山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors reading2理解学案 新人教版选修8 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors reading2理解学案 新人教版选修8更新完毕开始阅读edd3f6ad336c1eb91b375d8a

山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高中英语 Unit 5 Meeting your

ancestors reading2理解学案 新人教版选修8

【学习目标】 分析文脉,理解课文,使用适当的阅读方法与技能,把握课文内容并获取信息,处理信息。 【学习重点,难点】 提高阅读文章的技巧和如何从文章中获取有效的信息的能力。 【课型】新授课 【回顾预习】 学习指导 明确学习目标! 1. Review what we learned yesterday and prepare for dictation. Phrases: 1.领某人参观 2.对??感兴趣 3.不管、不顾 4.在??的中心 5.让??一直做某事 6.至多 7.有??制成 8.切碎 9.大量的 10.从??除去 11.关心、在意 Sentences: ①我一直在等我父母的来信。 _______________________________________________________ ②雨已经下了三个小时了。 _______________________________________________________③.自从2004年以来,我们一直在这里学习。 _______________________________________________________ 2.熟读第二部分单词,浏览课文,了解大意。 【新知识学习】 Task 1. Class Report. Task 2. Self-learning(自主学习) Skimming: What did Lala worry about? Scanning: Draw the main idea of each paragraph: Para1. A the description of Dahu. Para 2. B Lala and her families made preparations for the


提取有效信息! 答案力求简洁 feast. 总结 feast and she hoped the feast could be as good as the 短语 one last year. Women’s tasks 注意句子理解 Para3. C Lala worried about the preparations for the 文中 Para 4. D how did Dahu make tools. Detailed Reading between men and women. Men’s tasks Read the passage again and try to figure out the job divisions Language points: 一、Find out the following phrases 1.担心_______________2.向前看,为将来打算________________ 3.要是??就好___________4.因饥饿而头晕________________ 5被??抱住_______________6.宽慰的笑了________________ 7.时不时________________ 二、Sentences Analyzing: 1. 要是能像去年那样就好了! _____________________________________________________ If only 但愿......; 要是??就好了。其后一般用虚拟语气。 1) 要是我是你就好了。 __________________________________________________ 2) 要是他考试及格就好了。 __________________________________________________ 2. 突然间她坐了下去,结果被她那又笑又叫的妹妹卢娜一把搂了起来,拉拉宽慰地笑了。 ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ “only+不定式”结构通常在句中作结果状语,表示出乎意料或令人失望的结果。当不定式与句子的主语是被动关系时,不定式要用被动形式。 He hurried to the station _____________________(结果却发现火车已经走了)。


I wanted to slide into the room, _____________ (结果被发现了)。 Homework 做活页103相应习题。 Keys : Skimming 1. she was worried about the preparation for her feast. 2. 1-C 2-B 3-A 4-D Language points 1. worried about 2. look head 3. if only 4. become dizzy with hunger 5. be scooped with 6. smile with relief 7. now and then 二、 If only I were you. If only he had passed the exam. only to find the train had gone. only to be found