广东高考英语完形填空做题奥秘 联系客服

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运用复现和同现,做做下面完形填空题,看看你真正掌握了绝招没有? Passage 1

Have you ever noticed how you feel about yourself depends on whether or not you get confirmation of your value from others? I learned it from Frank who taught me to 1 dogs.

Frank always helped the guard dogs he trained feel respected, protected and 2 . He 3 by giving his dogs with love and respect, and by 4 them a large amount of patience as they were learning.

He would cut a small piece of 5 for each dog. He would place the carpet in the dog’s 6 area, for him to lie on each night. He would

also take it during the 7 and sit the dog in various locations, as he praised the dog for being 8 . Whenever he went, he would pick up the carpet and 9 it to the new place, and sit the dog down. Soon the piece of carpet took on the distinct 10 of the dog.

Next, Frank would 11 the dog to pick up the piece of carpet himself, and carry it wherever he goes. The dog learned this 12 , with Frank often praising him for being a good dog. “No matter where the dog goes, he receives my love and 13 , ” said Frank.

If this strategy works so 14 with dogs, wouldn’t it work just as well with human beings? Ask yourself, “Wouldn’t your life be very 15 if you changed your piece of carpet to one full of love and appreciation?”

1. A. raise B. train C. select D. distribute

2. A. loved B. existed C. looked D. expected

3. A. figured out

4. A. showing

5. A. expression

6. A. sleeping B. set out C. started out D. worked out B. finding C. needing D. cultivating B. result C. form D. carpet B. learning C. drinking D. playing

7. A. break B. interruption C. day D. course

8. A. lovely

9. A. fetch

10. A. smell

11. A. teach B. good C. smart B. send C. carry B. shape C. habit B. force C. advise D. brave D. lend D. fur D. invite