江苏省2019—2020学年第二学期牛津译林版七年级下册英语7BU3:Welcome to Sunshine Town(word版含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章江苏省2019—2020学年第二学期牛津译林版七年级下册英语7BU3:Welcome to Sunshine Town(word版含答案)更新完毕开始阅读f48e84c1571810a6f524ccbff121dd36a32dc4fd




1.It’s__________ unlucky day today because I lost__________ useful book.

A. an; an

B. a; an

C. a; a

D. an; a

2. There are many_______ in Beijing. A. interesting place

B. interesting places D. place of interest

C. places of interesting

3. It will a few months to control(控制)the new virus COVID-19(新冠病毒).

A. cost

B. spend

C. take

D. pay

4. --- Do you know Hemingway?

--- Yes. He a writer and his work—The Old man and the Sea.

A. is famous for; is famous for C. is famous as; is famous as

B.is famous as; is famous for D.is famous for; is famous as

5. If you don’t have enough rest after a long time’s work, you_____________ ill.

A. maybe

B. are

C. may be

D. may

6. The man in a blue shirt is __________father . A. Lily and Lucy

B. Lily’s and Lucy’s D. Lily and Lucy’s

C. Lily’s and Lucy

7. ----Jim , What a mess(混乱)! The books are __________the room . ----Sorry Mum, I will clean them at once. A. all over

B. in

C. under


8. Jessica wants to buy a pen , a notebook and many __________things in the shop .

A.the other B.another C. others D.other

9. ---Are there many wonderful things_______in Sunshine Town? ---Yes. We are looking forward to________it. A. buy; visit

B. buying; visiting D. to buy; visit

C. to buy; visiting

10. After having a three-day rest, my father is now feeling _____ to go to work.

A. enough good

B. enough well

C. well enough

D.good enough

11. Don`t your cute cat in the park by herself.



C. take


12. Her __________is to finish five __________of art every week . A.work;work


C. works;works D.works;work

13. ---_______ is your phone number? ---It’s 84581868. A. How much

B. How

C. What

D. How many

14.I live in the same building with my friends, so I am_________ to them.

A. close

B. closed

C. closing

D. closes

15.---Shall we go to fly kites this afternoon? --- can be better. When shall we go? A. Something else C. Else something 16. ---Don’t do it like that!

A. don’t

B. Nothing else D. Else nothing ---Sorry, I __________. C. wasn’t

D. won’t

B. didn’t

17. There’s no bus. He has to ________ there ___________ his bicycle.

A. go to, by B. go, by C. go to, on D. go, on

18.--- your hometown like? ---It's a good place .

A. How's; to live B. How does; living C. What's; to live D. What does; living 19.When I was a child, my mother often _______ me at home _______.

A. left; by myself B. leaves; for myself C. left; for myself D. leaves; by me 20. There is _______ water, but there are quite _______ empty(空的)glasses.

A. little; a few B. few; little

C. little; few D. little; a little

21. ---Shall we go shopping together at 3 o’clock this afternoon? ---Sorry, I have to do my homework then. Let’s make it _______ time. A. the other

B. another

C. other


22. ---The pet tortoise(乌龟)is very nice. Is it_______?

---Yes, but I'll give it to my grandmother as_______ birthday present.

A. you; her

B. your; her

C. yours; her

D. yours; hers

23. ---Why not _______ the umbrella with you? It’s going to rain. --–OK, Mum.

A. to bring

B. bring

C. to take

D. take

24. ---Look at the dark clouds . It ‘s going to rain ! ---__________ . I didn’t carry the umbrella with me .

A. I don’t hope C. I hope so

B. I hope not D. I don’t think so

25. We have a warm spring this year. The wheat very well.

A. grows 二、词汇运用

B. grow C. raises D. raise

1. An old friend of_____________(他的) is coming to visit him tomorrow. 2. ___________(没有什么)else is more important to a person than health. 3.---Who’s he? ---He is Mr Li. Today is his ______________ (三十九) birthday.

4. One of the biggest_____________(宾馆) in our hometown is to the west of the shopping mall. 5. Some farmers in my town____________(饲养) sheep and make a lot of money. 6.The farmers are busy_____________(种) all kind of vegetables and flowers on the farm. 7. Millie likes her job, but her twig brother Sandy doesn’t like___________(she). 8.Look! Some boys are having great fun____________(row)boats on the lake. 9. His grandpa lives in a flat about ten______________(分钟) walk from here. 10.Do you think the_____________(own) of these houses live in China or abroad? 三、完成句子


There in the country . 2.她经常带客人参观颐和园。

She visitors the Summer Palace. 3.从我家到学校骑自行车仅十分钟。

me to school from my home . 4.我认为它不是个参观的好地方。

I it's a nice place . 5.我们中的大多数居住在像这样的地方。

live in places .