2012-2013上海高考一模汇编-非谓语动词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2012-2013上海高考一模汇编-非谓语动词更新完毕开始阅读f83a40d3d15abe23482f4dc0

251. How many of us _____, say, a meeting that is irrelevant to us would be interested in the discussion? (

A. attended B. attend C. to attend D. attending 252. – Will the plan _____ the libraries nationally be carried out in the coming year?

– It all depends, I suppose. (11卢湾-2) A. to promote B. promote C. promoting D. that promote 253. About ten Chinese students were reported _____ in the earthquake in New Zealand. (11长宁-2) A. killing B. to be killed C. having killed D. to have been killed

254. _____ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people there are optimistic about

their future. (11长宁-2) A. Convincing B. Convinced C. To convince D. Having convinced

255. _____ for months to look for a job as a bank clerk, Smith finally took a position at a local advertising

agency. (11长宁-2) A. To struggle B. Having struggled C. To be struggling D. Struggled 256. After finishing a large project, we are all looking forward to _____ next week. (11长宁-2) A. go on vacation B. be going on vacation C. have gone vacation D. going on vacation 257. The man denied _____ anything at the supermarket when he was questioned by the police.

(11闵行-2) A. to have stolen B. to steal C. having stolen D. steal 258. – What’s the assignment today, Professor Smith?

– You’re supposed _____ Chapter Two and give your comment on it tomorrow. (11闵行-2) A. to finish B. to have finished C. finishing D. having finished 259. The earthquake was followed by a tsunami, _____ great loss to the lives and property. (11闵行-2) A. causing B. caused C. to cause D. has caused 260. When first _____ to the market, i-pad was not a success due to its high price. (11闵行-2)

A. introducing B. being introduced C. introduced D. to be introduced 261. The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but _____ every mouthful

sweeter. (11浦东-2) A. making B. make C. made D. to make

262. _____ in extra-curricular activities gives students many priceless lifelong skills that will be valuable to

them forever. (11浦东-2) A. Being involved B. Involving C. To involve D. Involve

263. Some 350, 000 people have reportedly been left homeless and are staying in shelters, anxiously _____

news of friends and relatives. (11浦东-2) A. await B. awaiting C. awaited D. having awaited

264. _____ with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much

confidence. (11浦东-2) A. To be equipped B. Equipping C. Equipped D. Being equipped 265. A number of art works are believed _____ during World War II. (11黄浦-2) A. being stolen B. having been stolen C. to be stolen D. to have been stolen 266. In his pioneering work, David explains how languages come into being, _____ that children are the

driving force. (11黄浦-2) A. being argued B. having argued C. arguing D. argued

267. Birdwatching is becoming a popular pastime, with almost 3, 000, 000 of us _____ in our fluttering

feathered friends. (11黄浦-2) A. absorbed B. absorbing C. absorb D. to absorb

268. I was _____ for the beach, forgetting my appointment with the dentist, when my mother reminded me. A. to leave B. about to leave C. to be leaving D. to have left


269. While all the leading schools say that they place great importance on _____ good study result, the fact

seems to suggest this is not the case. (11普陀-2) A. children getting B. children to get

C. children’s having got D. children to have got 270. Knowing that everything she said had no effect on her son, _____. (11普陀-2) A. her son’s teacher was asked to help solve the problem

B. it was decided that her son’s teacher should help solve the problem C. she had to ask her son’s teacher to help solve the problem

D. there’s nothing she can do but ask her son’s teacher to help solve the problem

271. A tsunami (海啸) occurs as a series of waves _____ a “wave train,” and the series of surges (巨浪)

can be five minutes or up to an hour apart. (11普陀-2) A. which known as B. known as C. is known as D. to know as

272. Severe natural disasters such as the earthquake off the coast of Japan on March 11th can raise

questions about all of the factors _____. (11普陀-2) A. involved B. involving C. to involve D. which involves

273. Chinese authorities have stepped up efforts to reassure citizens that the country faces no imminent (临

近的) danger from the radiation leaks _____ its neighbor. (11普陀-2) A. affecting B. affected C. that affecting D. affects 274. In the U.S., _____ a tip is thought to be polite when paying the bill. (11虹口-2) A. leave B. having left C. leaving D. being left

275. _____ in the northwest of China, Xi’an is seen as the birthplace of the country’s civilization.

(11虹口-2) A. Locating B. Being located C. To locate D. Located 276. Believe it or not, crying is a way you can imagine _____ pressure. (11虹口-2) A. relieving B. to relieve C. relieved D. relieve

277. Both John and Nick are doctors _____ the respect of patients, but Nick is more skilled in treating

diseases. (11虹口-2) A. to win B. to have won C. won D. having won 278. Clever wit and humor will help your speech stand out in a good way and keep everyone _____.

