2017届高考英语第一轮单元知识点复习导学案27(必修一unit_travel_journal)AUHPwA 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2017届高考英语第一轮单元知识点复习导学案27(必修一unit_travel_journal)AUHPwA更新完毕开始阅读ef0ce013ac51f01dc281e53a580216fc710a5364

必修一Unit 3 Travel journal


[写得准] [用得活] [积得多] 1.cycle vi. 骑用所给词的适当形式1.如何“劝”说某人做自行车 填空 disadvantage 某事 ①persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 ②advise sb. to do sth. 2.persuade vt. 说服;1.The 劝说 3.attitude n. 态度;看法 4.journey n. 旅行;旅程 (advantage) of the material is that it fades in the strong sunlight. 2.Li Hua is a young man with great 建议某人做某事 ③urge sb.to do sth. 5.view n. 风景;视野;determination.He 观点;见解 determined to go to 力劝某人做某事 after ④argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 ⑤talk sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 2.与“性格”有关的形 vt. 观看;注视;考Tibet 虑 6.forecast n.&vt. 预测;预报 7.transport n.&vt. 运送;运输 graduation.Determined never to come back before he could make a big fortune, he left home without saying a 8.schedule n. 时间表;word.(determine) 进度表 3.John is very 容词小结 stubborn

vt. 为某事安排reliable — if he ①时间 9.stubborn adj. 顽固的;固执的 10.insurance n. 保险 promises to do 固执的 something he will do it, so you can rely on him to help you when you are in ②easy-going 随和的 ③outgoing 外向的 ④gentle 温和的 11.disadvantage n.不利trouble.(rely) 条件;不便之处→4.Mr.Black, who is a ⑤optimistic 乐观的 advantage n.有利条件;very 优势 12.organize vt.组织;成立→organizer n.组织者→organization n.组织→organized adj.有组织的 organized ⑥pessimistic 悲观person, works as the 的 president of a large international organization.He is 的 3.表示“优缺点”的相⑦outspoken 坦率的 ⑧determined 坚毅busy organizing a conference to be held next week with his 关词汇 ①13.graduate vi.毕业 assistants.(organize) n.大学毕业生→5.He prefers to surf 错误! graduation n.毕业;毕the Internet rather ②业典礼 14.prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)→ than do anything else because computer ??strength n. 优势 playing ???weakness n. 劣势 is his ③preference.(prefer) 6.My brother is a preference n.偏爱;爱graduate in physics ??strong point 长处好 15.determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心→determined adj.坚决的;有决心的→and he from University.He ?

?shortcoming n. 缺点graduated ? Beijing has been working in a famous after graduation.(graduatecompany determination n.决心 16.reliable adj.可信赖) 的;可靠的→rely vi.依靠;信赖





选用左栏短语填空 1.“喜欢”一族


she is ①be fond of 自从;自……以后 1.Once

determined to do

喜欢…… 2.be_fond_of 喜

something, no one

②be keen on 喜爱;喜欢


爱…… 3.care_about 关

change_her_mind. 心;忧虑;惦念 2.As_usual,_David ③have a fancy for 喜4.change_one’was late for school 欢……

s_mind 改变主意 again, but to his ④take a pleasure in 5.make_up_one’surprise, the teacher 以……为乐

s_mind 下决心;didn’t punish him ⑤be crazy about

this time. 对……着迷 决定

3.While he was

⑥be addicted to 6.give_in 投降;屈

rescuing survivors

对……上瘾 服;让步

in the ruins, little

2.mind相关短语一览 7.as_usual 照常

did he care_about ①change one’s mind 8.at_midnight 在his safety. 午夜

4.As most of their 改变主意 damaged


the 下决心;决定

9.put_up 张贴;搭houses were badly ②make up one’s mind 建

10.get_sb._interesteearthquake,many ③keep/bear ... in mind


④fix one’s mind upon/on 把注意力 集中在……

⑤read one’s mind看懂某人的心思

d_in 使某人people had to be

put_up in a stadium. 对……感兴趣

5.I know you


are_fond_of 梦想

ice-cream,but you

12.feel_like 想要;

will gain weight if


you eat too much.
