LCT发电机励磁操作说明书0708(中英文版) 联系客服

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LCT微机励磁控制器 操作说明书 LCT Digital Excitation Controller User’s Guide 确认键Enter Key(确认ENTER):选定光标处的状态,进入下一级菜 单。pick the state on the cursor,go to the next menu. 5.3.1 运行状态菜单 Running State Menu:

5.3主菜单下,光标选中第(一)项确认后,进入运行状态菜单。Below 5.3 main menu,

after the cursor choosing the first and entering, enter the running state menu.

㈠. 通道参数查询 运行状态 ㈡. 状态查询 1.Channel PAR Check RUN 2.State Check 操作:Keyborad operation: 上键UP Key(^):向上移动光标。Up the cursor . 下键Down Key(v):向下移动光标。Down the cursor .

取消键Quit Key(取消ESC):退回主菜单。Back to the main menu.

确认键Enter Key(确认ENTER):选定光标处的状态,进入下一级菜 单。pick the state on the cursor,go to the next menu. 通道参数查询 Channel Parameter Check:


询状态。通道参数查询共分12页,由罗马字母Ⅰ——Ⅻ在显示屏中下方标识。以十六进制显示的参数主要供制造厂家调试用。Below the 5. 3. 1 running state menu, after the cursor choosing the first channel parameters consulting enter key, and enter channel parameters consult state.Channel parameters consult totally divides into 12 pages, it’s marked by the roman letters I to Ⅻ in the inferior display screen. The parameters displayed according to hex mainly provide factory to test.

操作:Keyborad operation: 上键UP Key(^):向上翻动界面。Go to the up menu. 16

LCT微机励磁控制器 操作说明书 LCT Digital Excitation Controller User’s Guide 下键Down Key(v):向下翻动界面。Go to the down menu. 取消键Quit Key(取消ESC):退回运行状态菜单。Back to the running state menu. 确认键Enter Key(确认ENTER):显示运行参数十进制与十六进制间 切换。Display the parameter between HEX and DEC. 第Ⅰ页参数 Parameters on page I:

Vf= 4. 9950 Vfd= 0.38818 Vref= 0.00000 I d= 0.04394 α= 80.760 Href= 2.8198 综放= 82.000ⅠIfd= 0.00000

Vf = 4. 9950 Vfd= 0.38818 Vref= 0.00000 I d= 0.04394 α= 80.760 Href= 2.8198 ∑= 82.000 Ⅰ Ifd= 0.00000

各参数定义如下:The definition of the parameters is following: Vf:发电机PT电压,单位为V。该电压量综合了发电机测量PT与仪表PT的值。Vf: Generator PT voltage, unit is V. The voltage compromises generator excitation specific PT and instrument PT value.

Vref:发电机自动给定电压,单位V。因为调节器自动运行方式是按发电机电压反馈闭环运行,因此此处以发电机PT电压值作为基准。Vref: Generator automatism reference voltage, unit is V. Because regulator automatism run mode is running according to generator voltage feedback closed loop, here make generator PT voltage value as reference value.

α:可控硅开放角,单位为度。α: SCR open angle, unit is degree.

综放:经自动运行方式下比例调节或PID调节及手动运行方式下转子电流(或调节器输出电流)闭环比例调节计算所得的最终数据,以此得到可控硅开放角。即该值与可控硅开放角一一对应。∑: The final data calculated by proportion regulation or PID regulation in automatism running mode and rotor current (or regulator output current) closed loop proportion regulation in manual running mode, and find SCR open angle by this.Namely the value and SCR open angle are corresponding one by one.

Vfd:发电机转子电压,单位为V。无刷励磁方式下如检测不到则该值为零。自并励方式下,励磁变阳极电压超过400V,将不采集该量。Vfd: Generator rotor voltage, unit is V.If it can’t be measured in brushless excitation mode then the value is zero. In static excitation mode, if excitation acontact voltage overruns 400V, the data won’t be samplinged.

Id:调节器输出总电流,单位为A。静止励磁方式下该值为零。Id: Regulator output chief current, unit is A. In static excitation mode it will be zero.



LCT微机励磁控制器 操作说明书 LCT Digital Excitation Controller User’s Guide 同。无刷励磁机组由于无法测出发电机转子电流,因此以调节器输出电流作为参考量,其余励磁方式都以发电机转子电流作为参考量闭环运行。当发电机满载额定时,无论发电机转子电流或者调节器输出电流,其值在程序内部都为1000H。Href: Generator manual reference data. According to different excitation modes, its reference data are also different.Due to brushless excitator can’t measure generator rotor current, make regulator output current be reference data, and other excitation mode all make generator rotor current as reference data closed loop to run. When generator rated loaded, no matter generator rotor current or regulator output current, its values are all 1000H in the inside program .

