世纪商务英语口译第四课 - 图文 联系客服

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4.为了吸引外资,深圳于1980年被列为特区,深圳的办事速度比中国其他地方都快,它临近香港,是广东省的中心。尽管特区的面积只有126平方英里,它吸引了全国15%的外国投资。据估计,由于外国投资的大量涌入,加上技术更新,到本世纪末,深圳的经济规模可以翻两番,人均收入可达到2,000美元。 可记录为:

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Listen and take notes of the paragraphs and then retell

them according to the notes.


1. 森林面积大,森林资源覆盖率高。1999年,广西


Question: What’s the main idea of this paragraph?

2. 谈判产生奇迹。通过精心安排和详细计划提出一套

全面的谈判方案, 出口商就能提高商务会谈的效率,而且给他们的出口贸易带来长期效益。在国际市场上进行谈判时,中小规模的出口商最好不要把商谈仅限于价格问题上。他们应该强调自己公司和产品的优势,并指出这些优势与买方的期望是一致的。在提出这些问题之后,讨论价格问题,这样就容易做成生意,获得利润。

Question: What shall be focused on during


3. The Americans are famous for their early use of

first names in any relationship, however formal. You sometimes notice how Americans repeat your name frequently in the first five minutes of conversation. The British also use first names most of the time. However, they are not so good at remembering names and will frequently use no name at all. In some cultures it is important to address someone using their titles—for example, Doctor, Professor, etc. In both British and American cultures we tend not to use titles.

Question: What’s the main difference between the Americans and British and Chinese in addressing someone?

4. As an office manager, I never leave the office and I

spend 45 hours a week at my desk, so I like to make things comfortable. My desk isn’t large——I think it’s made of wood, but I haven’t seen the surface of

my desk for some time——it’s always covered with papers, files and half-empty coffee cups. I have a PC, of course, and this takes up a lot of desk space. I could just keep everything on the computer, but I like printing things out and seeing them on the paper.

Question: Why hasn’t the writer seen the surface of his desk for some time?

5. Although great achievements have been made in importing technology, there are still some problems such as overlapped imports.

Question: What problem occurs in the import of technology?

6.China is as big as the whole continent of Europe, stretching 5,000km from east to west. Roughly speaking, China can be split into two parts. The east part consists of plains and hills, with a relatively humid climate. The west part is made up of dry and thinly populated plateaus and mountains.