译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语入学考试试卷D卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语入学考试试卷D卷更新完毕开始阅读eea1c66bef630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26997c0


一、 单项选择。(本题满分50分,每小题2分) (共25题;共50分)

1. (2分)WeChat is _________ useful tool to communicate with others nowadays. A . an B . / C . the D . a

2. (2分)Did you know that the earth is home to ______ animals? A . million B . millions C . million of D . millions of

3. (2分)— _______ Ahuang _______ dog? — Yes, it is. A . Does; a B . Is; a C . Does; an D . Is; an

4. (2分)The road is over __________ metres long. A . six hundred and fifty—two B . six hundreds and fifty—two C . six hundred, fifty— two

5. (2分)My birthday is in . It's the ninth month of the year. A . August B . September C . October D . November

6. (2分)—________ do you visit your grandfather? —Once a week.

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A . How many B . How soon C . How often

7. (2分)When you walk through the buildings, protect you from ______ objects. A . falling B . fell C . fallen D . to fall

8. (2分)It's unnecessary ________ us ________ the work within two days. A . for; finish B . of; finish C . for; to finish D . of; to finish

9. (2分)Millie has some now friends. She likes to play with _________ after school. A . me B . us C . you D . them

10. (2分)I have a little sister. _______ name is Kina. A . His B . Her C . Its D . My

11. (2分)We should take pride ______ our motherland and be proud ______ her history. A . of; in B . of; of C . in; of D . in; in

12. (2分)Many people do not realize the importance of health ________ they have fallen.

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A . after B . while C . when D . until

13. (2分)—What do you think of your junior high school life? —I think it is one of _________ periods in my life. A . wonderful B . more wonderful C . much wonderful D . the most wonderful

14. (2分)My mom must cook fish in the kitchen, because it A . tastes B . looks C . smells D . feels

15. (2分)Thanks to the Internet, the world seems to become A . smaller and smaller B . small and small C . more and more small D . smallest and smallest

16. (2分)What ____________ things do you want to buy? A . others B . the other C . other

17. (2分)—How old are you, Tom? —I'm ________. A . twelve B . Daming C . in Class One

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very nice. .

D . fine

18. (2分)Our teacher gives us love. We will repay(报答)her when we grow up. A . so many B . so few C . so much D . so little

19. (2分)— Would you like to watch The Great Wall 《长城》with me? —Certainly. I don't mind ________ it again although I ______ it twice. A . to see, saw B . seeing, have seen C . to see, have seen D . seeing, saw

20. (2分)Tom asked me ______________. A . if would I go sightseeing B . how I will go sightseeing C . when I want to go sightseeing D . where I would go sightseeing

21. (2分)Taking more exercise __________ good for your health. A . is B . are C . was D . were

22. (2分)—Tom, have you ever read the book A Tale of Two Cities ______ by Charles Dickens? —Yes, I finished reading it last winter vacation. A . wrote B . to write C . writing D . written

23. (2分)I ____ you as soon as I get to Beijing.

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