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【人教版】2019届高三英语一轮复习配套练习 解析:D [根据下文“No two people's feet...to be comfortable.”可知,Nicholas很快意识到(realized)他的捐赠对那些无家可归的孩子们不是那么有帮助。]

12.A.delighted C.amazed

B.bothered D.astonished

解析:B [根据下文可知,因为每个人的脚并不完全相同,所以旧鞋穿到别人脚上可能会不舒服。而自己只有旧鞋而没有新鞋可以捐赠,这一点让Nicholas很烦恼(bothered)。]

13.A.because of C.instead of

B.apart from D.except for

解析:C [because of“因为,由于”;apart from“远离,除……之外”;instead of“而不是……”;except for“除了……之外”。]

14.A.if C.until

B.once D.though

解析:A [根据本句前半部分“No two people's feet are exactly the same”可知,没有两个人的脚会完全一样,如果你穿别人穿过的鞋,你的脚不会很舒服。]

15.A.expensive C.strong

B.new D.unique

解析:B [根据上文内容可知,Nicholas意识到如果我们穿别人穿过的鞋,脚会不舒服,于是在12岁时,他发起了一项活动,为无家可归的孩子们捐赠新(new)鞋。]

16.A.At least C.In addition

B.In fact D.At first

解析:D [根据下一句中的“then”可知,与之相对应的应该是

【人教版】2019届高三英语一轮复习配套练习 at first,意为“最初,起先”。]

17.A.homeless C.poor

B.special D.sick

解析:A [根据该段第一句中的“to homeless children”可知,在父母的帮助下,Nicholas启动了Gotta Have Sole Foundation项目,为21个州的1万多名无家可归的(homeless)孩子捐赠了新鞋。]

18.A.useless C.funny

B.simple D.cheap

解析:B [根据空格后的“a pair of shoes,can make children feel...about themselves and gain confidence”可知,捐赠一双鞋这么简单的(simple)事就能让孩子们感觉很好并且获得自信。]

19.A.warm C.good

B.lucky D.sad

解析:C [warm“温暖的,热情的”;lucky“幸运的”;good“好的”;sad“难过的,悲哀的”。]

20.A.forces C.prefers

B.commands D.encourages

解析:D [因为Nicholas从捐鞋这种小事中受益匪浅,所以他鼓励其他年轻人也去做相同的事情。encourage“鼓励,支持”,符合语境。]


On my way to the bookstore,I noticed a group of people surrounded two anxious foreigners.I stopped and found that they were tourist from Canada who careless left a very important wallet in a taxi.I accompanied them to the nearest police

【人教版】2019届高三英语一轮复习配套练习 station and without their help,we got in touch with the taxi company.We told a moment ago a driver had just turned in a wallet and then a policeman drive us to the company without delay.The two Canadians happily claimed their wallet,that contained their passports,flight tickets,some cash or credit cards.They expressed our thanks to me.I feel it is really a great pleasure to help the others.
