【步步高 学案导学设计】2014-2015学年高中英语(外研版,必修三)课时作业:Module 1 Period 3 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【步步高 学案导学设计】2014-2015学年高中英语(外研版,必修三)课时作业:Module 1 Period 3更新完毕开始阅读ee89cffcd0d233d4b14e6994

Period Three Integrating Skills


1.I asked the man ________(对面的) if he would open the door.

2.My parents are in ________(同意) on what color to paint the house. 3.He ________(签名) his name on the cheque.

4.You may ________(想像) their astonishment at finding the room empty. 5.The boy who is speaking to Helen enjoys playing ________(英式足球). 6.She didn’t ________ (提到) it to me. Ⅱ.选词填空

be opposite to;refer to;next to;arrive at an agreement;sign up for;come from 1.Don’t ________________ your note while making a speech. 2.Tom lives ________________ me.We are neighbours.

3.The six sides ________________________ to stop the war. 4.The boy ________________ the countryside is a kind child. 5.His result ________________ mine.

6.I’m thinking of ________________________ the course this term. Ⅲ.同义词辨析

1.用in front of或in the front of填空

(1)There is a tall tree ______________ the building.

(2)The boy took a seat ________________________ the bus. (3)She parked her car ________________________ the office. 2.用arrive,get或reach的适当形式填空 (1)After two hours,they ________ at the school. (2)The couple ________ London last Monday. (3)When did you ________ to Shanghai?

(4)I’ll call you as soon as I ________ in Beijing. Ⅳ.单项填空

1.It’s easy to find—there is a church just ________ my house. A.in B.opposite C.on D.through

2.Her husband has disappeared for as long as two months,and no one knows his ________. A.where B.address C.whereabouts D.result

3.Can you imagine ________?Which of the following is WRONG? A.that Tom can cook the dinner B.Tom’s cooking the dinner C.Tom to cook the dinner D.Tom cooking the dinner

4.Philadelphia is ________ the east coast of the USA,not ________ Washington. A.along;far away B.off;far from C.on;far from D.to;far away from 5.—He isn’t a teacher,is he? —________.He works in a hospital. A.Yes,he is B.No,he isn’t C.Yes,he isn’t D.No,he is

6.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ________ his notes. A.bringing up B.referring to C.looking for D.trying on

7.Sally’s never seen a play in the Shanghai Grand Theatre,________? A.hasn’t she B.has she C.isn’t she D.is she

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8.You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must________you,I suppose. A.agree with B.agree to C.agree on D.agree about 9.He is the opposite ________ his brother. A.to B.of C.against D.from

10.The ________ on the wall says “No smoking.” A.sign B.sight C.signal D.symbol Ⅴ.完形填空

Few other nations are so much interested in horse racing as the English.The famous races Ascot are held every year and followed by sports fans all over England.The king (or the queen) also attends __1__ and presents the winner with a gold cup.To __2__ this gold cup is the dream of every owner of a race horse.All newspapers,great and small,are full of detailed description of the __3__,and the name of the __4__ winner of the Ascot cup is pronounced by everyone __5__ of a great hero. It happened once,however,some seventy years ago,that the gold cup was stolen a few days before the race!The police __6__ it all over the country but could not find it. Just at the time,Mark Twain,the witty American writer,__7__ England.He was __8__ by an English Literary Society to be __9__ at a dinner given in his honor.After dinner the President of the Society rose to __10__ a toast(祝酒) to Mark Twain’s health and praise in __11__ the talent of the famous American.Mark Twain in __12__ started his speech with the following words:

Gentlemen,I thank you for the great honor you __13__ me,__14__ I very much doubt whether all your countrymen join you in your warm welcome.When I arrived at Dover yesterday,and __15__ my foot in ‘Merry Old England’,the first thing I saw was a newspaper poster and on it,__16__ my great surprise,I read two __17__ printed in big red letters:


These two announcements stood so closely together that it __18__ seemed,gentlemen,as if some people in this country __19__ sure that my arrival had something to do with the disappearance of the gold cup!

This witty speech of the famous American author was __20__ a shout of laughter. 1.A.them B.it C.that D.this 2.A.hold B.win C.catch D.keep 3.A.problem B.winner C.race D.nations 4.A.brave B.good C.great D.lucky 5.A.as this B.like that C.like those D.as it 6.A.searched for B.looked after C.waited for D.cared for 7.A.reached in B.went into C.arrived in D.got in 8.A.asked B.visited C.seen D.invited 9.A.present B.joined C.attended D.given 10.A.raise B.lift C.propose D.hold 11.A.this way B.every way

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C.many methods 12.A.reply

C.his suggestion 13.A.had done C.do 14.A.as if C.though 15.A.set C.went 16.A.for C.with

17.A.articles C.paragraphs 18.A.really C.mainly 19.A.may be C.are

20.A.received C.met D.bad manners B.his question D.his heart B.did

D.have done B.as though D.even if B.got D.started B.to D.by

B.passages D.headings B.hardly D.foolishly B.must be D.were B.met with D.heard

What’s the difference between...and...???和??的区别是什么? 1.What’s the difference between American English and British English? 美国英语和英国英语的区别是什么?

