生活大爆炸_第一季_1-3集_剧本中英文台词 联系客服

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Sometimes he finds that filling, other times he doesn't. 有时他吃到那种馅,有时候没有, It's no fault of Quiznos- they have a varied menu. -Penny:Okay, whatever. It sounds like fun. -Leonard:Great. Did we say a time -Penny:6:30 -Leonard:And that's still good for you -Penny:It's fine. -Leonard:Cause it's not carved in stone -Penny:No, 6:30’s great. -Leonard:I'll get my chisel. -Penny:Why -Leonard:To... carve the... I'll see you at 6:30. -Leonard:How do I look -Sheldon:Could you be more specific -Leonard:Can you tell I'm perspiring a little -Sheldon:No. 这不是店家的错,他们的菜单很丰盛。 好吧,无所谓啦,听起来挺有意思的。 很好,我们约时间了吗 6点半。 你确定那时有空 对。 不是刻在石板上非得那时去哦。 6点半正好。 我去拿凿子。 为什么 去刻在石...6点半见。 我看起来如何 你能说具体一点吗 能看出来我在冒汗吗 不能。 The dark crescent shaped patterns under your arms conceal 你腋下深色的新月状图案将其隐藏的很好。 it nicely. What time is your date -Leonard:6:30 你几点约会 6点半。 -Sheldon:Perfect. That gives you two hours and 15 minutes 太好了,那你还有2小时15分,让那片稠密的人造纤维分子云for that dense molecular cloud of ,aromas to dissipate. 消散。 -Leonard:Is it too much -Sheldon:Not if you're a rugby team. 汗很多吗 如果你是橄榄球队员就不算多。 -Leonard:By the way, if it should ever come up, you didn't 如果以后提到今晚的事,你没来参加的原因是, join us because you stuffed yourself with a chicken carbonara sub 你在Quiznos吃鸡肉意面吃撑了。 at Quiznos. -Sheldon:Why would I join you -Leonard:No reason. Oh, you know what, maybe this isn't such a good idea. 我为什么要去参加 不为什么。 你知道吗,也许这样做不好。 -Sheldon:Oh, no, well, now there's always the possibility 不,酒精加上她一时糊涂, that alcohol and poor judgment on her part might lead to a nice romantic evening. 总有可能让今晚成为浪漫之夜。 -Leonard:You're right. Alcohol, poor judgment- - it could 你说的对,酒、糊涂,今晚有可能会顺利的。 go well. -Sheldon:Of course there is the other possibility, 当然还有另一种可能性, that this date kicks off a rather unpleasant six months 之后的6个月都会很难捱,俩人在走廊里尴尬的擦身而过, of the two of you passing awkwardly in the hall, until one of you breaks down and moves to another zip code. 直到其中一人崩溃并搬到别的州去。 -Leonard:You could've stopped at it could go well. -Sheldon:If I could've, I would've. -Leonard:I mean, I'm a perfectly nice guy. 你说到\可能会顺利\就可以闭嘴了。 如果我能的话我会的。 我是绝种好男人。 There's no reason we couldn't go to the restaurant, and 没理由我们不能,在餐厅吃好顿晚餐, have a lovely dinner, maybe afterwards, talk about things we have in common. You love pottery I love pottery! There's a pause, we both know what's happening. I lean in, we kiss. 饭后散散步,聊些共同话题。 你喜欢陶艺 我超爱陶艺的! 然后暂停一下,我们都知道接下来要发生什么。 我倾身向前,我俩接吻。 It's a little tentative at first, but then I realize she's 开始时还有点犹豫,然后她开始回吻我。 kissing me back. She's biting my lower lip! She wants me! 她在咬我的下唇! 她想要我! This thing is going the distance! We're going to have sex! 这事能成!我们会做爱! Oh, god, oh, my god! -Sheldon:Is the sex starting now -Leonard:I'm having a panic attack. -Sheldon:Oh, okay. Uh, well then... calm down. 天,上帝啊! 现在开始做爱了 我恐慌症发作了。 好吧,冷静点。 -Leonard:If I could calm down, I won’t be having a panic 如果我能冷静就不会恐慌了! 