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be supposed to 应该,被期望suppose vt. 推想, 假设, 猜想, 应该;准;允许vi. 料想What do you suppose you will do after school?你放学后想什么?We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.不准我们在星期日踢足球。我认为将会下雨。I suppose it will rain.在教室里是不准踢足球的.You're not supposedto play football in the ▽class-room. bend(bent, bent) n. [c] 转弯;弯曲v. (使)弯曲a bend in the road /river道路/河流的转弯处The stream takes a sudden bendto the east.小溪突然转向东流。The branches bent in the wind. 树枝被风吹弯了。We bent our steps towards home.我们转过脚步朝家走.She tried to bendher husband toher wishes.▽她设法使丈夫顺从她的愿望。bend(bent, bent)使朝向[(+on/to/toward)]All eyes were bent onme.所有的目光都注视着我。俯[(+down/over)]The nurse bent downand kissed the child.护士弯下身子吻了孩子一下。▽touchn. 触摸,接触;触觉vt/vi 触摸;接触, 感动(某人),使(某人)动心I felt the touch of his hand.我感到他的手碰了我一下。It will break at a touch.那东西一碰就破。Let's stay in touch.我们保持联络。▽