译林牛津七年级下册Units1-4句型翻译考点过关 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章译林牛津七年级下册Units1-4句型翻译考点过关更新完毕开始阅读f8078b62e718964bcf84b9d528ea81c759f52e44

7B unit1~unit4 1. 你不必担心他。(3)


You don’t need to worry about him. You needn’t worry about him. You don’t be worried/worrying about him. 2. 我们老师让我们不要抄袭别人的练习。 Our teacher asks us not to copy others’ exercises. 3. 如果我今晚有空的话就去看你。 If I am free tonight, I will go to see you. 4. 你喜欢在家养狗和猫吗?

Do you like raising dogs and cats at home? 5. 明天去玄武湖公园划船怎么样?(至少3种)

How/What about rowing boats in Xuanwu Lake Park tomorrow? Why not row boats in Xuanwu Lake Park tomorrow?

Why don’t you row boats in Xuanwu Lake Park tomorrow? 6. 我们相信我们能照顾好自己。

We are sure we can look after ourselves well. 7. 新鲜的空气对我们的健康有好处。 Fresh air is good for our health.

8. 因为我新来这儿,我说不出我所有邻居的名字。 I can’t tell all my neighbours’ names because I am new here. 9. 我会尽力帮助你解决你的问题。

I will do what I can to help you with your problem. 10. 很抱歉让你一直等我。没关系,我不着急

I am sorry for keeping you waiting. Never mind, I am not in a hurry. 11.李老师让我下课后跟他去办公室。

Mr Li asks me to follow him to the office after class. 12.如果你不知道去红山动物园的路,你可以向警察求助。

If you don’t know the way to Hongshan Zoo, you can ask the policeman for help. 13.我想知道去哪里看什么?

I want to know where to go and what to see.

14.你肯定这两座小山中间有条小路吗? Are you sure there is a path between the hills? 15.过桥,你就会看到大象。

Cross the bridge,and you will see elephants. 16.猴子聪明又滑稽。它们上蹿下跳,引人发笑。

Monkeys are clever and funny.They jump around and make people laugh. 17.秦淮河横穿(run through)南京城。河上有很多座桥。

Qinhuai River runs through Nanjing.There are mang bridge over the river. 18.有个导游正在给他们看中国地图。 A tour guide is showing them a map of China. 19.直走,然后你就会发现熊猫馆。

Go straight on then you will find the Panda House.

20.熊猫是安静又可爱的动物。 Pandas are quiet and cute animals. 21.当你穿过森林的时候也许能听到鸟叫。

When you go through the forest,you may hear the birds sing. 22.你去动物园的旅行怎么样? How was the trip to the zoo?

23.老板让Kitty每天工作十个小时。(make) The boss makes Kitty work ten hours every day. 24.当你离开时要记得关灯。

Remember to turn off the light when you leave. 25.我记得告诉过你那件事。 I remember telling you about it. 26.你不得不在周日练习弹钢琴吗?

Do you have to practise playing the piano on Sundays? 27.如果你努力学习,你就会通过考试。(pass the exam) Work hard and you will pass the exam. 28.狮子和老虎是危险的动物。

Lions and tigers are dangerous animals. 29.熊猫喜欢吃竹子并且整天躺着。

Pandas like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long. 30.走到狮子区的西面,你就会找到鸟类世界。

To the west of the Lions’ Area,you will find the World of Birds. 31.鸟叫时会发出动听的声音。

Birds can make beautiful sounds when they sing. 32.记得在马路上踢足球是很危险的。

Remember that playing football on the road is dangerous. 33.我们英语老师让我们在课堂上记住尽可能多的新单词。

Our English tsachuer asks us to remember as many new words as we can in class. 34.长颈鹿的长脖子帮助他们吃到树上的叶子。 Giraffes’ long necks help them eat the leaves from trees. 35.我的家乡相当的美丽而宁静。 My hometown is quite beautiful and quiet. 36.这些游泳者正游过这条长长的河。

These swimmers are swimming across the long river. 37.大象的大耳朵就像是张开着的扇子。 Elephants’ large ears are like opan fans. 38.我喜欢躺在草地上听音乐。

I like lying on the grass and litening to music. 39.熊猫宝宝看上去不像它的妈妈。 The baby panda doesn’t look like its mother. 40.约翰像别的男孩一样喜欢做运动。 John,like other boys, likes playing sports. 41.大家都到这儿了吗?---不,丹尼尔不在。 Is everybody here?No,Daniel is not here.

42.桌上的这本书是你的吗?---是的,这是一本有趣的书。 Is the book on the desk yours?Yes,it is.It is an interesting book. 43.李明总是第一个到学校。

Li Ming is always the first to get to school. 44.“use”这个单词中有一个”s”和一个”u”. There is a “u” and an “s” in the word “use”. 45. 我坐在他和她的中间。 I sit between him and her.

46. ---我们午餐吃什么呢?---今天我们要吃一顿大餐了。 What shall we have for lunch?We will have a big lunch today. 47. 一个高个子男孩坐在我前面,我看不见黑板了。 The tall boy sits in front of me. I can’t see the blackboard. 48. 在那棵树下穿红衣服的女孩是我的一个好朋友。 The girl in red under the tree is one of my good friends. 49. 这条河上没有桥,我们怎么才能到河的另一边呢?

There is no bridge over the river.How can we get the other side of it? 50. 这些熊猫幼崽非常可爱. These baby pandas are very cute. 51.坐出租车去一个新地方是个好主意。 It is a good idea to go to a new place by taxi.


My clasmates like sitting on the bench outside the classroom and chatting with eoch other. 53.我的大哥住在我楼上三层。

My elder brother lives three floors above me. 54.走过警察局,你就会看到那个剧院在你的左边。

Go past the police station,you will see the theatre is on your left. 55.我们应该在红灯时走斑马线过马路。

We should go across the road at the zebra crossing when the light is red. 56.在第二个十字路口右拐(2)

Take the second crossing on the right. Turn right at the second crossing. 57.宝藏在左边第三棵树前面的地底下。

The treasure is under the ground in front of the third tree on the left. 58.沿着河边的小路走。