2015-2016沪教牛津版初中英语七年级下册全套单元测试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2015-2016沪教牛津版初中英语七年级下册全套单元测试题更新完毕开始阅读f30c93a900d276a20029bd64783e0912a2167c36



Unit 1检测题


( ) 1 A patient B encourage C age D grade ( ) 2 A cheerful B engineer C idea D dream ( ) 3 A forget B support C report D important ( ) 4 A bear B care C hair D here ( ) 5 A probably B hobby C dry D friendly 二.单项选择题(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) ( ) 6 A bird is flying in _______sky

A a B an C the D 不填

( ) 7 They ill be still good friends and e ill also _______ good friends

A remain B have C make D get

( ) 8 Our class teacher usually makes us ________ a lot of homeork every day

A to do B doing C does D do

( ) 9 Miss Wang’s class is alays full _____ happiness and activities

A in B to C ith D of

( ) 10 I kno _______ student ith a book in his hand

A a B an C the D 不填

( ) 11 My grandmother as a short oman ________ grey hair

A of B ith C in D about

( ) 12 She is good at playing ______violin

A a B an C the D不填

( ) 13 These children are very lovely They are _______ quite kind to others

A also B too C as ell D either

( ) 14 Try to remember the ne ords Don’t ________ them A leave B forget C have D get ( ) 15 Uncle Wu is good at ________ to make fun

A making jokes B tell jokes C telling jokes D made jokes ( ) 16 He likes playing ________ basketball

A a B an C the D 不填

( ) 17 Most of our classmates ear ________________ hen they have classes A a pair of glass B a glasses C a pair of glasses D a glass ( ) 18 ----What does she look like?


A She is very friendly B She is tall and thin C She likes dancing D She is fine

( ) 19 Our teacher alays _________ us _________ speak English in class A encourage, to B encourages, to

C encourage, ith D encourages, ith

( ) 20 Work hard _______ you ill finally find the anser to the problem A and B but C or D so 三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

We live in the computer age People use computers __21____much of their ork But fe people kno ho ____22____ after them Remember the folloing hen you use your computer

____23___ your computer in a cool and dry room Too much or too little heat is bad for computers Damp(潮湿) is also bad for ____24____ Do not let people ___25______ near your computer Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer

Do not eat ____26__ drink hen you are near your computer Pieces of food and a little ater in the keyboard(键盘)___27_______ also bad for a computer Keep your screen ____28____ and do not make it too bright It’s bad for your eyes Make sure the screen is not too far ___29____ or too near to your eyes Some people use ___30____ hen they use a computer ( ) 21 A do B to do C doing D to doing ( ) 22 A look B looking C to look D to looking ( ) 23 A To keep B Keeping C Keep D Keeps ( ) 24 A them B their C they D theirs ( ) 25 A smoking B smokes C smoke D to smoke ( ) 26 A so B nor C but D or ( ) 27 A are B is C as D ere ( ) 28 A cleans B cleaning C clean D to clean ( ) 29 A to B from C of D beteen ( ) 30 A a different glass B different glass

C the different glass D different glasses


Kayla is 11 years old She studies at Lincoln School She likes to dra pictures and play sports Soccer is her favorite sport She has many friends and they often go to play soccer after school

“ I really like this neighborhood All the people here are nice,” says Kayla “On eekends, e often go to Helping Centre and help to make food for the people in need On School days, my mum gives me $5 every day I also get money by alking dogs in the neighborhood And I put some of the money in the bank

My mum gets a ne job, so e may go to a ne place I’m excited and a little nervous about living in a ne neighborhood and making ne friends” ( ) 31 What’s Kayla’s hobby?

A. Draing and singing B. Singing and reading

C. Draing and playing sports D. Playing sports and reading

( ) 32 What does Kayla often do on eekends?

A She often plays soccer

B She often alks dogs

C She often goes to the bank

D She often goes to Helping Centre

( ) 33 What does Kayla think of her neighborhood?

A. She likes it very much B. She doesn’t mind it

C. She is nervous about living there D. She doesn’t like the people there

( ) 34 Ho does Kayla get money?

a. Her mum gives her money b. She alks dogs

c. She sells nice food

A a b B b c C a c D a b c

( ) 35 Why may Kayla and her family go to a ne place?

A. Because she goes to a ne school B. Because her family buys a ne house C. Because her mum gets a ne job D. Because she makes some ne friends

The second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day It’s a holiday in both England and America On that day, children send Mother’s Day cards to their mothers They also give their mothers other presents Father’s and children do the houseork so that mothers can have a good rest

Mother’s Day started in the 1860s There as a small ton in the US People there fought against each other and couldn’t stand each other Mrs Javis started “ Mother’s Friendship Day” On that day, she visited all the other mothers in the ton and anted people to be friends again After she died, her daughter did the same thing In 1908, Mother’s Friendship Day became Mother’s Day

( ) 36 Mother’s Day is on ________

A the first Sunday in May B the second Saturday in May

C the second Sunday in March D a spring Sunday ( ) 37 On Mother’s Day, ________

A children give their mothers presents

B father and children do the houseork C mothers can have a good rest D A, B and C

( ) 38 Mother’s Day began _________

A beteen 1860 and 1869 B before 1860

C in 1860 D after 1870 ( ) 39 Where did Mother’s Day start ?

A In England B In America

C In China D On a small farm in the US ( ) 40 What did people call Mother’s Day before 1908 ? A Sunday B May Day

C Mother’s Friendship Day D My Mothers Day


41 My parents live in Greece I’ll p_______ move to Greece later in the year 42 Which football team do you s_________? 43 I hope I ill r________ friends ith Mary 44 My English teacher often e_____49______me to speak English 45 I am____50______ my parents very much hen I stayed in England 46 Tom can anser the question because he is very s__51_______ 47 Bill on the singing competition at school He is c___52________today 48 Simon is a p____53_____boy He can ait in a line for hours 49 I think Susan is a s____54_______oman She started a company hen she as only 20

50 Jill is very h____55______ He alays orks all day and all night 六、完成句子(每空1分,共20分) 51 取笑别人是不礼貌的。

It is impolite to _________ _________ _________ others 52 老师对学生的学习要求严格。

Teachers ________ _________ ________ students about their studies 53 你不可能猜到答案,你要放弃吗?

You’ll never guess the anser Will you _______ _______? 54 我喜欢语文也喜欢英语。

I like Chinese and English ________ _______ 55 我们应该学会照顾他人。

We should learn to _______ ________ _________ others 56 她整晚都在讲笑话和有趣的故事。

She spent the evening _______ ________ and telling funny stories 57 瓶子里装满了热水,小心

The bottle ________ _________ _________ hot ater Be careful 58 不要盯着别人看,这样不礼貌。

Don’t _______ ________ others It is not polite 课后作业



We live in the computer age People use computers __1____much of their ork But fe people kno ho ____2____ after them Remember the folloing hen you use your computer

____3___ your computer in a cool and dry room Too much or too little heat is bad for computers Damp(潮湿) is also bad for ____4____ Do not let people ___5______ near your computer Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer

Do not eat ____6__ drink hen you are near your computer Pieces of food and a little ater in the keyboard(键盘)___7_______ also bad for a computer Keep your screen ____8____ and do not make it too bright It’s bad for your eyes