(含答案)2014-2015年深圳市高级中学九年级上学期英语期末考试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(含答案)2014-2015年深圳市高级中学九年级上学期英语期末考试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读f1dd15a970fe910ef12d2af90242a8956becaab0




一、选择填空。(共15小题, 每小题1分,计15分)

i. 从下面每小时的A,B,C三个选项选出可以替换部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)

( ) 12. She seems to be very worried. A. feels

B. sounds

C. appears C. sets up relations C. made friends with me

( ) 13. Jack is a businessman. He trades with Russian businessmen. A. buys and sells goods B. talks ( )14. He treated me to lunch yesterday. A. was rude to me

B. paid for my lunch

( )15. He drew his sword (剑) and walked on.

A. painted

B. threw

C. took out C. a surprising party

( )16. He is looking forward to an adventure next month. A. a wonderful competition B. an exciting experience ( )17. We made a deal with him last month. A. interview A. succeeded in putting out A. not long ago

B. medical examination C. business arrangement B. tired putting out

C. failed to put out

( )18. The firemen managed to put out the fire. ( )19. She will be back after a while. B. for some time C. in a period of time

ii. 从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共7小题,每题1分,计7分)

( ) 20. ---Do you think there is something alive on the moon? ---I don’t think so. I think it is _____there.

A. lifeful peoples around the world.

A. discoverer A. passed down

B. lively C. lifeless

( ) 21. Zheng He is remembered as a ______in opening up cultural contacts between different

B. pioneer

C. explorer C. stress out C. under the weather C. out of place C. go C. lesson

( ) 22. Mr. White ______ when she heard the bad news.

B. passed out B. not feel well B. annoying B. keep B. memory

( ) 23. Peter, I’m afraid I can’t come to your birthday party. I’m _____.

A. illness A. out of date

( ) 24. Mandy felt ______ at the dance party, she felt so lonely.

( ) 25. We’d better ______ driving in the city center in rush hours. It is really time-killing.

A. avoid A. subject



Puberty(青春期)is the stage of life when young people _27_ childhood and head into adulthood. It is a difficult _28_for teenagers because it has an effect on both their_29_ and their bodies.

A young person may begin puberty at 8, while another may not start puberty until 14 or 15. For both boys and girls, it is usually _30_by the age of 18. During these years, the body _31_in many ways. Feelings can also change quickly. Teenage boys focus on having fun and being _32_by others. They need to think before they act and make good decisions for themselves.

Teenage girls sometimes lose _33_ in themselves. They are no longer certain about their own feelings. They should be encouraged to discuss things with trusted adults.

Parents, _34_and communities can do a lot to care for and help young people. It’s everyone’s _35_to make sure that young people grow into healthy _36_. ( )27. A. live B. leave ( )28. A. process B. way ( )29. A. heads ( )30. A. complete ( )31. A. discovers

B. brains B. finish B. develops

C. start C. task C. minds C. ended C. increases

( ) 26. The bitter experience taught him a good ______.

( )32. A. accepted ( )33. A. heart

B. received B. memory

C. invited C. confidence C. hospitals C. responsibility C. adults

( )34. A. police B. schools ( )35. A. purpose B. habits ( )36. A. men

B. women

三、阅读理解(共20题, 每小题1.5分,计30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A.B,C和D选项中, 选出最佳选项。


I’m MacDella Cooper. I grew up in Monrovia, and my family was pretty well-off. My stepfather worked for the United Nations. Every morning a driver took me to the private school. Then in 1989, we heard news of the war. The rebels(反叛者)destroyed every village in their path. They saw our big house and caught my stepfather. He never came back. My mother was on vacation in the US with my three little brothers at that time. For months, I was on my own with my elder brothers. They were 15and 16, hoping our stepfather would return. The rebels took our cars and our house then, so we decided to leave.

It took us almost 4years to get to America. By this time, my mother had a couple of jobs and was living in New Jersey. I loved the high school there, and then I got a degree in engineering at college and worked in fashion. I had a great life, but I realized I had forgotten where I had come from. In 2004 I started the MacDella Copper Foundation(基金会). We sent clothes and school materials to more than 500 children at five orphanages(孤儿院) in Liberia! I also ran a schoolship progamme. I spent Christmas there and held a party for all the kids. I was lucky during the war. Now I have a duty to give something back.

( ) 37. The underlined word “well-off” in the first paragraph means “_______”.

A. Poor B. rich C. lucky ( ) 38. Who did MacDella Cooper live with before the war?

A. Only her mother B. only her stepfather C. only two of her brothers

D. her stepfather and two of her brothers

( ) 39. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. MacDella Cooper reached America in 1993. B. MacDella Cooper has 4 brothers in all.

C. MacDella Cooper’s stepfather never came back.

D. small

D. Later, MacDella Cooper had a good life in America. ( ) 40. From the passage we can know that______.

A. MacDella Cooper forgot where she come from. B. MacDella Cooper didn’t get a good education. C. MacDella Cooper lives in her hometown now. D. MacDella Cooper hates war and loves peace.

( ) 41. The writer wrote this passage mainly to tell us_______.

A. Her wonderful life in America.

B. Her terrible life in Liberia.

D. How she made her life meaningful after war. B

People with type AB may have a higher risk of heart illness compared with those whose blood type is O, according to a new study.

Scientists reviewed two studies that tracked(跟踪)nearly 90,000people for more than 20 years and found that heart illness risk varied with blood type. People with type O blood had the lowest incidence(几率) of heart illness, and compared with them, those with type AB blood were 23% more likely, and people with A were 5% more likely.

“While people cannot change their blood type, our findings may help doctors better understand who is at risk for developing heart illness,” said study author Dr. Lu Qi, assistant professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.

The scientists considered two Harvard studies, one that tracked 62,000 women over 26years, and one that tracked 27,400 men over 24 years. In all, more than 2,500 people were found with heart illness.

However, further research is needed. In order to reduce(减少)heart disease risk, people should exercise, eat right and keep their weight.

In the United States, 45% of people have type O blood, making it the most common blood type. only 4% of the US population has type AB blood, while about 40% has type A and about 11% has type B.

( ) 42. Scientists from ______found that blood type may influence heart illness.

A. Canada B. America C. German A. Type O

D. English

( ) 43. People with ______blood are the most likely to have heart disease.

B. Type B C. Type B D. Type AB

( ) 44. Nearly ______of people were found with heart disease in two studies.

C. How the war changed her good life.