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12. A. shortly B. hardly C. quickly D. willingly

13. A. money B. help C. contribution D. appreciation

14. A. brilliantly B. badly C. easily D. truly

15. A. careful B. offensive C. doubtful D. different

[答案与解析] 这是一篇记叙文。作者向Frank学习怎样用爱心与赞赏培训狗,由此类推,我们人类也同样需要得到他人的爱与赞赏。

1. B 根据原词复现,下文的the guard dogs he trained中有提示。 2. A 根据同源复现,下文的with love and respect中有提示。

3. C 根据结构同现,这里讲的是Frank训狗的步骤,根据第四段开头的next,此处应选C。 4. A 根据近义词复现,与giving相对应的是showing。

5. D 根据原词复现,下一句中就有carpet,Frank为每一条狗剪一张毯子。

6. A 根据上义词复现,后面的?for him to lie on each night提示这里是每晚“睡觉”的地方。 7. C 根据反义词复现,上一句讲的是each night, 所以这里讲“白天”的情况。 8. B 根据原词复现,文章两处赞扬了狗表现“好”,都用了good一词。

9. C 根据近义词复现,与上文的pick up近义,也可以根据原词复现,下一段第一句话中再次出现carry,这里是说,Frank会捡起狗的毯子,并“拿到”新的地方去。

10. A 根据因果同现,因为狗无论到哪儿都会带着自己的毯子睡觉,因此毯子上就会有狗的“气味”。 11. A 根据反义词复现,下文说The dog learned this,与之相反,Frank“教”狗如何捡起自己的毯子。 12. C 根据因果同现,因为狗学习接受能力“快”,所以才会得到主人Frank的表扬。 13. D 根据原词复现,文章最后一句有相同的名词词组,love and appreciation。 14. A 根据同义词复现,四个选项中与well同义的只有答案A。

15. D 根据同义同现,既然改变(changed?to?)了,肯定是“不同”的了。本句意思为,如果你的毯子也变成了一张充满爱与赞赏的毯子,难道你的人生不会变得不同吗?

Passage 2

My dad had a keen imagination, and would play a little good-night game every day. He would 1 my room to talk to me and listen to the

joys and 2 of my day. As he was leaving. Dad would blow out my light like the birthday candles on a 3 .

As he did his little 4 , Dad would say, “The light will be dark. As far as you’re concerned, it will be dark all over the world because your world is the one you 5 totally by yourself. The world is yours to see that way. So, keep your light 6 .”

When I was very young, I used to 7 there in bed after Dad left and try to understand what he meant. It was 8 as I was so young. What Dad was trying to tell me was that when I went to 9 at night, the world came to a stop. When I woke up in the morning I could 10 to see a fresh new world through my own eyes. In other words, if I woke up happy, the world was happy. If I woke up not feeling well, the world felt 11 .