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发布时间 : 星期一 文章中国文化概况翻译更新完毕开始阅读f16d44292e3f5727a5e962c5


一、The constitution of the people’s republic of china is the fundamental law of the state.


The NPC is the highest organ of state power. Local people’s congresses are local organs of state power. The standing committee of the NPC is the permanent organ of the NPC. The term of office of the NPC and its standing committee is 5 years. The NPC and its standing committee are empowered with the rights of legislation, decision, supervision, election and removal.


The communist party is the sole party in power in china. Apart from it, there are eight democratic parties in china. Multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC is the basic political system in china.


The state council, or the central people’s government, of the people’s republic of china is the executive body of the highest organ of state power and the highest organ of state administration.


The CPPCC is a united front organization under the leadership of the CPC and an organ for various other political parties, mass organizations and personages of various social circles to take part in the running of the state. 人民政协是一个在党和其他政党的领导下统一战线组织,社会各界组织和人士参与国家的运行。

二、Chinese philosophy is the collective designation for the various schools of thought. It developed independent of Europe and other civilized countries, with its own distinguishing feature, unique concept systems and expressive ways. Chinese philosophy has become one of the three philosophy systems in the world, the other two being Western philosophy and Indian philosophy.


Chinese philosophy has developed over several thousand of years. Its origin can be traced back to the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties. It began to take definite shapes during the Spring and Autumn Period and enjoyed thriving development because of the emergence of the “a hundred schools of the thought contend” during the Warring States Period.


三、Chinese classical literature refers to literature works from the days before the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty ,and is virtually an unbroken strand enduring dynastic changes.


Long before the written language appeared, there was an oral tradition of tales of fables and legends. Some of them are still kept in some ancient books as a precious heritage of Chinese literature. Over 3000 years, there has emerged a great variety of excellent works in terms of poems, essays, novels, dramas and so on. 早在文字出现之前,有寓言和神话传说的口头传统。他们中的一些人仍然保留了一些古籍作为一种宝贵的中国文学遗产。在过去的3000年中,出现了大量优秀的作品,诗歌,散文,小说,戏剧等。

四、For more than a millennium, from the Qin Dynasty to the early part of the Ming Dynasty, Chinese science an technology contributed greatly to the progress of human civilization. Ancient China had a well-developed agricultural system along with advanced irrigation. A scientifically sophisticated China was also able to take advantage of an independent tradition in medicine and an advanced botanical knowledge. 从先秦到明朝初期的一千多年,中国科学技术极大地促进了人类文明的进步。中国古代有一个发达的农业系统以及先进的灌溉。一个科学先进的中国也能够利用医学中的一个独立的传统和先进的植物学知识。

China’s four great inventions, namely, the compass, gunpowder, movable type printing and papermaking, not only changed the world but also accelerated the evolution of world history. China further contributed to the world with its rich heritage in ceramics and silk.


The world’s most detailed and earliest astronomical records were kept by the Chinese. They were the first people to take note of such astronomical phenomena as comets, sunspots and new stars, producing the most advanced astronomical observatory apparatus of the time. 世界上最详细和最早的天象记录是由中国保持。他们是第一个将如彗星、太阳黑子和新的恒星的这些天文现象记录下来的人,生产了最先进的天文观测仪器。 China dominated in metallurgy. When Europeans still could not turn out a single piece of cast iron in the 14th century, China had been producing cast iron on an industrial scale for four centuries. 中国主导冶金。当欧洲人还没有铸出一件铁器的时候,中国已经大量生产铸铁四个世纪了。