2.What’s the difference between across and between? across和between的区别是什么?

Period Three Integrating Skills

Ⅰ.1.opposite 2.agreement 3.signed 4.imagine 5.soccer 6.mention Ⅱ.1.refer to 2.next to 3.arrived at an agreement 4.coming from 5.is opposite to 6.signing up for Ⅲ.1.(1)in front of (2)in the front of (3)in front of [(1)in front of在(外部)??的前面。 (2)in the front of在(内部)??的前面。] 2.(1)arrived (2)reached (3)get (4)arrive

[(1)arrive为不及物动词,到达较大的地方用arrive in,到达较小的地方用arrive at。 (2)get为不及物动词,若接宾语,用get to+宾语结构。 (3)reach为及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。]

Ⅳ.1.B [句意为:我家很容易找到,正对面有座教堂。opposite在此处用作介词,意为“在……对面”,符合句意。]

2.C [此处whereabouts是名词,意为“去向,行踪”。句意为:她的丈夫失踪两个月了,没有人知道他的去向。]

3.C [imagine后跟宾语从句或动名词,不跟不定式的复合结构。]

4.C [由句意可知,Philadelphia在美国的东海岸,故用on;far from sp.离某地较远。] 5.B [由答语中的后一句可知他的身份不是教师,在否定反意疑问句答语中yes的实际含义为“不”,no的实际含义为“是”,因此应选B项。]

6.B [句意为:总统在商务会议上发言将近一小时,没有参考发言稿。refer to参考,查阅;bring up抚养,养育;look for寻找;try on试穿。]

7.B [句中出现了否定副词never,在变反意疑问句时要用肯定形式,故可排除A、C两项;又因为Sally’s是Sally has的缩写,即是现在完成时态,故选B项。]

8.A [句意为:你看起来气色很好。我想三亚的空气和海鲜一定适合你。agree with同

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意(sb./what sb.says等);适合;agree to同意(计划、建议、安排等);agree on就??达成协议,就??取得一致意见;agree about不是固定搭配。根据句意,这里表示“适合”,故选A项。]

9.B [the opposite of...……的对立面。] 10.A [句意为:墙上的标志牌上写着“请勿抽烟”。sign标记;标志牌;sight视力;signal信号;symbol象征;符号。]

Ⅴ.1.A [国王或王后也出席这著名的比赛。them在这里指the famous races。] 2.B [“赢得”这个金杯是每一个赛马者的梦想。win赢得,获得。] 3.C [大小报纸都对“比赛”进行详细报道。] 4.D [能获得金杯当然是“幸运”的。]

5.B [金杯获得者像大英雄一样被人们谈论。that在这里作代词,指代前文的name。] 6.A [从空后的“but could not find it”可知警察在全国“寻找”被盗的金杯。] 7.C [就在那时,马克·吐温“到达”英国。]

8.D [他受英国文学协会“邀请”,出席一个为他举办的宴会。] 9.A [present在此作形容词,意为“出席的”。] 10.C [句意为:饭后文学协会主席站起来,提议为马克·吐温的健康干杯。propose a toast to是固定搭配,意为“提议为……干杯”。]

11.B [句意为:他从各个方面赞美了马克·吐温的才能。] 12.A [句意为:马克·吐温讲了下面的一番话作为答辞。in reply作为答复。]

13.D [句意为:先生们,感谢你们的盛情款待。此处用现在完成时,强调动作的完成。] 14.C [句意为:尽管我十分怀疑你们的国民是否都像你们一样,热烈欢迎我的到来。] 15.A [set foot on/in固定搭配,意为“到达”。]

16.B [to one’s great surprise固定搭配,意为“令某人非常吃惊的是”。] 17.D [从下文可以看出,报纸上出现了两个“标题”,故用headings。]

18.A [句意为:因为这两个标题离得这么近,这的确似乎是有人认为我的到来与金杯的丢失有关。]

19.D [此处讲的是马克·吐温刚踏上英国国土所发生的事情,因此用一般过去时。] 20.B [句意为:这位著名美国作家的诙谐演讲引来一阵笑声。meet with意为“遇到;受到”。]

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