客房服务竞赛试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章客房服务竞赛试题更新完毕开始阅读f51ad6152cc58bd63086bd41

A.有利于客房销售,提高客房出租率 B.方便工作,提高工作效率 C.满足住客的需求

D.有利于客房设备用品的维护保养 111.以下开夜床服务中正确的是(ACB)

A.拉下床罩,折好放入柜子 B. 一次性拖鞋摆在开夜床的折口处 C.将浴帘底部放在浴缸内 D. 关掉所有的灯 112. 楼层服务台的不足之处是(BCD) A.随机服务较差 B.有受监视的感觉 C.影响楼层安静 D.增加成本 113.下列属于单间客房的是(AB)。 A. Twin Room B. Double Room C. Connecting Suite D. Business Suite 114.查房的作用有(ABCD)。

A.拾遗补漏 B.帮助指导 C.督促考察 D.控制调节 115.在VIP客人接待中要特别注意( ABD )。 A.服务适度 B.及时传递信息 C.随时陪伴左右 D.用心极致,做好细节服务 116.清洁设备的管理制度包括(ABCD)。

A.建立和使用档案卡 B. 制定保养维护制度 C.制定收发程序 D.保证库房安全 117.客房用品按照供应形式划分可分为(ABC)。 A.客房供应品 B. 宾客租借品 C.客房备用品 D.一次性消耗品

118.下列各项中属于公共区域职能范畴的是(BCD )。

A.负责厨房的清洁卫生 B.负责公共洗手间的清洁卫生 C.负责各通道的绿化工作 D. 负责楼梯的清洁卫生 119.饭店客房清扫中,抹尘的要求中正确的是(ABD)。 A.按顺时针或逆时针方向抹 B.先上后下 C.先外后里 D. 干湿分开 120.公共区域的职能包括哪些(ABC)。

A.庭院绿化 B.家具搬运 C.地毯清洁 D.厨房清洁



题型一 中译英

1. 这是239房间,我想加一个枕头。(This is Room 239; I’d like to have one more


2. 您可以在房间直拨国际长途。(You can make IDD call in your room.)

3. 我们提供快洗服务,加收50%的额外费用。(We have express service at a 50% extra


4. 对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(Excuse me. Do you have any laundry?) 5. 好像电话有问题。(It seems that something is wrong with the telephone.) 6. 2135房间的浴缸坏了,请派人来修理一下好吗?(The bath tub in Room 2135 is out

of order/service, can you please send someone to repair/fix it?) 7. 我想要一个转换插头。(I’d like to have an adaptor/ I need an adaptor..) 8. 这是8976房间,请送一个电熨斗。(This is Room 8976, can you send me an iron,


9. 我想要一个客房送餐服务。(I’d like to have a room service.) 10. 客房里有小冰箱。(There is a mini bar in your room.)

11. 我的房间现在还没打扫过,已经12点了。(My room hasn’t been made up yet. It’s

already 12:00.)

12. 请接受我代表酒店向您道歉。(Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.) 13. 我房间的电视图象不清楚。(The TV set in my room doesn’t give clear pictures.) 14. 这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。(I’d like this sweater washed by hand in cold water.) 15. 在房间上网是免费的。(We have free internet service for free./ You can use

internet in the room for free.)

16. 房间有保险箱。(There is a safe in your room.)

17. 这个房间是海景房。(The room enjoys the ocean/sea view)

18. 这是您房间的钥匙。 我们的行李员会带您去房间。(This is your room key. Our

bellboy will show you to your room.)

19. 我来取您要洗的衣服。(I am here to collect your laundry.)

20. 酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。(The hotel provides free shoe shining service

for its guests.)

题型二 英译中

1. Housekeeping, May I come in? (我是客房服务员,可以进来吗?)

2. When would you like me to clean your room? (您需要我们什么时候打扫房间。) 3. Good evening. May I do the turn-down service for you now? (现在可以为您开夜


4. I need one more pillow, please.(我需要加个枕头。) 5. The air-conditioner doesn’t work.(空调坏了。) 6. We'll dry-clean the dress.(我们将干洗这条裙子。)

7. When can I have my laundry back? (我何时能取回洗的衣服呢?)

8. Do you prefer your laundry by express service or returned on the same day?(您


9. The indemnity shall not exceed ten times of the laundry charge. (赔偿金额最


10. The water tap was dripping all night long.(水龙头一晚上都在滴水。)

11. If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know. (如


12. Please deposit your money, jewels and other valuables in the hotel safe.(请


13. Sorry to have caused you so much trouble.(很抱歉给您带来这么多麻烦。) 14. I assure you it will never happen again.(我向您保证,这类事情以后不会再发生


15. Please keep your room key with you all the time in case you need it when you sign

your bills.(请将房间钥匙随时带在身边,以防签单时要用)

16. You can make long distance call from your room. (您可以从您房间里打长途电话。) 17. Local calls made from the hotel room are free of charge.(在房间内打市话是免


18. Here’s a letter for you, Mr. White.(怀特先生,这儿有您的一封信。)

19. The business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.(营业时间是上午9点到晚上


Is it possible to rent a bike here?(酒店有自行车出租吗?)

题型三 情景对话

1. If the guest wants to make an international call, how would you tell him?

(Dial 9(or other number) first and then your country code, city code and the number you want.And the call will be charged.)

2. If the guest comes to you and says he/she can not open the door, what would

you do?( I would check the guest’s ID, and confirm it with the front office. If he is the right guest of the room, I will change his key for a new one, or open the door for him. If there is something wrong with the door, I will ask maintenance to fix it.)

3. When the guest asks you to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what would

you say? (I will pick up your laundry soon.May I have your room number, please?) 4. When you are going to clean the room for the guest, and the guest tells you

it is not convenient for him now, what would you do? (I’ll ask the guest when it will be convenient and note it down in the logbook.)

5. When the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and wants an extra pillow,

what would you say? (We will send one to you immediately.May I have your room number?)

6. If the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and says it is very cold

in his / her room, how would you do? (I’ll tell the guest there is a blanket or quilt in the closet, I’ll send him/her an extra blanket or quilt, or I will inform the maintenance department to see if there is anything wrong with the air conditioner.)

7. When you are going to make turn-down service for the guest, but the guest is

working, what would you do? (I would ask the guest if it is ok to do now, if not, I will ask when it willbe convenient.)

8. If the guest calls the service center and says the bulb in his room is broken,

what would you do? (I’ll apologize to the guest and tell him/her the electrician will be there soon.)

9. How would you introduce your guestroom to the guest? (I would tell the guest

about the equipment, the views, the service guide, and security of the guestroom)

If the guest comes to tell you that his room is smoky and he wants to change it, but you do not have another room available, what would you do to solve the problem? (I would first apologize for it and explain the situation to him and help him get rid of the smell by opening the window and cleaning the air.)