is to show the viewer that with strength and patience, hope and the ____________ of that hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. A. practice B. revision C. preservation D. reward

33. He walked into his interview with __________ two links to online videos on a piece of paper.

A. anything but B. nothing but C. something but D. everything but 34. Biology has ________that teenagers go to sleep around midnight and don‘t feel fully awake

until 9-10 am, according to scientists.

A. declared B. announced C. reminded D. decided

35. – I was told that there were some problems with the demolition(拆迁)work. How‘s it going


– _____. Everything is back on the rails.

A. That‘s OK. B. All sorted. C. All right. D. Don‘t mention it.



Children‘s independent access to their local streets may be important for their own personal, mental and psychological development. Allowing them to get to know their own neighborhood and community gives them a ―sense of place‖. This depends on ― 36 exploration‖, which is not provided for when children are passengers in cars. Such children may see more, but they learn less. 37 is it important that children be able to get to 38 areas by themselves, but walking and cycling journeys to school and to other destinations provide 39 play activities in themselves.

The reduction in children‘s freedom may also contribute to a(n) 40 of the sense of local

community. As fewer children and adults use the streets as 41 , these streets become less 42 places. There is less opportunity for children and adults to have natural community. This in itself may increase 43 associated with attack of children, because there are 44 adults available who know their neighbors‘ children, and who can 45 for their safety.


The extra traffic 46 in transporting children results in increased traffic jams, pollution and accident 47 . As our roads become more dangerous, more parents drive their children to more places, 48 contributing to increased levels of danger for the remaining pedestrians. Anyone who has experienced either the 49 volume of traffic in peak hour during school holidays, or the traffic jam near schools at the end of a school day, will not need 50 about these points. Thus, there are also important environmental implications of children‘s 51 of freedom.

As 52 , parents strive to provide the best upbringing they can for their children. However, in doing so (e.g. by driving their children to sport, school or recreation) parents may be contributing to a more 53 environment for children generally. The idea that ―streets are for 54 and backyards and playgrounds are for children‖ is a strongly held belief, and parents have little choice as individuals but to keep their children 55 the streets if they want to protect their safety.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

A. compulsory A. Never A. local A. symbolic A. shifting A. pedestrians A. sociable A. frustration A. no A. check up A. controlled A. risk A. nevertheless A. enhanced A. motivating A. love A. adults A. favorable A. adults

B. organized B. Not only B. distant B. native B. increasing B. drivers B. convenient B. doubt B. fewer B. look out B. evolved B. peak B. furthermore B. maintained B. bothering B. loss B. individuals B. friendly B. cars B. up

C. active C. Seldom C. favorite C. actual C. focusing C. cyclists C. suitable C. fear C. more C. show off C. involved C. hour C. otherwise C. reduced C. alerting C. gain C. guardians C. inviting C. neighbors C. to

D. guided D. In no case D. popular D. amateur D. weakening D. neighbors D.comfortable D. fancy D. hardly D. hold on D. reserved D. trap D. thus D. released D. convincing D. fear D. a group D. dangerous D. architectures D. down

55. A. off




A new study produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit says American babies will have a dimmer future than those born in Hong Kong, Ireland and even Canada.

The EIU, a sister company of The Economist, attempted to measure how well countries will provide the best opportunities for a healthy, safe and prosperous life in years to come.

People born in Switzerland will tend to be the happiest and have the best quality of life judged in terms of wealth, health and trust in public institutions, according to the analysis.