(11徐汇-2) A. entertaining B. entertained C. to entertain D. being entertained 279. Experts have pointed out that it was the power failure _____ the Japanese tsunami (海啸) that led to

the crisis at the Fukushima plant. (11徐汇-2) A. followed B. which follow C. following D. to follow

280. He was, after all, the General Manager and did not appreciate being made _____ like an ignorant

schoolboy. (11徐汇-2) A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling

281. Bill Gates, together with many famous businessmen, decided to devote a great part of his time and

energy _____ people in need. (11闸北-2) A. to help B. helping C. to helping D. helped

282. _____ in financial scandals (丑闻), according to a social research, was regarded as top 1 reason for

officials to give up political career in Italy. (11闸北-2) A. Involved B. Involving C. Being involved D. To involve 283. _____ to contain illegal substance, many poultry (猪肉) products were prohibited on the market.

(11闸北-2) A. Finding B. To find C. Found D. Having found

284. He suggested _____ the film Let the Bullets Fly, which was produced by the world-famous director.


A. us to see B. us seeing C. we to see D. we seeing 285. Seeing the soldiers well _____ for the fight, the general nodded with satisfaction. (11松江-2) A. prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. to prepare

286. The nuclear leaks in Japan have forced workers to flee the plant, _____ them from restarting important

cooling systems. (11松江-2) A. being prevented B. prevented C. to prevent D. preventing

287. Having mastered the technologies of manned spacecraft, China became the third country in the world

_____ manned spaceflight independently. (11松江-2) A. develop B. to develop C. developing D. developed 288. _____ the man who was a friend of his father’s, and he went over to say hello to him. (11松江-2) A. Recognizing B. Having recognized C. On recognizing D. The boy recognized 289. In making a speech, the number of listeners is also an important factor _____. (11崇明-2) A. to be considered B. being considered C. considered D. considering

290. What disappointed Mr. Smith most was _____ to go to Canada with his parents to visit his grandpa.

(11崇明-2) A. having not been allowed B. his not allowing

C. his not having been allowed D. his being not allowed

291. _____ the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the world.

(11崇明-2) A. Having believed B. Believing C. Believed D. To believe

292. The sale usually takes place in front of the house, with the audience _____ on benches, chairs or

boxes. (11崇明-2) A. having seated B. seating C. seated D. having been seated 293. Rather than _____ the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. (11崇明-2) A. allow B. to allow C. allowing D. allowed

294. Research now proves that eating fish and chips is healthier than _____. (11奉贤-2) A. eat hamburgers B. eating hamburgers C. to eat hamburgers D. hamburgers eating 295. With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank _____ presents for my

dad. (11奉贤-2) A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought

296. Scientists found that dogs, not wolves, as originally _____, were responsible for a large number of

livestock killings in the mountainous country. (11奉贤-2) A. suspected B. suspecting C. suspect D. to suspect

297. We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, _____ that all children like these

things. (11奉贤-2) A. think B. thinking C. to think D. thought

181~190 BAADA CBCBB 191~200 BACDD CCABA 201~210 CAABA CCCAB 211~220 DBBBD CDCDC 221~230 DBACD CACBB 231~240 CCBAD CBBAB 241~250 DCBBC ADCDA 251~260 DADBB DCAAC 261~270 DABCD CABAC 271~280 BAACD BDBCB 281~290 CCCBC DBDAC 291~297 BCABB AB



30. He didn’t have chance to read many books, but folk stories _____ by local people became the root of Mo Yan’s later writings. A. to tell

B. to be told

C. told

D. being told

33. Over time, overuse of antibiotics(抗生素)leads to bacteria that are resistant to the drugs, _____ them all the harder to kill. A. make

B. to make

C. made

D. making

36. Sherry used a piece of bread _____ the rat into her trap. A. tempting B. tempted C. to tempt D. to have tempted 37. Activities on the farm range from milking cows to _____ the chickens to satisfy the needs of different people. A. feed

B. fed

C. feeding

D. have fed


33. ______ any staircase, I followed a dark passage and it seemed to go on for ever.

A. Not to have seen B. Seeing not C. Having not seen D. Not seeing

34. Unless ______ to speak, most high school students here prefer remaining silent in class. A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited

36. If she accepts this position, she will have no choice but ______ an even greater challenge. A. to meet B. meets C. meeting

D. met

40. I remember ______ Mike for advice since he is regarded by many as a good adviser. A. to be asked B. asking C. to ask D. being asked


29. When ________ to see his badly-injured friend in hospital, he almost went through a red light. A. drive B. driving C. driven D. having driven 33. I’d like to see your problem _________ before the end of this term. A. solve B. solved C. to solve D. to be solved

38. Mercedes is the first team ________ the race this year, following Button’s victory in Australia last year. A. winning B. won C. win D. to win


27. A reporter’s task is to inform readers of the events that happened, ______ conclusions. A. not draw B. not drawing C. not to draw D. not drawn

33. ______ once every two years, whether it is a car, a bus or a lorry, is the rule that all drivers must obey in our country.

A. Having been examined B. Examined C. Examining D. Being examined

36. an important position in a big company, Richard has a good chance to improve himself.

A. Offered B. Offering C. Having offered D. To offer 39. Making a proper choice ______ the future will probably make much difference in our life.