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发布时间 : 星期日 文章(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习专题限时检测(二十二)阅读理解C篇专练(三)更新完毕开始阅读f4c728a3b6360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a561226be

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(2019·泰州一模)In 2016, designer Liz Ciokajlo received a task from the Museum of Modern Art (Moma) in New York: revisit the Moon Boot, a fluffy-looking snowshoe inspired by the footwear used by the Apollo astronauts.

Launched in 1972 at the height of the lunar missions, the Moon Boot is an icon of the 20th Century's “plastic age” and the museum administrators wanted a new take on it.

Ciokajlo set out to reimagine it.She knew only a biomaterial would work in a “post-plastic age”, but the designer also wanted a new destination to inspire it.Our generation's space travel obsession is not the Moon, she thought, but the red planet — Mars.And Mars allows you to really think outside of the box.

The task led her to an amazing biomaterial that had already attracted the attention of engineers innovating in building materials and of top space agencies like NASA and ESA.Her final design, a tall, female, rough-looking boot, can be made on board a spaceship with almost only human sweat and a few fungus spores (真菌孢子), ideal for a seven-month trip to Mars with limited check-in luggage.

This magic biomaterial is mycelium (菌丝体), the vegetative part of the fungus.It looks like a mass of white thread like structures, each called hyphae.Collectively, these threads are called mycelium and are the largest part of the fungus.

Mycelium has amazing properties.It is a great recycler, as it feeds off a substrate to create more material, and has the potential of almost limitless growth in the right conditions.It can endure more pressure than conventional concrete without breaking.It is a known insulator and fire-retardant and could even provide radiation protection on space missions.

On Earth it's currently used to create ceiling panels, leather, packaging materials and building materials, but in outer space it stands out for its architectural potential, says artist and engineer Maurizio Montalti, who has teamed up with Ciokajlo.

For her revisited boot, Ciokajlo wanted to use the human body as the source for some of the building materials and decided to employ sweat.Reusing sweat is not entirely new in space exploration but a novelty approach for footwear.She thinks


it might make astronauts feel closer to home during the long journey to Mars.

The design is still hypothetical, because the real boot submitted for Moma — and currently in display at the London Design Museum — did use mycelium but not human sweat, as their deadline was too tight, but the science checks out.

语篇解读:本文主要介绍了科学家正在设计只用人类的汗液和一些真菌孢子来制造“月亮靴”。 1.The sentences “‘Mars has always been a place where you can dream.It is a place where you can reimagine how to live on Earth.’ Ciokajlo says.” should be

put ________.

A.between Para.1 and Para.2 B.between Para.2 and Para.3 C.between Para.3 and Para.4 D.between Para.4 and Para.5

解析:选C 推理判断题。 插入句主要讨论关于火星的内容,文章中mars首次出现在文章第三段,因此该句话可以添加在第三段后,第四、五两段在谈论biomaterial,具有连贯性,中间不适合插入其他成分。

2.According to the passage, which of the following doesn't belong to the characteristics of mycelium?

A.It can be recyclable.

B.It can protect people from radiation.

C.It can grow without limit whatever the condition.

D.Compared with conventional concrete, it can endure more pressure. 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第六段第二句中“has the potential of almost limitless growth in the right condition”可知,它在合适的环境中成长不受限制,故C项表达错误。

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.The new design will be used for moon exploration.

B.It will be some time before the new design is put into actual use. C.Mycelium has been currently widely used, especially in outer space. D.Human sweat wasn't used in the design because of some drawbacks.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句“The design is still hypothetical(adj.假设的)”可知该设计还处于设想阶段,还没有实施。

4.The author takes a(n) ________ attitude towards the new design. A.optimistic
