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1. language and speech ( language use ) 25分

According to Saussure: 1.language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community; and speech refers to the realization of language in actual use. 2. language is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by; speech is the concrete use of the conventions and application of rules. 3. language is abstract; speech is concrete.

4. language is relatively stable, it doesn’t change so frequently; speech varies from person to person, and from situation to situation.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Linguistics is the scientific study of language.

Some Basic Distinctions in Linguistics

Speech and Writing

One general principle(原则) of linguistic analysis is the primacy of speech over writing. Writing gives language new scope(范畴) and uses that speech does not have.

Descriptive(描述性) or Prescriptive(说明性)

A linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for \

Synchronic(共时) and Diachronic(历时) Studies

The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study and The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.

Competence(能力)and Performance(行为)

Competence is the ideal language user's knowledge of the rules of his language. Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances(发声).

2. 3层意义25分

Linguistic meaning 语言意义 语言单位的意义:语言不同层次的语言义,民族语言的社会规


Utterance meaning 言语意义 认识的“他” 情景意义 语境 Pragmatic intention 语用意图 快跑

例子: 他来了。


言语行为、语用意图的定义是表达者、接受者和语境三方面互动的结果。 语用意图=言语意义+语用意义=话语单位+语言意义+动态语境 语言意义=语言单位+静态句法规则


言外行为 illocutionary act表意行为

2. 语用意图里的表层区别性特征可划分为:

言实 ethos 人格 appeal to character fact ethos [ 'i:θ?s ] 气质 Conveyance of information

言情pathos情感 appeal to feeling pathos [ 'peiθ?s ] 悲怅;痛苦;同情; Expression of feeling

言理logos道理 appeal to reason主要观点、次观点 立论 因果论证关系logos 'l?ɡ?us 理性; Argumentation of view

语用意图可分为:表层、深层意图 surface intention deep intention 区分各种交际

言语意图: instantaneous…in daily verbal interaction Non-instantaneous….in literary works

(日常生活中即时聚焦性意图、文学作品中延时综合离散性意图) Focused intention comprehensive diffused intention 情景交融 专一 言实或言情 diffused [ di'fju:zd ] 散布的,扩散的; 4. 关联论的交际成功

Relevance: the degree of the speaker’s utterance( ostention ) in relation to what the hearer has already assumed in a given context is what we call relevance.

言语交际成功划分:division of communication success 认知性成功 倾向接受者 接受者推断出表达者的语用意图。 Cognitive successs on the part of the audience

社交性成功 倾向表达者 表达者信息输入完成符合社会规范、文



social success on the part of the rhetor 5. 为了确保言语交际的成功

得体原则是抽象的 abstract,言语交际策略是具体的。The concrete rhetorical devices of communication strategies.

抽象原则体现于具体的策略,具体策略验证抽象的原则。 To be one of the great significance and fudamental importance 言语交际、语用原则最高原则:得体原则,指表达者的言语内容形式相对交际目的和语境的适用。语言材料适应语言环境。 Pragmatic principle:

The principle of appropriateness of verbal communication

In fact, is a condensation of the interaction between the rhetor, the audience and other contextual elements.

而不是交际效果、礼貌、有效符合道德规范和审美原则。 定义修辞原则:达到交际效果应得到的原则。

6. 认知语用学:交际成功 和 接受修辞学:信息不等 出现矛盾 日常言语交际 关注文学性的审美化 修辞学追求交际效果

7. 互文性 听话者在头脑中的pre-structure, 又能出现互相的overlap, shared knowledge, human beings 人类共性, 能避开pre-structure 聚焦性意图里也会出现语用意图错误。 Visible or invisible

interlocutor [ ,int?'l?kjut? ] n. 对话者;谈话者 intertextuality [ 'int?,tekstju'?liti ] 互文性;文本互涉



A demonstration of the intertextuality on the part of the rhetor, the

pre-structure on the part of the audience and the mutually manifested identities of both the rhetor and the audience.

8. 跨文化交际和普通交际

同质同构 they are actually of the same structure and same nature. Involve the same 8 components: behavior, encoding, message, channel, respondent, decoding, response, feedback 差异:the degree of sharing information 例子说明分析,in English. 语言使用与理解的研究三大模式: 1交际代码模式 提供语言意义

code offering us a means of decoding linguistic meaning 2合作原则之意图推理模式 提供推断话语关联性的起点准则 inference a starting point for locating utterance relevant

3关联理论的明示——推理模式 提供推断语用意图的关联性桥梁。 ostensive-inference relevance for determining speaker’s intention