2015年新仁爱版七年级下册英语Unit 7 The birthday Party教案( 共12课时) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2015年新仁爱版七年级下册英语Unit 7 The birthday Party教案( 共12课时)更新完毕开始阅读f346e5a458fb770bf78a558d

Why can’t you take more food than you need? Can you speak loudly at the table?

What should you do when you drink to somebody? Can you drink too much during the dinner?


T: Now, who can try? The questions on the small blackboard may help you. S1: ? S2: ? ?

(教师对复述好的学生加以鼓励。) T: Well done! / Good job!

2. (让学生根据1a中的图片和同伴谈论西餐礼仪。)

T: Well, talk to your partner about how to start a formal western dinner with the things in the picture in 1a. You may begin like this: When you sit down at the table ? (让学生准备2分钟。)

T: Well, any volunteers? Be brave! Come to the front, please! S3: ? S4: ? ?


T: Excellent! / Well done! 3. (完成2。)

T: Now, read the sentences in 2 carefully, and try to get the main idea. (在听录音之前,让学生熟悉一下题目,以降低难度。)

T: Listen to the passage and mark True (T) or False (F). (根据需要,可以播放录音1~2遍。最后核对答案。) T: OK. Let’s check the answers.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 8分钟)


1. (用宾语从句讨论饮食习惯,练习3。)

T: We have learned many eating customs. Please discuss eating customs in pairs, using object


(选一名学生上来配合,给全班学生做个示范。) Example:

T: I want to know whether/if it is impolite to smoke during a meal in France. S1: I think that it is not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.

(让学生两人一组练习3,进一步理解并掌握whether和if引导的宾语从句的用法。) S2: ? S3: ? ?

2. (用小黑板出示问题。)

T: Now, please read the questions on the small blackboard. Write down the sentences according to the example above, using “whether” or “if ”.

Is it right to use the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left?


Is it right to keep your knife and fork in hand until you finish eating? Is it right to drink from your soup bowl?

Is it polite to leave the table during a meal?

Is it polite to take everything that is passed to you? (让学生准备3分钟。)


T: Well, who would like to come to the front to write down the sentences? S4: ? S5: ?

T: OK, read the sentences together, please! 3. (全班学唱Pat a Cake。完成4。)

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)

进一步掌握西餐礼仪。 1. (方案一)


T: I’d like two of you to come to the front. One student tells us about the table manners while the other acts them out. (小黑板出示参考内容。)

Tools: knife, fork, spoon, glass, plate, bowl, napkin How to start a formal western dinner:

When you sit down at the table, take your napkin and put it on your lap. You should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left. It’s polite to eat up everything on your plate. Don’t take more food than you need. Try to speak quietly and smile a lot. Never drink too much during a dinner.

When you drink to someone, you’d better raise your glass and take only a sip. ?

(请2~3对学生表演。) ?


T: Good job! / Well done!



T: Now, Let’s have a competition.

First, I’ll ask eight students to prepare a short dumb play on a formal western dinner. The eight students will make some mistakes on purpose.

Second, I’ll divide the rest of you into six groups. Each group should try your best to find out the mistakes they make during their performances.

Third, the group which finds out the most mistakes will be the winner. (让这八名学生准备2分钟后,进行竞赛活动。) ?


T: OK, stop! Please report your results group by group. (教师给各组记分。呈现以下表格。) Group Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 (表扬表现最佳的组。) T: Congratulations! Group ××. 2. (小组讨论中国的餐桌礼仪并上台表演,评出优胜组。完成1c。) 3. Homework: (搜集更多国家的餐桌礼仪资料。)


Unit 7 The birthday Party.Topic 2

Section D

Section D needs 1 period. Section D需要用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 5. 本课重点活动是1a和5。 Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 1. Learn some new words: course, southern

2. Review object clauses:

Can you tell me if there are two or more courses for every meal in North America, Australia and Europe?

I ask Tom if/whether the most popular food in his restaurant is hot dogs. 3. Learn different eating habits around the world:

In North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.

In Korea, people use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.

4. Review how to cook some kinds of food. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/录音机/图片

Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 6分钟)


1. (呈现图片,以知识竞赛的方式快速复习餐具名称和餐桌礼仪,激情导入。) There are many tools used by people for eating, aren’t there? Yes, there are.

Can you tell me the names of the tools? Yes, we can.

What’s this? How can you spell it? And what can we use it for? It’s a spoon, s-p-o-o-n, spoon. We can use it for drinking soup. ? ?

Excellent! You are very great. Do you still remember how to start a formal western dinner? Yes, we do.

Who can have a try to tell me something about it? When we sit down at the table ? ? ?

T: Wonderful!

2. (小组讨论。呈现目标语言,导入本课阅读内容,激发阅读兴趣。)

T: What else do you know about table manners? Please discuss in groups and each group makes a short report.

(要求各组推荐一位代表汇报,形成对就餐礼仪的较系统的认识。) S1: ?


T: Ss: T: Ss: T: S1: S2: S3: T: Ss: T: S1: S2: S3: