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给你支招 建议信是写信人向收信人对某事提出自己的建议或忠告,有可能是写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的看法和观点;也可能是写给某个组织和机构,就改进其服务提出建议或忠告。建议信不同于投诉信,所以写信人一定要注意礼貌当先。建议信和普通的信件一样,通常由六部分构成:信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语和签名。 建议信要写出写信的原因,建议的内容,提出建议的理由和根据。理由要合情合理,语气一定要礼貌。因此建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。建议信一般采取―三段式结构‖。 首段:针对对方对自己的信任简单表示感谢,亦可表明自己的诚意。建议信的开头必须指明建议的前提和事情的原委,对自己的立场作一些解释。 中段:围绕问题,结构清晰、科学婉转地提出建议。注意充分考虑对方的实际情况,表达时应选择得体用语。切忌用语生硬强制,泛泛而谈。通常以firstly,secondly,thirdly或to begin with,then,later等依次陈述建议。 尾段:简单予以希望。希望自己的建议能对对方有所帮助。通常在建议信的结尾部分阐明你所提供的劝告或建议仅供对方参考,常用表达有:I hope you will take my advice into account./I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions/recommendationspractical/useful/ helpful。 品味鉴赏 目前,你们学校图书馆的服务存在一些问题。假如你是李明(高三五班的一名学生),请你给你们品味佳作 Dear Sir, As a student of Class 5,的校长写一封信,提出一些有利于图书馆管理的合Grade 3,I would like to take 理化建议。内容如下: the opportunity to express my 1.图书馆电脑的大部分键盘都有操作上的问题,appreciation for the kind 给学生带来很多不便,建议更换新的键盘; assistance of our 2.建议图书馆购买更多新书,定购更多学术期刊; library.Meanwhile,I feel that 3.自习教室的照明系统也需要进一步的改进。 注意:1.词数:100左右; it would be beneficial to express my views concerning 18

2.不要逐条翻译,可以适当增加细节。 参考词汇:subscribe to 定购 Dear Sir, the quality of the library service. In the first place,I find that I‘m writing to tell you some suggestions on how to most computer keyboards in improve our library. the library are in poor Firstly,I find that most computer keyboards in the condition,which causes library are bad(用词不贴切,最好为poor).It(将它改much inconvenience to 为which且把其前的句号改为逗号,即前后两句整users.So I suggest that the 合成一个复合句) causes many(in convenience是不library buy some new 可数名词,其前应用much) inconvenience to users.I keyboards.Secondly,since suggest that the library will the students need more and (suggest后的从句谓语动词用should+动词原形) more information in their buy some new keyboards.Secondly,our library had study,I would also better to (had better后应接动词原形,故去掉to) buy recommend the library to more new books and subscribe to more academic purchase more new books journals to let the students get more and more and subscribe to more informations (information是不可数名词,故去掉s) in academic journals.Last but their study.Last but not least,the lights in the study not least,the study rooms room are not bright.In order to protect our eyes,we need to be furnished with a need ∧(此处应添加a) better lighting system.Surely,better lighting system,we‘ll benefit a lot of (a lot of后没宾语,故去掉of). which,no doubt,will be These are only my personal suggestions,∧(前后两beneficial to our eyesight. 个句子缺少连词but) I hope they could be taken into consideration. Best regards. Yours sincerely, Li Ming These are only my personal suggestions,but I hope they could be taken into consideration. Best regards. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 19

以我之见 1.本文注意了建议信的逻辑顺序和语言特点。文章中使用了一些过渡词:meanwhile,in the first place, so,secondly,last but not least等。在语言上,语气中肯、委婉,符合建议信的特点。如:①I feel that it would be beneficial to...;② These are only my personal suggestions,but I hope they could be taken into consideration.等。 2.用了一些高级词汇(短语),如:beneficial有益的;take the opportunity to利用这个机会;be furnished with安装有……的。 【趁热打铁】


厂,河水受到污染。请你向厂长写一封120~150 词的信,信中包含以下内容: 1.建厂前河流的概况; 2.工厂倾倒废水造成的后果; 3.呼吁采取措施,保护环境。 【参考范文】 Dear Sir,

My name is Xie Kai.You know,there is a river near your factory.It was a beautiful river

with clean water.Many lovely fishes were swimming in it.There were flowers and grass on

it‘s both banks.But we can‘t see it now.Since your factory opened,it has become dirty and

smells terrible.The fishes die because the river is seriously polluted by the waste water.The

environment is becoming worse and worse because of the polluted river.We must protect our

environment;we must do something for the river! I think you can buy some machines to


clean the waste water.Then,the river will be clean again.All the people around your factory

will thank you very much! A middle school student, Xie Kai

Unit 2 English around the world

Period 1-2 Warming-up and Speaking