牛津高中英语M2U3短语重要句型词性转换 联系客服

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Amazing people


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1. amazing people =people who amaze others 令人吃惊的人物 be amazed at the news 听到这个消息 be amazed to do / that

to one’s amazement 使某人吃惊的是 2. change the world for the better 把世界变得更好

change the world through thoughts and actions 用思想和行为改变世界 change A for B 把A换成B(A还存在), change A into B 把A改换成B(A不存在了) change sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物 for a change 换换口味 small changes 零钱

3.win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work 由于她的工作获诺贝尔和平奖 4.one of the greatest musicians of all time 有史以来最伟大的音乐家之一 5.have large effect /impact on one’s lives 对某人的一生有重大影响 Reading

1. one of the most famous explorers 最著名的探险家之一

2. discover amazing things /the truth 发现令人惊奇的东西/ 真相

make new / scientific discoveries 作出新的科学发现 3. be curious about sth. 对…感到好奇 be curious to do sth 好奇地/急着做某事 look at sth curiously 好奇地看着 show / have curiosity about 对…表现出好奇 out of / from curiosity 出于好奇 4. set sail for… =sail for… 航海去某地 go for a sail /go sailing 去航海 5. jewel (c) , jewellery (u.) 珠宝

buy jewels at the jeweller’s 在珠宝店买珠宝

6. preserved bodies of dead kings 已故国王的被保存尸体

preserve peace 维护和平

7. contain treasures, gold as well as mummies 含有财物、金子和木乃伊 , 8. not long after the discovery =shortly after the discovery 发现后不久 9. fall ill with fever 发高烧生病

10. be present when the tomb was opened / at the meeting坟墓打开时在场/ 开会到场

students present at the meeting 开会到场的学生 my present situation/ job 我目前的情况/工作 11. at the moment of 在某时刻

at the moment 现在 for a moment 过一会 for the moment 暂时


the moment+ 从句 “一. … 就… ,” 12. What a coincidence ! 多么巧合!

13. after hearing of his death 在听到他的死讯后 14. die of heart trouble / at tack 死于心脏病 15. disturb sb. 干扰某人,

be mentally disturbed 精神上受到打击 16. if breathed in 如果被吸进 breathe deeply 做深呼吸 breathe (in) fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气 17. be in connection with 与…相关

have sth /nothing / a lot of things /little to do with sth 与某事有/无/许多/一点关系 be linked to

have some / no connection with

be connected with be concerned with

18. result in /lead to /contribute to / cause sth 引起某事

result in / lead to / contribute to sb. doing/ sth. being done引起某人做某事/某事被做 21. remain a riddle 仍然是个谜 remain open 一直开着

sth remains to be done 某事有待被做 remaining things= things left 所剩之物

22. sth pay off (vi) 某事情得到回报 Grammar and usage

1. marry sb., get married to sb 嫁娶某人

be married to sb 与某人结婚了的(可以与一段时间连用) married / unmarried woman 已婚/未婚妇女

2. on its first journey / voyage to 第一次旅行/ 航行到… 3. set foot on 踏上…. 4. imagine doing 想象干某事

imagine sb doing 想象某人干某事 rich imagination 丰富的想象力, 5. come into widespread use 开始被广泛使用 Task

1. buy a t-shirt for / with $20 用20美元买一件T恤 2. in his late fifties 在他五十年代后期 3. set a world record 创世界纪录 4. fit / meet one’s requirements 满足某人需求 5. get accepted to……, be accepted as a member of …..被接受为 6. be regarded / considered /treated / known as ……被认为是 7. face danger, be faced with danger 面对危险

8. discourage sb. from doing 不让某人干某事

be/ feel discouraged at / by 听到/被…感到泄气 9. show great devotion to… 致力于

10. thanks to her research 多谢/ 幸亏他的研究


11. various / a variety of organization 各种各样/多种组织 Project

1 make him China’s first astronaut 选他为中国第一位宇航员

make him / be made monitor / captain / manager/ headmaster选某人/ 被选为… 2 love science and technology from a young age 从小热爱科学技术

3 have a strong desire to do / for sth, 强烈想干某事或得到某东西 desire sth./ to do / sb to do 想得到 /干 /让某人干

4 apply to be a member of Project 921 申请成为921工程一名成员

apply (to sp ) for a job /post / position / visa / an increase in salary


apply sth to sth 把….应用或运用于某事, apply oneself to sth./ doing sth. 让自己投身于干某事

5 spend the next five years being trained 用接下来的五年接受培训, 6 score top / well / 98 on/the test 在测试中获高分/ 好分/ 98分

a score of people 很多人 scores of people 很多人 three score years 60年

in scores 大量地,大批地

7 three out of 14 candidates, three in ten candidates 14分之3个候补人员 8 pick sb for sth. / to do 挑选某人做某事

pick out sb./ sth 从多数中找出、 分辨出

9 be fit for sth.. / to do sth 适合于某事,适合于做某事, 10 go down in history 载入史册

go down / up (价格等)下跌、上涨 go down on one’s knees 下跪

11 look up to sb as…, =respect sb. as ……. 把某人尊为…….

look up to sb./ sth.=respect sb./ sth 尊敬某人、某事 look down upon/on sb. /sth. 瞧不起… 12 live one’s dream= realize one’s dream 实现梦想

turn one’s dream into reality make one’s dream come true


1. By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. (L7,P42).

2. Upon their entering the tomb, Carter’s lucky pet bird, which he had left in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake. (L23,P42-43)

3. He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day. (L31, P43) 4. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. (L43, P43

5. What is certain, though, is that ‘the curse of the mummy’ remains a riddle to this day. (L46, P43)

6. They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut, but also learnt survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built. (L18, P58)


7. Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test, it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of China’s first astronaut. (L23, P58)


1. explorer (n.): v. explore n. exploration 2. curious (adj.): 3. Egyptian (adj.): 4. fortune (n.): 5. preserve (v.): 6. entrance (n.): 7. death ( n. ): 8. shortly (adv.): 9. coincidence (n.): 10. connection (n.): 11. punishment (n.): 12. scientific (adj.): 13. disturb (v.): 14. breathe (v.): 15. warning (n.): 16. requirement (n.): 17. inspire (v.): 18. nationality (n.): 19. data (n.pl.): 20. companion (n.): 21. discourage (v.): 22. devotion (n.): 23. murder (n.&v.): 24. various (a.): 25. organization (n.): 26. apply (vt.): 27. survival (n.): 28. optimistic (adj.):

n. curiosity n. Egypt a. fortunate adv. fortunately n. preservation v. enter

v. die a. dead/dying adj. short

a. coincident adv. coincidentally v. connect

v. punish adj. unpunished (不受惩罚的) n. science/scientist n. disturbance adj. disturbing n. breath v. warn v. require n. inspiration adj. inspiring/inspired n. nation adj. national n.(单数) datum n. company v. accompany (陪伴) n. discouragement v. devote adj. devoted/devoting n. murderer (谋杀者) n. variety v. vary v. organize n. application v. survive n. survivor

n. optimist/optimism (乐观的人/乐观主义) 4