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1.56 Subinvestigator 次级研究人员

Any individual member of the clinical trial team designated and supervised by the investigator at a trial site to perform critical trial-related procedures and/or to make important trial-related decisions (e.g., associates, residents, research fellows). See also Investigator.


1.57 Subject/Trial Subject 对象/试验对象

An individual who participates in a clinical trial, either as a recipient of the investigational product(s) or as a control.


1.58 Subject Identification Code 对象识别编码

A unique identifier assigned by the investigator to each trial subject to protect the subject's identity and used in lieu of the subject's name when the investigator reports adverse events and/or other trial related data. 研究者为每一名受试对象指定的独特识别号码,以保护对象的身份并在研究者报告不良事件和/或其他与试验有关数据时代替对象姓名。

1.59 Trial Site 试验单位

The location(s) where trial-related activities are actually conducted. 真正开展与临床试验有关活动的地方。

1.60 Unexpected Adverse Drug Reaction 非预期的药品不良反应

An adverse reaction, the nature or severity of which is not consistent with the applicable product information (e.g., Investigator's Brochure for an unapproved investigational product or package insert/summary of product characteristics for an approved product) (see the ICH Guideline for Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting).


1.61 Vulnerable Subjects 弱势对象

Individuals whose willingness to volunteer in a clinical trial may be unduly influenced by the expectation, whether justified or not, of benefits associated with participation, or of a retaliatory response from senior members of a hierarchy in case of refusal to participate. Examples are members of a group with a hierarchical structure, such as medical, pharmacy, dental, and nursing students, subordinate hospital and laboratory personnel, employees of the pharmaceutical industry, members of the armed forces, and persons kept in detention. Other vulnerable subjects include patients with incurable diseases, persons in nursing homes, unemployed or impoverished persons, patients in emergency situations, ethnic minority groups, homeless persons, nomads, refugees, minors, and those incapable of giving consent.


1.62 Well-being (of the trial subjects) 健康(试验对象的)

The physical and mental integrity of the subjects participating in a clinical trial. 参加临床试验对象的体格和精神的完整性。


2.1 Clinical trials should be conducted in accordance with the ethical principles that have their origin in the

Declaration of Helsinki, and that are consistent with GCP and the applicable regulatory requirement(s). 2.1 临床试验的实施应符合源自赫尔辛基宣言的伦理原则,与GCP和适用管理要求一致。

2.2 Before a trial is initiated, foreseeable risks and inconveniences should be weighed against the anticipated

benefit for the individual trial subject and society. A trial should be initiated and continued only if the anticipated benefits justify the risks. 2.2 在开始一个试验之前,应当权衡个体试验对象和社会的可预见风险、不方便和预期的受益。只有当预期的受益大于风险时,才开始和继续一个临床试验。

2.3 The rights, safety, and well-being of the trial subjects are the most important considerations and should

prevail over interests of science and society.

2.3 试验对象的权利、安全和健康是最重要的考虑,应当胜过科学和社会的利益。

2.4 The available nonclinical and clinical information on an investigational product should be adequate to

support the proposed clinical trial.

2.4 关于试验用药品可得到的非临床和临床资料应足以支持所提议的临床试验。

2.5 Clinical trials should be scientifically sound, and described in a clear, detailed protocol. 2.5 临床试验应当有坚实的科学基础,有明确、详细描述的试验方案。

2.6 A trial should be conducted in compliance with the protocol that has received prior institutional review

board (IRB)/independent ethics committee (IEC) approval/favourable opinion.

2.6 临床试验的实施应当遵循事先已经得到研究机构审查委员会(IRB)/独立的伦理委员会(IEC)批准/赞成的试验方案。

2.7 The medical care given to, and medical decisions made on behalf of, subjects should always be the

responsibility of a qualified physician or, when appropriate, of a qualified dentist. 2.7 一名合格医生或合格牙医的职责永远是给予对象医疗保健,代表对象作出医学决定。

2.8 Each individual involved in conducting a trial should be qualified by education, training, and experience to

perform his or her respective task(s). 2.8 参与实施临床试验个每一个人应当在受教育、培训和经验方面都有资格完成他或她的预期任务。

2.9 Freely given informed consent should be obtained from every subject prior to clinical trial participation. 2.9 应当在参加临床试验前每一个对象获得自由给出的知情同意书。

2.10 All clinical trial information should be recorded, handled, and stored in a way that allows its accurate

reporting, interpretation and verification.

2.10 所有临床试验资料被记录、处理和储存的方式应当允许资料的准确报告、解释和核对。

2.11 The confidentiality of records that could identify subjects should be protected, respecting the privacy and

confidentiality rules in accordance with the applicable regulatory requirement(s). 2.11 可能鉴别对象身份的记录的保密性应当得到保护,依照适用的管理要求尊重隐私和保密规定。

2.12 Investigational products should be manufactured, handled, and stored in accordance with applicable good

manufacturing practice (GMP). They should be used in accordance with the approved protocol.

2.12 试验用药品应当按照适用的药品生产质量管理规范(GMP)生产、处理和储存。试验用药品应按照已批准的方案使用。

2.13 Systems with procedures that assure the quality of every aspect of the trial should be implemented.

2.13 应当建立保证试验各方面质量的程序系统。


3.1 Responsibilities 职责

3.1.1 An IRB/IEC should safeguard the rights, safety, and well-being of all trial subjects. Special attention should

be paid to trials that may include vulnerable subjects. 3.1.1 IRB/IEC应当保护所有试验对象的权利、安全和健康。应当特别注意那些可能包括有弱势对象的试验。

3.1.2 The IRB/IEC should obtain the following documents: 3.1.2 IRB/IEC应当得到以下文件:

trial protocol(s)/amendment(s), written informed consent form(s) and consent form updates that the investigator proposes for use in the trial, subject recruitment procedures (e.g. advertisements), written information to be provided to subjects, Investigator's Brochure (IB), available safety information, information about payments and compensation available to subjects, the investigator’s current curriculum vitae and/or other documentation evidencing qualifications, and any other documents that the IRB/IEC may need to fulfil its responsibilities. 试验方案/修改,研究人员申请用于试验的书面知情同意书及其更新件,对象招募程序(如广告),提供给对象的书面材料,研究者手册(IB),可得到的安全性材料,对象可获得的付款和补偿,研究人员的最新简历/或其他证明其资格的文件,以及IRB/IEC履行其职责所需要的任何其他文件。

The IRB/IEC should review a proposed clinical trial within a reasonable time and document its views in writing, clearly identifying the trial, the documents reviewed and the dates for the following:


? approval/ favourable opinion; ? 批准/赞成意见

? modifications required prior to its approval/favourable opinion; ? ? ? ?

在批准/赞成之前所需要的修改 disapproval / negative opinion; and 不批准/负面的意见;和

termination/suspension of any prior approval/favourable opinion.

? 中止/暂停先前的批准/赞成意见

3.1.3 The IRB/IEC should consider the qualifications of the investigator for the proposed trial, as documented

by a current curriculum vitae and/or by any other relevant documentation the IRB/IEC requests. IRB/IEC应当参照现行简历和/或IRB/IEC要求的其他相关文件考虑所提议试验的研究人员的资格。

3.1.4 The IRB/IEC should conduct continuing review of each ongoing trial at intervals appropriate to the degree

of risk to human subjects, but at least once per year. IRB/IEC应当根据人类对象的危险度,间隔一定事件对正在进项的试验继续审评,但至少每年一次。