(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习专题限时检测(八)情态动词和虚拟语气 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习专题限时检测(八)情态动词和虚拟语气更新完毕开始阅读ee625ab886868762caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ecb71d

专题限时检测(八) 情态动词和虚拟语气



1.(2019·无锡高三一模)According to the school rule, no child ________ be allowed out of the school, unless accompanied by his own parents.

A.should C.shall

B.must D.can

解析:选C 句意:根据校规,孩子不可以离开学校,除非有他自己的父母的陪伴。shall用于第三人称,在条约、规定、法令等文件中表示义务或规定,意为“应该,必须”。

2.(2019·无锡一模)—I can't understand why he ________ so angry.I meant no offence.

—It's typical of him to be so sensitive. A.must have been C.might have been

B.should have been D.can have been

解析:选B 句意:“我不理解为什么他竟然会如此生气。我无意冒犯。”“他一向是个很敏感的人。”should此处意思为“竟然”。

3.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇二模)—Sherry rang to say she was too busy to come. —Well, she ________ say that. She is always making excuses. A.mustn't C.needn't

B.would D.should

解析:选B 句意:“雪莉打电话说她太忙了不能来。”“好吧,她老是那样说。她总是给自己找借口。”根据答语中的“She is always making excuses”可知,此处应用would,表示过去习惯性的动作。

4.(2019·常州一模)Using AI, many companies are now conducting experiments that ________ possible just a few years ago.

A.would have been B.might have been C.shouldn't have been D.couldn't have been

解析:选D 句意:如今使用人工智能后,许多公司都可以做在几年前不可能做的实验。句意为否定,表示过去的可能性,故用could not have been。

5.(2019·徐州、淮安、连云港一模)—It's really great to have a computer to store my photos.

—Don't count on it too much.It ________ break down and you'd better make a copy

of them.

A.must C.should

B.can D.will

解析:选B 句意:“有电脑储存我的照片真的很棒。”“不要对电脑过分依赖。它有可能会发生故障,你最好做个备份。”can表示可能性。

6.(2019·徐州、淮安、连云港一模)—What a pity! You missed my birthday party. —Terribly sorry! ________ my uncle not visited me unexpectedly. A.Should C.Had

B.Would D.Did

解析:选C 句意:“好可惜,你没有参加我的生日宴会。”“非常遗憾,要是我叔叔昨天没有突然来看我(我就不会错过你生日了)。”答句是一个省略句,省略了主句,而且还是一个倒装句。had my uncle not visited me unexpectedly=if my uncle had not visited me unexpectedly。

7.(2019·南京、盐城一模)Pele had bags of natural talent, but he ________ without the determination to deal with all the problems life threw in his path.

A.would never succeed B.never succeeded

C.would never have succeeded D.had never succeeded

解析:选C 句意:贝利是很有天赋,但是如果没有处理生活中遇到的所有问题的决心,他是永远不会成功的。本句是由without呈现的含蓄虚拟语气,再根据句中的第一个谓语动词had,可以判断此处是表示与过去事实相反的愿望,主句部分应该用“would+have+过去分词”。

8.(2019·镇江一模)I felt like giving up.I probably _______, but my Dad whispered, “Come on! You can make it.”

A.would have C.should

B.would D.should have

解析:选A 句意:我想放弃。我可能会的,但我爸爸小声说:“加把劲!你可以做到。”but引导的并列句,表示隐匿的条件,根据谓语动词whispered,可知,此处表示与过去事实相反的愿望,所以主句中用“would have+过去分词”。

9.(2019·泰州一模)—Hope there will be an end to the trade war between China and the US.

—Indeed, otherwise both sides ________ a lot. A.must suffer

B.were to suffer

C.suffered D.would suffer

解析:选D 句意:“希望中美之间的贸易战能够结束。”“是的,要不然的话,双方都会遭受很大的损失。”otherwise 表示隐匿的条件,根据句意可知此处表示的是与将来事实可能相反的愿望,所以主句部分用“would+动词原形”。

10.(2019·扬州一模)If she ________ make such a simple wish as not to be teased for disability last Christmas, Amy would still feel lonely now.

A.had dared not C.dared not

B.hadn't dared to D.didn't dare to

解析:选B 句意:如果去年圣诞节她不敢许不被人取笑为残疾这么简单的愿望,艾米现在还是会感到孤独。由last Christmas可知是与过去事实相反,所以从句中用had done。

11.(2019·南通一模)If it had not been for the heroes' contributions and sacrifices, we ________ such a happy life now.

A.wouldn't have led C.haven't led

B.wouldn't be leading D.are not leading

解析:选B 句意:要不是英雄们的贡献和牺牲,我们如今不会过上如此幸福的生活。本句是混合条件句,从句与过去的事实相反,用的是“had+动词的过去分词”。但是主句是与现在的事实相反,所以用“would+动词原形”。此处是与现在正在发生的事情相反,用了进行式。

12.(2019·南通七市二模)I would not be seeing the film Green Book now ________ me up in time.

A.were Kathy not to pick B.had Kathy not picked C.if Kathy hasn't picked D.if Kathy did not pick

解析:选B 句意:要是Kathy没有及时的接我,我现在就不会在看《绿皮书》这部电影了。该句是混合条件句。从句部分是表示的与过去事实相反的愿望,所以应该用“had+过去分词”。此处省略了if,将had提至句首。had Kathy not picked me up in time=if Kathy had not picked me up in time。

13.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇二模)The accident which left 15 people on board dead ________ if both the angry female passenger and the bus driver had kept calm.

A.should have avoided C.could have avoided

B.should be avoided D.could have been avoided

解析:选D 句意:如果愤怒的女乘客和巴士司机都保持冷静的话,这起导致车上15人死亡的事故本来是可以避免的。根据从句中“had kept calm”可知本句是表示与过去事


14.(2019·盐城三模)If the new security system ________ into effect, such accidents would never have happened.

A.would be put C.should be put

B.were put D.had been put

解析:选D 句意:如果新的安全系统已经得以实施,这种事故本就不会发生。根据主句中的谓语动词“would never have happened”可知该句表示的是与已经发生的事情相反的愿望,所以从句中用“had+过去分词”。

15.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇三模)The explosion in the chemical plant ________ avoided had the county authorities, aiming too much at shortterm interests, performed their duties from the beginning.

A.should be C.must have been

B.might be D.could have been

解析:选D 句意:如果县政府从一开始就履行职责,不是过分着眼于短期利益,那么化工厂的爆炸就可以避免。“had the county authorities, ..., performed their duties from the beginning”是省略了if的条件状语从句。正常的语序是:if the county authorities had performed ...;由此可见本句表示与过去事实相反的愿望,主句中应该用“would/could/might+have+过去分词”。


1.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇二模)Ann said whenever her father was unhappy he ________ go out and buy something, usually something large and useless.

A.should C.would

B.could D.might

解析:选C 句意: Ann说无论何时,她爸爸不开心的时候,总是出去买点东西,通常是一些大而无用的东西。表示过去某种倾向或习惯性动作,用would。

2.(2019·南京三模)—Excuse me, do you mind if I open the window? —Well, if you ________.I can put on more clothes. A.can C.must

B.may D.shall

解析:选C 句意:“对不起,我打开窗户你介意吗?”“好吧,如果你非得打开的话。我可以穿更多的衣服。”must表示“非得,一定要”。

3.(2019·苏、锡、常、镇三模)—Mum, little Ray broke his toys again! —It doesn't matter.You see, accidents ________ happen.