不然这怎么叫做恐慌症发作! attack that's why they call it a panic attack. -Sheldon:All right, all right. Uh, s- s- sit down. Yeah, sit down. Now close your eyes. -Leonard:Why -Sheldon:Just do it. -Leonard:Okay. 好好,你坐下。 坐下,闭上眼。 为什么 照做吧! 好。 -Sheldon:Now try to increase your alpha wave activity. 试着增加你α波的活性 (α波是脑电图中最著名的一种波在正常成年人闭眼放松时产生) -Leonard:What! -Sheldon:It's a biofeedback technique. It's relaxation through brain wave manipulation. 什么 ! 这是机能反馈疗法。 通过控制脑电波来放松。 I read a paper about it in journal of American 我在美国神经科学月刊上看到一篇关于它的论文。 neuroscience. It was a little sparsely sourced, but I think the basic 它的理论来源不完备,但是我认为基本原理正确。 science is valid. I probably have it here somewhere. 我可能把它放在这了。 -Leonard:Who am I kidding I can't go through with this. 我没法赴这个约会。 You need to call her and cancel. -Sheldon:Me -Leonard:Yes. -Sheldon:What should I tell her -Leonard:I don't know. Tell her I'm sick. -Sheldon:Ok 你给她打电话取消吧。 我 对 我要跟她说什么 我不知道。 跟她说我病了。 好。 -Leonard:Not the kind of illness that will make her want 别说那种会让她想来照顾我的病, to come over and take care of me, but nothing so critical that she'll feel uncomfortable 也不要严重得让她以后不愿跟我约会的病, going out with me in the future. if I want to try this again. -Sheldon:Got it. So I'm assuming nothing venereal 如果我以后还想尝试的话。 了解。 那不能说花柳病啦 I'll just tell her that you had a routine colonoscopy and 就跟她说你做了例行肠镜检查还没恢复吧。 haven't quite bounced back. -Leonard:Give me the phone. -Sheldon:I thought you wanted to cancel. 给我电话。 你不是想取消约会吗 -Leonard:I can't, because if I don't show up she'll still 不行,如果我不出现,她还是会认为你会去的。 be expecting you. -Sheldon:Why would she be expecting me 为什么她认为我会去 -Leonard:Stop asking me all these questions. I need to 别问了,我要再去洗个澡。 take another shower. -Penny: So are the rest of the guys meeting us here -Leonard:Oh, yeah... no. 其他的人直接来这找我们 对...不对。 It turns out that Raj and Howard had to work and Sheldon... Raj跟Howard要工作,Sheldon... had a colonoscopy and he hasn't quite bounced back yet. 做了肠镜,还没恢复过来。 -Penny: Oh, my uncle just had a colonoscopy. 我叔叔也做了肠镜。 -Leonard:You're kidding. Then that's something we have 这就是我们俩的共同之处了。 in common. -Penny: How -Leonard:We both have people in our lives who... want to nip intestinal polyps in the bud. -Penny: so what's new in the world of physics -Leonard:Nothing. -Penny: Really Nothing 怎么说 我们都认识... 想将肠道息肉扼杀于摇篮当中的人。 物理界有啥新闻不 没有。 真的 一点都没有 -Leonard:Well, with the exception of string theory, not 除了弦理论,自1930年后就没什么发现了。 much has happened since the 1930s. And you can't prove string theory. At best you can say, 而弦理论也尚未证明。 最多就能说, \look, my idea has an internal logical consistency.” 嘿,我的理论内部逻辑很连贯。 -Penny: Ah. Well, I'm sure things will pick up. -Leonard:What's new at the cheesecake factory -Penny: Oh, uh, not much. 啊,我相信情况会好转的。 芝士蛋糕工厂那边有什么新消息 没有什么。 We do have a chocolate key lime that's moving pretty well. 有个巧克力柠檬派卖得很好。 -Leonard:Good. Good. What about your, uh... hallway friend -Penny: Doug Oh, yeah, I don't know. I mean, you know, he's nice and funny, but... -Waitress: can I get you started with some drinks -Leonard: No, easy. You were saying But... -Penny: I'd like a drink. 