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发布时间 : 星期五 文章(完整word版)外研版三年级起点五年级下册英语集体备课教案更新完毕开始阅读f38cfb0dcd84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb736288b


板书Unit1 She had eggs and sausages 设计 What did she\\he have for breakfast \\lunch\\dinner yesterday? She\\He had… 教学 后记

课 题 Unit2 Sam ate four hamburgers 1、 Words and phrases: ate hamburger gave tonight 2、 Sentences: What did you eat/drink last night? 教学目标 I ate/drank… 3、 Function: Talk about eating habits and favourite food 掌握单词:ate hamburger gave tonight 掌握句型:What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank… 教学重点 What are you going to eat/drink tonight? I am going to eat/drink...教学难点 教学准备 PPT 多媒体 教学时间 教 学 过 程 执教随笔 1、Warmer: T: Hello. Ss: Hello teacher. T: What did you have for breakfast this morning? Ss: I had… T: What’s your favourite food? Ss: My favourite food is… 2、Presentation: Take out a picture of hamburger and ask the students “Do you like hamburger?” “How many hamburgers can you eat? Students answer the questions. T: Let’s see how many hamburgers Sam can eat. Then write the title on the board. 3、 Teach new lesson: Step1 T: Take out some new word cards. Ask students to try to read out them, and then teach them these words. Step2 Put on a letter of this unit. Ask students to see the letter 13

学英雄风范 做时代新人


and at the same time to listen to the tape. For the first time the students should draw a line under the new words. Then ask them to try to answer these questions: 1、 Who ate hamburgers? 2、 Who had a sandwich? 3、 What is mum going to cook tonight? Step2 Play the tape, the students should read after it. Then check the answers. Step3 Ask the students to see the second part. Use the food to make some dialogues. Students do it in pairs. To see which group is the best. Step4 Game 将全班分成几组,教师出示有关食物的卡片,要求学生看到食物后马上造句,哪组有一名学生先站起来,就算哪组先抢达到。抢到的小组每人要迅速造一个句子,只要有一个成员没有完成造句,就不得分,最后哪组抢达最多,造句最多,教师发给每个成员一枚粘贴作为奖励。 Step5 Summary 先让学生总结一下本节课学到了什么,老师对总结不完整的部分加以补充 Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers 板书 Words: hamburger eat gave drank tonight 设计 What did you eat/drind last night I ate/drank…. What are you going to eat/drind tonight? I am going to eat/drink….. 教学后记


学英雄风范 做时代新人


第 四 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 4 Library 本模块的教学内容是提出建议,说明能做的事情。 第一单元的课文情境是Ms Smart的朋友寄来了一些书和CD,Ms Smart建议Amy和Lingling设立一个家庭图书馆。Amy和Lingling将书分类摆放;她们将所有与科学相关的书和所有的CD放在一个书架上,然后将所有的词典单独摆放。她们还为朋友们准备了借书卡。可是当Sam和John来借书时,Lingling发现,书本的位置和书架的编号竟然对不上! 第二单元的课文是一段关于如何从学校图书馆获取相关信息的说明;学生将要展开关于动物的小研究,他们有很多不同的方法可以找到相关信息,例如阅读书籍、听CD光盘、观看电影和查阅电子书。 本模块的学习重点是巩固用“Let’s...”提出建议和用“can”说明可以做的事情。这些内容相对比较容易掌握,因此教师应该给基础较薄弱的学生更多巩固和运用的机会。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 1 1 Unit1 Let’s make a home library Unit2 We can find information from books and CDs. 总 课 时 2 课 题 Unit 1 Let’s make a home library 1.知识目标 (1)使学生掌握单词“library, sent, CD , idea, put, shelf, heavy, dictionary, card, library card ”。 (2)使学生掌握句型 “①These are all books about science. ②Let’s put them on Shelf A. ③ Where are the books about animals ? ④They’re on Shelf A.”。 教学目标 2.能力目标 使学生能运用所学语言提出建议,说明能做的事情。 3.情感目标 1.让学生积极参与学校及家庭的各项活动。 2.培养学生的团结协作精神和竞争意识。 15

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1.掌握本课的单词 “library, sent, CD , idea, put, shelf, heavy, dictionary, card, library card ”。 教学重点2.熟练地掌握句型“①These are all books about science. ②Let’s put them on 教学难点 Shelf A. ③ Where are the books about animals ? ④They’re on Shelf A.”并且能熟练的应用于生活当中。 教学准备 教学时间 教 学 过 程 Step1. Warm-up Greetings Step2 Presentation Play a guessing game T: Do you like playing games? OK, We’re going to play a game called “Riddles”. There are six riddles ,I read them for you , then you try to tell us the answer. The answer is on the screen. (课件出示:六幅图片,上面有编号A、B、C、E、D、F。每个谜语对应本课的新单词。) (1)T: It’s round(圆的),It can play(播放) music. (CD) Which one ? (2)T: You can put(放) books on it.(shelf) (put) T: This is a book shelf .We can put books on it.学习“shelf”“put”. (利用升降调,phonics教学法。) (3)T: You can borrow(借) books from it. (library)(重点学。) (4)T: You can use it borrow books from the library. 学习“library card---card” (library card ,card) (5)T: You can write emails on it. (sent) T: Yes, It’s a computer. I think all of you like it very much .Right? Because we can play computer games,we can sent emails . Yesterday I sent an email to my friend. 学习“sent” (6)T: You can find Chinese words(汉字) in it . (dictionary, heavy)(带一本字典,利用实物教学。) (设计意图:利用猜谜来教授本课的新单词,培养学生用英语思考问题的良好习惯,激发学生的学习兴趣,以趣促学,有效提高英语课堂教学的效率。) Step3.Practice 1. Now let’s check the new words. (老师利用升降调领读所有单词,然后看口型猜单词。) 2.(课件9)Play a game. Read these words as quickly as you can.(利用白板的探照灯功能让学生来快速认读单词。) T:Please clap hands for yourselves like this. “Well done, you! Well done, me!” 16

教学卡片,课件,视频,字典 执教随笔 学英雄风范 做时代新人