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1. 上司还是觉得他们的工作没有达到要求.

The boss still thought that their work fell short of his requirements. 2. 出海5年里,亨利获得了航海的实践经验.

Five years out in the ocean gave Henry some practical experience in sailing. 3. 系主任很烦躁,他发觉学生当中几乎没有人运动方面比较强.

The dean was upset that he found few of the students were doing well in athletics. 4. 珍妮参加了比赛而且赢得了奖项.

Jane took part in the game and won the award. 5. 能够见到老朋友,我说不出有多高兴.

I could not describe my happiness to see my old friends.

1. 他忙于回信,没有注意到妻子来了.

He busied himself in answering letters and didn’t notice the arrival of his wife. 2. 简真正的问题是她缺乏信心.

Jane’s real problem is that she lacks confidence. 3. 学校已选出最好的乒乓球运动员.

The school has picked out the best table-tennis players.

4. 她满腔热情地投入到工作中.

She throws herself into the work with great enthusiasm. 5. 他没有充分认识到要签合同的重要性.

He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract. 1. 我们根据你的工作量来付报酬.

You will be paid according to the amount of work you’ve done. 2. 我也不知道我的表怎么不走了.

I see no reason why my watch doesn’t work.

3. 澳大利亚是少数几个沿左侧开车的国家之一.

Australia is one of the few countries where people drive on the left. 4. 她正躺在沙发上看时装杂志.

She was lying on the couch, reading her fashion magazine.

5. 马文?哈里斯的理论是,如果某一动物活着比死了更有价值,那么它就被保留下来.

Marvin Harris’ theory is that if in animal is much more valuable alive than dead, it will remain.

1. 露营了几天后我们都渴望有一张床.

We longed for a bed after several days of camping.

2. 吉姆是如何做到比我们先到这里的,这在我是一个难解之迷。

It was a mystery to me how Jim managed to get here before us. 3. 她很高兴有机会和一个与自己一样喜欢古典音乐的人交谈.

She was delighted to have an opportunity to talk with someone who shared her interest in clas-sical music.

4. 随着新季节的来临,树木开花,焕发出新的生机.

Trees have blossomed with new life at the dawn of a new season. 5. 这座山构成了两国之间的天然屏障.

The mountain forms a natural barrier between the two countries. 1. 在这些年轻姑娘中有些是当歌唱家的人才.

There is singer material among these young girls.

2. 新来的校长很担心那些不听话的小孩.

The new principal shows great concern about those troubled kids. 3. 大家都选那活跃的男孩当我们的学生会主席.

Everyone of us has elected the active boy president of our student council.

4. 重视弱势群体的发展是构建和谐社会的关键.

Focusing on the development of inferior community is crucial to the foundation of harmonious society.

5. 报名选修这门课的学生昨晚才到了一半.

Only half of the students who have signed up for the course showed up last night. 1. 可能你会不喜欢她,但你必须承认她工作做得不错.

You may not like her, but you have to admit that she’s good at her job. 2. 如果您希望的话,我们可以送货上门.

We can deliver goods to your door if you like.


Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 4. 单就一间房就发现住了多达10到12个人.

As many as ten to twelve people were found living in a single room.


The store has a special department to handle customer complaints. 1. 他把自己对这个问题的看法强加于我.

He imposed on me his own idea about the issue. 2. 你们家庭里父母的分工是怎么样的?

How do your parents divide their labor in your family?

3. 战后大量移民的涌入给这个国家带来了技术方面的革新.

Large numbers of post-war migrants have brought changes in technology in this country. 4. 近10年来,该国家的税收负担已经从公司转移到了个人.

In this country, the taxation burden has been shifted from companies to individuals in the past ten years.

5. 据估计,这个国家的人口到2023年将达到两亿.

It is estimated that the population of this country will reach 20 million by the year2030.