Ifd:发电机转子电流,单位为A。无刷励磁方式下该值为零。Ifd: Generator rotor currnet, unit is A. In brushless excitation mode its value will be zero. 第Ⅱ页参数 Parameters on page II:

Vf′= 0.00000 Ifdi = 0.00000 采If = 0.00000 Ifdc= 0.00000 P= 0.00000 采P = 0.00000

Q= -0.00877 Ⅱ 采Q = -0.00877 Vf′= 0.00000 Ifdi = 0.00000 SIf = 0.00000 Ifdc= 0.00000 P= 0.00000 SP = 0.00000 Q= -0.00877 Ⅱ SQ = -0.00877

各参数定义如下: The definition of the parameters is following: Vf’:发电机仪表PT值,单位为V。Vf’: Generator instrument PT value, unit is V.

采If:发电机CT的值,单位为A。同时在发电机额定工况下该值的十六进制值作为“参数查询与修改”菜单下“额定交流量采样值(HEX)”子菜单中之第(3)条“发电机CT采样值”。SIf: Generator CT value, unit is A. At the same time under generator rated conditioning condition the value’s hex value will be the third item’s “generator CT sampling value” of “Rated Sampling Value of AC Value(HEX)” submenu of “parameter check and change” menu.

P:发电机有功功率,单位MW。Generator active power, unit is MW.

Q:发电机无功功率,单位MVAR。Generator reactive power, unit is MVAR. Ifdi:通过分流器采样得到的发电机转子电流。无刷励磁方式下该值为零。静止励磁方式上若励磁变压器阳极电压超过400V则不用此方式测量转子电流。Ifdi: Generator rotor current gained by currend divided. In brushless excitation the value is zero. In static excitation mode if excitation transformer acontact voltage exceed 400V this mode won’t be used to measure rotor current.

Ifdc:通过发电机转子回路交流侧CT采样得到的交流电流量,折算为发电机转子电流。该方法主要用于静止励磁方式中励磁变压器阳极电压超过400V的情况。Ifdc: AC current variable gained by CT sampling through AC side of generator rotor circuit, convert as generator rotor current. The mean is mainly used in the condition when excitation transformer acontact voltage exceeds 400V in static excitation mode.

采P:发电机采样得到的有功功率值。SP: Active power value gained by generator sampling.


LCT微机励磁控制器 操作说明书 LCT Digital Excitation Controller User’s Guide 采Q:发电机采样得到的无功功率值。Sampling Q:Reactive power value gained by generator sampling.

由于CT、PT存在的一定的角度差,调节器采样得到的有功无功值与实际的有功无功值有一定的偏差,因此采样值与实际值间还有一个角度误差补偿,有关该误差补偿详见第5.章节。Because CT and PT exist stated angle error, active power and reactive power value gained by regulator sampling and actual value exist error, there is a angle error compensation between samplinging value and actual value, about the error compensation details to see chapter .

在发电机额定工况下采P和采Q的十六进制值作为“参数查询与修改”菜单下“额定交流量采样值(HEX)”子菜单中之第(4)条“额定有功采样值”和第(5)条“额定无功采样值”。In generator rated condition P sampling and Q sampling’s hex value as “parameter check and change” menu’s “Rated Sampling Value of AC Value(HEX)” submenu’s the forth item “rated active power sampling value” and the fifth item “rated reactiwv power sampling value”. 第Ⅲ页参数 Parameters on page III:

采Vf = 0.00000 采Vf’= 0.00000 Va = 0.00000 Va’= 0.00000 Vb= 0.00000 Vb’= 0.00000 Vc= -0.00000 ⅢVc’= -0.00000

SVf = 0.00000 SVf’= 0.00000 Va = 0.00000 Va’= 0.00000 Vb= 0.00000 Vb’= 0.00000 Vc= -0.00000 ⅢVc’= -0.00000

各参数定义如下:The definition of the parameters is following: 采Vf:发电机测量PT的采样值,单位为V。SVf: Excitation specific PT sampling value, unit is V.

Va:发电机测量PT的a相电压值,单位为V。 Excitation specific PT A phase voltage value, unit is V.

Vb:发电机测量PT的b相电压值,单位为V。 Excitation specific PT B phase voltage value, unit is V.

Vc:发电机测量PT的c相电压值,单位为V。 Excitation specific PT C phase voltage value, unit is V.

采Vf′:发电机仪表PT的采样值,单位为V。 Sampling Vf’: Generator instrument PT sampling value, unit is V.

Va′:发电机仪表PT的a相电压值,单位为V。Generator instrument PT A phase voltage value, unit is V.

Vb′:发电机仪表PT的b相电压值,单位为V。Generator instrument PT B phase voltage value, unit is V.

Vc′:发电机仪表PT的c相电压值,单位为V。Generator instrument PT C phase voltage value, unit is V.

在发电机额定电压下,采Vf和采Vf′的十六进制作为“参数查询与修改”菜单下“额定交流量采样值(HEX)”子菜单中之第(1)条“测量PT采样值”和第(2)条“测量仪表PT采样值”。In generator rated voltage, SVf and SVf’s ampling hex as “parameter check and change” menu’s “Rated Sampling Value of AC Value(HEX)”