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To discuss the related problems and the Coriolis force

Abstract:Due to the earth non-stop rotation of the object on the earth movement will have the effect of inertia force, the most prominent is the influence of Coriolis force. But we come in contact with the Coriolis force, just appear in the textbooks of

mechanics, and simply describes the relevant part of, the most common is due to the effect of the Coriolis force, and the formation of circulation, river to river erosion, the falling partial East phenomenon and Foucault pendulum. On this basis, this paper by means of quantitative analysis of Coriolis force size, orientation, and its acceleration, and the use of its expression and direction, and the general circulation, North and South Hemisphere riparian is scouring the difference, deflection of a freely falling object direction and size of the Foucault pendulum swing rules were analyzed Key words:Coriolis force;three-cell circulation;bank erosion;Fall deflection;Foucault pendulum