【附20套高考模拟试题】2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(模拟卷)英语(山东卷,)含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【附20套高考模拟试题】2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(模拟卷)英语(山东卷,)含答案更新完毕开始阅读f9782d575beef8c75fbfc77da26925c52cc59137

A. Take guitar lessons. B. Attend Adele’s concert. C. Listen to a music CD 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Where will the man go first? A. The supermarket.

B. The pet shop.

C. The bakery.

9. What did the woman want to return to the supermarket? A. Toothpaste.

B. Some eggs. C. A fridge.


10. Why doesn’t the woman try shopping online? A. Because she thinks it costs more than physical stores. B. Because she seldom surfs the Internet.

C. Because she can't touch the thing before she pays for it.

11. What does the man think about the measures to deal with the safety problem? A. It’s totally useless. B. It has solved the problem. C. It’s effective but not good enough. 12. What’s the man’s shopping habit? A. Shopping in the mall directly.

B. Checking online and then shopping in physical stores. C. Only shopping the daily supplies online. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What does the man think of his boss? A. Hardworking.

B. Dishonest.

C. Greedy

14. When will the man leave his apartment according to the contract? A. Next month.

B. In two months. C. In three months.

15. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Go back to school. B. Buy cheap things.

C. Share a room with her brother.

16. What is TRUE according to the conversation? A. The woman made a mistake B. The man made a mistake. C. The company suffered little loss.


17. Which room is for the Academic Test of English? A. Room 204.

B. Room 307.

C. Room 405.

18. Where should the students put all their belongings? A. In the lockers with keys.

B. On the chairs outside the testing rooms. C. In the front of the testing room.

19. What must the students do if they want to use the restroom? A. Go with a monitor.

B. Wait to be called.

C. Ask for permission.

20. What can be known from the monologue?

A. The students taking GRE test should go to Room 204. B. The students can’t wear their coats in the testing rooms. C. The students can use their own pens, paper and pencils. 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. Reed City animal lovers must choose between owning cats or birds as they are not allowed ______. A. any

B. either


D. each

22. We are volunteers that do, and will always, meet our__________ to the world and particularly to those who so

desperately need our support. A. requirements troublesome boy, she thought. A. hadn’t met

B. didn't meet

C. haven’t met

D. wouldn’t meet

B. objections

C. commitments

D. threats

23. Those who said looking after children was an easy way to make money obviously ______ such a

24. Establishing the iongan New Area in Hebei province can function as part of measures to_______ Beijing from heavy traffic and severe smog. A. dismiss

B. hide

C. free

D. distinguish

25. Denying the unknown will limit your imagination and keep creativity ________. A. in order

B. at distance C. in contrast D. at best

26. His goal of setting up the website is to keep it to a wide audience for advertising purpose. A. capable

B. considerable C. portable

D. available

27. ---What did Jack demand at the meeting just now?

---___________ a chance to join the Music Club.

A. Offered offered

28.Today’s technique of paper production is due to Cai Lun, who __________ tree barks, old fishing nets and rags

as raw materials. A.has used

B. was using

C. had used

D. used

B. Having been offered

C. To be offered D.




29. Others’ ill will interests rather disturbs me. I am only curious to know______ it is in me that is annoying to them.

A. that B. what

C. which D. whether

30. ---Stricter laws concerning global warming have to be put into effect.

---I agree. There is a long way to go ________we can take a comfortable world for granted again. A. after B. when C. if D. before

31. Parents and children, ______ studies across cultures have confirmed, frequently don’t see eye to eye on what

makes a suitable partner.

A. who

B. whose

C. which

D. as

32. Everyone in society is supposed to _________ kids who are being teased or bullied because of who they are or

how they look.

A. stand up for B. catch up with

C. make up for D. get away with

33. When my mother became unwell, I felt a sense of duty that perhaps I ______ before. A. might not feel B. should not have felt

C. could not feel

D. would not have felt

34.----When will the bike-sharing schemes be introduced to the public? ----Not until____________ a better understanding of them. A. we have had B. will we have had

C. have we had D. we will have had

35. --- You can tell me I’m _________, because nobody follows the instructions. ---Take it easy. I believe you can make it. A. a white elephant

B. a lame duck C. a top dog D. a dark horse



I believe in the ingredients of love and their combined power.

We 36 Luke four years ago. The people from the orphanage dropped him off at our hotel room without even saying 37 . He was nearly six years old,only 28 pounds and his face was lined with scars. 38 , he was terrified. “What are his favorite things?” I yelled. “Noodles,” they replied as the elevator door shut.

Luke kicked and screamed. His cries were painful, animal-like. He had 39 seen a mirror and tried to escape by running 40 one. I wound my arms around him so he could not hit or kick. After an hour and a half he 41 fell asleep, exhausted. I called room service. They delivered every 42 dish on the menu. Luke woke up, looked at me and started 43 . I handed him chopsticks, and pointed at the food. He stopped crying and started to eat. He ate until I was sure he would be 44 . That night we went for a walk. Delighted at the moon, he gestured, “What is it?” I said, “The moon, it’s the moon.” He reached up and tried to 45 it. He cried again when I tried to give him a 46 until I started to play with the water. By the end of his bath the room was soaked and he was laughing. We read the book One Yellow Lion. He 47 looking at the colorful pictures and turning the 48 . By the end of the night he was saying, “one yellow lion.”

The next day we met orphanage officials to do paperwork. Luke was on my lap as they filed into the room. He looked at them and 49 my arms tightly around his waist.

He was a sad, shy boy for a long time 50 those first days. He cried easily. He hid food in his pillowcase and searched in garbage cans. I wondered then if he would ever 51 the wounds of neglect that the orphanage had beaten into him.

It has been four years. Luke is a smart, funny, happy fourth-grader. He is 52 with charm and is a natural athlete. His teachers say he is well behaved and works very hard. Our neighbor says she has never seen a 53 kid.

When I think back, I am amazed at what 54 this abused, terrified little creature. It was not therapy, counselors or medicine. It was love just simple, plain, easy to give. It is made up of compassion, care, 55 , and a leap of faith. I believe in the power of love to transform.] 36. A. found 37. A. goodbye 38. A. Probably 39. A. never 40. A. against

B. adopted B. hello

C. met C. sorry

D. adapted D. O

D. Apparently D. often D. over

D. obviously D. noodle

B. Absolutely B. ever B. across

C. Actually C. seldom C. through

41. A. naturally 42. A. meat

B. finally

C. possibly

B. fruit C. vegetable