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备 课 纸 任教课程 年 月 日

Iam now living in a very pleasant flat.

? Voice

? 被动---正式

? The injured are allowed home. (信息中心 information focus)

2. Beauty of Chinese 汉语之美

? 形美 (书法)

? 田田的叶子,像亭亭的舞女的裙。

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Predictably,the winter will be snowy, sleety(雨夹雪), and slushy(泥泞). 可以预言,今年冬天将雪花飘飘,雪雨交加,雪路泥泞。






? ? ? ? ? ?


Four-Character Sentence 汉语四字句

I could not dance in fetters.(19世纪一英国诗人语) 击链而舞,非吾所能。(钱钟书译)

She has beauty still, and, if it be not in its heyday (time of greatest success, prosperity, power ), it is not yet in its autumn.


2.3 Good Translation

? 1. content---expressiveness/ faithfulness

? 2. style-----closeness

? 3. purpose----function equivalence


本节课主要采用交际法进行课堂教学。通过教师的讲解和梳理,学生能够了解 “翻译”与“翻译学”的区别,同时了解翻译不仅仅是一项技能而是一门艺术。使学生通过对比英汉语言特征,感受“翻译之美”。具体措施如下:

备 课 纸 任教课程 年 月 日

Step 1: self-introduction

Step 2: introduction to translation, its category (teacher and students)

Step 3: Teacher asks students to list some famous translators, then make a comparison and finally conclude the beauty of translation

Step 4: Try to understand the criterion of good translation


Do Exercise in Lesson 1----Hollywood


1. 彭长江. 英汉-汉英翻译教程[M]. 湖南师范大学出版社,2004

2. 张培基译注. 英译中国现代散文选[M]. 上海外语教育出版社,2004 3. 许建平. 英汉互译实践与技巧[M]. 清华大学出版社,2003 4. 秦亚青. 英汉视译[M]. 外语教学与研究出版社,2009 5. 郭建中. 当代美国翻译理论[M]. 湖北教育出版社 6. 毛荣贵. 翻译美学[M]. 上海交通大学出版社


备 课 纸 任教课程 年 月 日

Unit 1 地理

Lesson 1 No Giant Skyscraper

一、授课时间:第二周 二、授课类型:理论课

三.授课题目:No Giant Skyscrapers 四.授课时数:2



六.教学重点及难点: 1. 名词复数的翻译 2. 专有名词的翻译 3. 句子衔接与翻译



1. Tips for translation SV: The earth shakes.

SVA: The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. SVC: The San Andreas Fault is a cause of earthquakes. SVO: People rebuilt the city.

SVOA: She put her camera into her bag.

SVoO: He taught us history. (bi-transitive verb) SVOC: These earthquakes make the fault bigger. A: adverbial C: complement P26.


2. Pre-translation Sigh-interpretation

? California Seismic Building Codes

? After a severe earthquake in California in 1971, significant enhancements to the building codes

pertaining to earthquakes were made(?). The first real test of the improvements came in an earthquake that hit Los Angeles on January 17, 1994. Structures built or strengthened under the new codes experienced limited damage, while older buildings and other construction such as those bridges that had not been retrofitted suffered more damage.

备 课 纸 任教课程 年 月 日

? 试译:

? 加州防震建筑法规

? 1971年加州发生了一次特大地震 ,加州政府大力完善了其建筑法规。这一(修订后的)


3. Translation of Proper Names 音译表(P308)

Chicago,New York,California

4. Text Analysis

Chicago and New York are famous for their1 tall buildings2. California cannot be3. Its4


buildings have to be famous for their beauty or their historical importance5. California is

这里的高楼要出名必须美观或具有历史意义。(4避免使用代词,代词重复,更连贯;5尾重) earthquake country.

加尼弗利亚 是地震多发地区。

The San Andreas Fault is a cause of earthquakes6. It7 is a log crack in the earth that


stretches from Southern to Northern California. Rocks inside the earth8 move and the 那是一条纵贯加尼弗利亚南北的狭长裂缝。(7避免代词) earth shakes. These earthquakes make the fault bigger9.