Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 3 What time is it now Section C 教学设计新部编版1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 3 What time is it now Section C 教学设计新部编版1更新完毕开始阅读f0594e8a2f3f5727a5e9856a561252d381eb2064

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S7: I can’t find my pen.

T: Don’t worry. Let me help you. (教师帮助学生找钢笔。) Is it in your bag? S7: No.

T: Is it here? (教师打开学生的铅笔盒。) S7: No.

T: Is it over there? (教师环顾教室,然后指着事先放在教室后面的钢笔。) S7: Yes, it is.

S8: Here you are. (教师示意另一个学生把钢笔递给他。) S7: Thank you.

T: You can also say like this: Thank you for your help. (板书,让学生猜测句子的意思,然后解释,并要求学生掌握。) wrong over there What’s wrong with you? It’s over there. Thank you for +n./v.-ing. Thank you for your help. (利用学生的思维定式,从他们的错误中引出新内容。) T: Please translate my words into Chinese. Here you are. Ss: 给你。 T: Here we are. Ss: (不假思索。)给我们。

T: I’m afraid you can’t say it like this. You should say: 我们到了。 (板书并要求学生掌握。) Here we are. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)


1. (教师提几个问题,让学生回答以明确课文大意,呈现课文场景。) T: Now please look at the text. What can you see? Ss: We can see Kangkang and some animals. T: What animals can you see? Ss: Some monkeys, a tiger and a lion.


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T: Oh. How careful!

2. (让学生听1a录音,呈现目标语言。)

T: Let’s listen to the tape and answer the question: What’s wrong with Baby Monkey? (核对答案。) T: S1, please.

S1: He can’t find his way home.

3. (由学生整理出本段文章的关键词,找对一个奖励一分。)

T: How clever! Now let’s read again and find out the key words of the passage. Can you try? (教师板书关键词,学生核对答案。)

What’s wrong—can’t find—my way home—Don’t worry—not my home—Mr. Tiger’s—Mr. Lion—here—kind Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)


1. (看第二步呈现在黑板上的关键词,五人一组表演1a,完成1b。)

T: Look at the key words on the blackboard and practice the dialog in groups of five. Then, I’ll ask some groups to come to the front and act out. (找几组表演。学生互评,选出表演最好的小组。)

2. (让学生帮助2中的动物找到食物,师生核对答案。完成2。)

T: Nice work. Now please look at the picture on Page 98. There are some animals and their

favorite food. Do you know these animals? Write down their names and talk about their favorite food in groups. You can begin like this: I think meat is the tiger’s favorite food. I think the rabbit likes … (板书并要求学生掌握。)

meat Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)

通过猜谜活动,提高学生的听力和理解能力,帮助学生提高写作水平。 1. (猜谜语游戏。教师准备一些谜语,让学生猜是什么动物。)

T: Now let’s guess some riddles. Please guess what animals they are according to my descriptions. Ready? Go!


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(参考谜语如下:) T:

It is very cute. It often helps people and lives with us. It eats mice. Fish is its favorite

what is it?

food, Ss: … 2. (完成3。)

It’s a cat.


T: Good job! Boys and girls, now let’s do some written work. Each of you must write a passage to describe your favorite animal. The information in the table may help you. Then talk with your partner and let him/her guess what the animal is. Do you understand?(教师解释。) Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s begin.


Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)


1. (假如你在放学回家途中遇到一位迷路的小女孩,然后你帮助她,在寻找她家的途中你们遇到了小女孩的邻居杨阿姨,最后小女孩找到了家。根据这些提示,写一篇与课文1a类似的对话。)

T: Suppose you meet a girl on your way home, and she can’t find her way home. Then you help her. On the way, you meet the girl’s neighbour(教师解释:“邻居”。) Aunt Yang. At last, the girl finds her home. Please write a similar dialog according to 1a. Example: (假设你叫雷飞。)

(Lei Fei meets a girl on his way home.) Lei: What’s wrong with you?


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Girl: I can’t find my way home. Lei: Don’t worry. Let me help you. Girl: Thank you. Lei: Whose home is this?

Girl: I don’t know. It’s not my home. Lei: Is this your home? Girl: No, it isn’t. (They meet Aunt Yang.)

Aunt Yang: Oh, ××, why are you here? Girl: I can’t find my way home, Aunt Yang. Lei: Excuse me, Aunt Yang, where’s her home? Aunt Yang: It’s over there, the white house. Lei: Over there? Oh, thank you. (They find the girl’s home.) Lei: Here we are. This is your home. Girl’s mother: Oh, my dear daughter. Girl: Oh, Mom!

Girl’s mother: It’s very kind of you. What’s your name? Lei: I’m Lei Fei.

Girl’s mother: Thank you for your help. Lei Fei: Not at all. Goodbye. Girl’s mother: Bye.

(检查了学生的写作情况后,教师可用多媒体设备展示范文。) 2. Homework:


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(1)2008年奥运会结束后,许多外国游客意犹未尽,他们还想在中国玩上几天。假如有一天,一名英国游客在大街上迷了路。请结合本课1a的内容,帮他(她)找到他(她)的住处,并将这个对话写在作业本上。 (2)背诵本课的目标语言。
