当代高职高专英语第二册 教案 unit1 联系客服

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Unit One Love

Teaching Objective: practise the listening and speaking; practice reading skills: improving your concentration and make the students know how to read a text effectively; help them master the format of a letter Teaching focus: the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; the various writing techniques employed by the writer Teaching difficulties: some complicated sentences and expressions; the summary of the text Teaching Procedures: daily report, lead-in, listening, reading, translation, writing, homework Stage1 Daily Report

Ask the student on duty to make a daily report, encouraging him or her to speak more about love. While listening, the students make some notes. Then ask some students to retell what the reporter said. Stage2 Lead in

Step1 Culture background

What is real love? This is an old question, but it is hard for us to give a definite answer to it, because different people usually have different opinions about it.

In my opinion, love is a special kind of feeling that includes devotion, duty, respect, warmth, attraction, comfort, enjoyment, painlessness and satisfaction.

There are many kinds of of love in the world, such as love between parents and children, boys and girls, men and women, teachers and students, brothers and sisters, doctors and patients. No matter what love it is, we should listen to him or her attentively, try our best to understand and help him or her, especially when he or she is in trouble. Besides, we should share happiness and hardship together all the time.

Love begins with strong attraction, thrives with mutual caring, matures with patience and wisdom of life and will keep energetic forever. It should be older than seas, harder than rocks, more charming than flowers, and precious than gold. Step2 Topics for discussion

1. T gives two questions and asks Ss discuss them in groups Q: What kind of love is true love?

Do you believe in the love at first sight? Why? 2. Show their work

Let each group share their opinions with others. While listening, the listeners should take some notes, then retell and share. 3. Summarize

The teacher summarizes the Ss’ job, making some comments. Then write down the useful words and expressions needed. Stage3 Listening

Step1 Activity 1 Calculation

1. Listen to the statements only once and choose A, B, C or D which is the closest in

meaning to the statement you hear.

2. Two Ss write their answers on the Bb.

3. Check the answers together. Listen to the tape while checking if necessary. Step 2 Activity 2 Conversations

1. Listen to the conversations just only once and then decide whether the statements below are true, false or not mentioned according to the conversations you hear. 2. Two Ss write their answers on the Bb.

3. Check the answers together. Listen to the tape while checking if necessary. Step 3 Activity3 Passage

1. Listen to the passage twice and then decide on the appropriate answer to each of the questions.

2. Two Ss write their answers on the Bb.

3. Check the answers together. Listen to the tape while checking if necessary. Stage4 Reading Step1 pre-reading

1. T introduces the new vocabulary such as straighten, correspond, make one’s way, square one’s shoulders and hold out at the beginning.

2. T presents the pre-reading tasks for discussion in groups Q: Who do you love most?

What do you think of campus love?

3. T then asks some Ss to answer the questions and puts the key points as the gist of the story or the framework of the text on the board. Step2 reading comprehension

1. Have the Ss read Text A in 7 minutes and do the reading comprehension to test whether to understand the text

2. Calls on volunteers or a few students to tell the answer and then helps the students identify the main idea of the text. Step3 language points

1. John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through the Grand Central Station. Stood up from the bench意为“从长凳上站起身”; making their way through the Grand Central Station是现在分词短语作定语,修饰the crowd of people。现在分词短语可在句中作定语 e.g.

1) Will the people sitting at the back keep quiet, please? 2) We shall arrive too late to catch the train leaving at eight.

2. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, the girl with the rose.

Whose引导定语从句。当whose用来引导定语从句时,其先行词不仅可以指人,还可以指物。 e.g.

1) The old woman, whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital. 2) It was a meeting whose importance he did not realize at the time

the girl with the rose是the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t的同位


3. Taking a book off the shelf he found himself interested, not in the words of the book, but in the notes penciled in the margin.

Taking a book off the shelf是现在分词短语作时间状语。 e.g.

1) Opening the door, I saw nobody in. 2) Hearing the sad news, we were very much grieved.

4. He wrote her a letter, introducing himself and inviting her to correspond.

introducing himself and inviting her to correspond是现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示信的具体内容。 e.g.

1) She was still there, waiting for him in the rain. 2) They stood by the roadside, watching the parade.

5. The next day he was shipped overseas for service in World War two. Ship是动词,意为“运送,派遣”service为服兵役

6. During the next thirteen months, the two grew to know each other through the letters.

Grow表示逐渐变得,比get要更正式些。 e.g.

He has grown to like mathematics.

7. She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn’t matter what she looked like. it 是宾语从句中的形式主语,真正的主语是What she looked like。It作形式主语,e.g.

1) It doesn’t matter when you leave. 2) It doesn’t matter what you say.

8. “You will recognize me,” she wrote, “by the red rose I will be wearing on my coat.”

By表示“借助于,通过”,I will be wearing on my coat是定语从句,省略了关系代词。从句中用将来进行时表示将来某时正在进行的动作或所处的状态,也可以表示按预测将会发生的事情。 e.g.

By this time tomorrow, I will be lying on the beach.

9. Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive. (Para. 4) Like意为就像,是非正式用法。 e.g.

1) He looked at me like I was mad. 2) This meat smells like it’s gone bad. In表示“穿着”。 e.g.

He looked very handsome in his uniform.

10. A woman well past 40, she had graying hair and was more than plump. A woman well past 40是she的同位语,这是一种非正式表达法,正式表达方法通

常是:she,a woman well past 40, had graying hair and was more than plump Step4 summary

T will review the passage briefly by asking questions and drawing a chart on the board. Then ask the students to summarize the passage with the help of the chart in pairs.

Stage5 translation

1 由关联词what, who, whenever, wherever, whatever, however等和从属连词that, whether等引导的主语从句,翻译时一般可按原文顺序翻译。请看例句: 1) Whether there is life on the moon is no longer a question. 月球上是否有生命已经不再是个问题了。

2) That substances expand when heated and contract when cooled is a common physical phenomenon.


3) Whatever he saw and heard on his trip gave him a very deep impression. 他此行的所见所闻都给他留下了深刻的印象。

2 以it作形式主语的主语从句,翻译时视情况可以提前,也可以不提。 1) 照译。it一般不需要译出来。例如:

It is a fact that electronic computers may be used as process control units. 事实上,电子计算机可用作工艺过程控制装置。

2) 倒译。即先把从句译为主语,而后将原来主句中的谓语部分照译为谓语。为了强调起见,it一般可以译出来。例如:

It is certain that we shall produce this kind of engine. 我们将生产这种发动机,这是肯定无疑的。 3) 合译。当主句为“It+vi”“It is+adj.”,而且可缩略为状语时,可合译为简单句。例如:

It appears that this is the only exception to the rule. 这似乎是这条规则的唯一例外。 Stage6 writing

Step1 Introduction of letters

It is necessary to generally know about letters before we come to specific letters. We must examine letter appearance, for it is the physical condition of a letter that makes the first impression on your reader. Before reading even one word you have written, the reader has formed an opinion on the way your letter looks-the arrangement, print quality and so on. Step2 Parts of letter 1. return address 2. date

3. inside address 4. subject line 5. salutation

6. body of the letter 7. complimentary close 8. signature

Stage7 homework