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一辈子暖暖的好我永远爱你到老 小酒窝长睫毛 迷人得无可救药 我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了

终于找到心有灵犀的美好 一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老


when you wake up in the morning when you haven't started to think there is a whole brand new day open wide and waiting for you i know in life's sorrow

you're on the verge of drowning may your tears flea with yesterday blow away with the wind

when you wake up in the morning

when you haven't started to think the world is out there calling open eyes to new beginning a newborn sun is shining

chasing shadows from your mind everything will be alive under the sunshine's smile

come our form your corder no doubt in join us

u can decide the future

devote your youthful power to this world

come together,hand in hand together i know u'll do

we pray and believe that tomorrow will be better

no i don't know what your name is but you're so familiar to me cos we belong to one family you can hear my heart calling

life can be music

rainbows can be reached if you face yourself truly keep striving for your dream

玫瑰花的葬礼 离开你一百个星期 我回到了这里

寻找我们爱过的证据 没有人愿意提起 玫瑰花它的过去 今天这里的主题 我把它叫作回忆 我知道爱情这东西 没什么道理

过去我和你在一起 是我太叛逆

现在只剩我自己 偷偷的想你 玫瑰花的葬礼

埋葬关于你的回忆 感觉双手麻痹

不能自已 已拉不住你 真的好美丽 那天的烟花雨

我说要娶穿碎花洋裙的你 玫瑰花的葬礼

埋葬深深爱着的你 残朵停止呼吸 渗入大地 没人会注意 一片小雨滴 陪着我等天明

我用这最后一分钟怀念你 我在夜幕笼罩的天桥上潜行 每一级阶梯

都留着你我昔日印迹 温存迷醉 吵闹清醒

都还在我的脚畔兜转不清 没来得及把红色玫瑰递给你 爱就象是一场雨 已经离我而去 你说过