很好。 那你那个...过道上的朋友怎样 Doug 我不知道。 他人挺好也很风趣,但是... 准备开始点饮品了吗 不!你刚刚说到 但是... 我想喝点东西 -Leonard: Just say the \thing about Doug and then I'll 先说完关于Doug的\但是\我会把她叫回来。 get her back. -Penny: Okay, well, I don't know, it's just me. 我不知道,是我的问题。 I'm still getting over this breakup with Kurt and this 我还没从跟Kurt的分手中完全恢复,跟Doug在一起是为了复thing with Doug would start be rebound sex. -Leonard: Oh, don't get me started on rebound sex? -Penny: It's just... it's my pattern. 健性爱。 噢,提起复健性爱啊... 我总是这样。 I break up, then I find some cute guy, and then it's just 分手后找个帅哥,然后就是36小时毫无意义的... 你知道。 36 meaningless hours of... you know. -Leonard: I'm not sure that I do is that one 36-hour 我不确定我知道连续36个小时, experience, or is that 36 hours spread out over, say... one glorious 还是一个辉煌夏季中...分散的36个小时 summer -Penny: No, it's usually over a weekend, and trust me, you 不,大概是一个周末吧。相信我,那之后感觉很不好。 do not feel good after it. -Leonard: Well, chafing, right -Penny: Emotionally. -Leonard: Of course, yeah, emotional chafing. Hey, do you want to see something cool 呃,皮肤疼痛是吧 心情不好。 没错,心里疼痛。 你想看些有趣的玩意吗 I can make this olive go into this glass without touching 我不用手碰就能把这颗橄榄弄进杯子里。 it. -Penny: How -Leonard: Physics. -Penny: Wow, centrifugal force. 怎么弄啊 物理原理。 哇,离心力。 -Leonard: Actually, it's centripetal force, which is an 实际上是向心力,玻璃对橄榄作用产生的内向力。 inward force generated by the glass acting on the olive... Excuse me. 抱歉。

If you were riding on the olive, you'd be in a non inertial 如果你坐在那颗橄榄上,你就是一个非惯性参照系,并会... reference frame and would... -Penny: are you okay -Leonard: Yeah, I'm okay. Did you spill ketchup -Penny: No. -Leonard: I'm not okay. 你没事吧 没事。 你打翻花生酱了吗 没。 那有事了。 -Penny: Are you sure you don't want to go to the emergency 你确定不用去急诊室 room -Leonard: No, no, I'm okay. It stopped bleeding. 我没事,不流血了。 -Penny: I know, but you did throw up. Isn't that a sign 但你吐了啊,那不是脑震荡的症状吗 of a concussion -Leonard: Yes. But I get car sick, too, so... -Penny: okay. -Leonard: Sorry about your car, by the way. 对,但我也晕车,所以... 好吧。 还有,抱歉弄脏你的车。 -Penny: Oh, no, it's fine. You got most of it out the 没关系,大部分你都吐车外了。 window. -Leonard: The poor guy on the bike. Well, I had a nice time. -Penny: Yeah, me, too. Well, um, good night. -Leonard: Good night. -Penny: Leonard Ah Was this supposed to be a date -Leonard: This No. No, of course not. 那个骑自行车的可怜人。 我今晚过得很愉快。 我也是。 那晚安啦。 晚安 Leonard 啊 今晚这是约会吗 今晚 不是,当然不是。 This was just you and me hanging out with a bunch of guys 只是你跟我还有一帮 who didn't show up 'cause of work and a colonoscopy. -Penny: Okay, I was just checking. -Leonard: When I take a girl on a date- - and I do- - she knows she's been dated. Capital D. Boldface. Underlined. Da... ted. 因工作和肠镜而没有出现的人的聚会。 好,我只是问问。 如果我跟女孩约会,我确实跟女孩约会, 那个女孩会知道她是在约会的。 大写D, 粗体黑字,下划线 (在强调会让对方意识到是约会= =)约会。 I think I might have a little concussion. I'm going to go 我可能脑震荡了,我去躺躺。 lie down. Good night. -Sheldon:So, how was your date -Leonard:Awesome! -Sheldon:Score one for liquor and poor judgment. 晚安。 约会如何 赞! 凭酒跟糊涂得一分。