新人教版三年级英语下册第二单元教案 联系客服

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Unit 2 My family 第一课时

教学内容:Part A Let’s talk and let’s practise 教学目标:

1、学习新句型Who’s that man/woman?He’s/She’s…. 2、通过会话,学生练习介绍自己和学会询问他人的家庭成员。 教学重点:学会本课新句型,并能询问他人的家庭成员。 教学难点:正确使用人称代词he和she,然后掌握新句型。 教学准备:人物的头饰、朋友和家庭成员的照片 教学过程: 一.Warm-up. Everyday exercise.

A: Good morning/afternoon. I’m…..(name)I’m from….(country,province)Where are you from?

B: I’m from….

A: Nice to meet you.(indroduce B)Hi! This is B.We have a new friend today. B: Welcome! 二.Presentation.

1.Look at the picture: Who’s that girl? Do you know? Oh, she’s Amy. She’s my friend.

Follow me the sentence: she’s Amy. She’s my friend. Repeated the word: she. (Notice the pronunciation)

Do the same thing: Teaching “he”.

2.Do you know who she/he is? Try to ask me“Who’s that woman/man?” Read the sentence again. Teaching the word: man/ woman.

3.Look! (Show a photo): There are 4 people in this family. She is mother, and he is father. Teaching the word: mother and father.


1.Make the dialogue with students 2.Listening the tape of” Let’s talk” 3.Who can try playing the dialogue? 1.Show time. 四.Assessment Activity book P7 五.Add activities


教学内容:Part A Let’s learn and Let’s sing 教学目标:

1.能听说、认读man, father, grandfather, woman, mother和grandmother。 2.会唱Father and Mother这首歌。 3.能听懂故事大意。 教学重点:单词的教学。 教学难点:单词的发音。

教具准备:家庭照,挂图,单词卡和图卡。 教学过程: 一.Warm-up. 1.Revision: number 2.Ask and answer.

T: Hello, I’m…. This is my family. A: Who’s that man? T: He’s my dad.

A: I’m…. This is my family. T: Who’s that woman? A: She’s my mom. 二.Presentation

1.Show the picture of family tree: This is my family. Her are 7 people in my family: my grandpa, my grandma, my dad, my mom, my sister, my brother and me.

2.Teaching the word: grandfather. Repeat the word again. 3.Do the same thing: Teaching the other words. Point: grandma and grandpa are speaking language. 三.Practice 1.Play game.

1) Who quickly 2) Find out the photo 2.Listen and read

3.Trishaw me the picture of your mom.(…) This is my mom. 四.Let’s sing.

Sing the song “Father and Mother” 五.Assessment.

Activity book P8


教学内容:Part A Let’s say and let’s chant Part C Story time


1.学习字母Ff,Gg和以这些字母开头的单词father, fish, girl, goose. 2.能唱这首歌谣,并通过听、说、唱熟悉字母,增强语感。 3.能听懂故事,并巩固已经学过的句型。

教学重点:学习字母Ff,Gg和以这些字母开头的单词father, fish, girl, goose. 教学难点:字母及单词的掌握。 教具准备:卡片、图片、四线格。 教学过程: 一.Warm-up.

1.Everyday practice.

2.Sing the song “Father and Mother” 3.TPR