世纪商务英语口译第四课 - 图文 联系客服

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Question: What’s the landscape of China?

Section 3 Interpreting Practice 口译实战

II. Sentence Interpreting 句子口译

Reference version 参考译文:

1. 我们是中国一流的纺织品和服装生产商和出口


2. 我们的最低价是每件纽卡斯尔到岸价13.4美元。

此报盘为实盘,有效期3天,到我方时间星期五为止。 3. 你太会讨价还价了。

4. 只要我们本着平等互利的原则做生意。 5. 成交。

6. If your price is reasonable and I can get the

commission I want, we can place a large order immediately.

7. I shall discuss with my colleagues. The information will acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies.

8. We also receive some offers from other suppliers in Asian region at a much lower price, about 20 percent lower than yours.

9. Your concession will set the ball rolling. Let us settle it at a total discount of 15%, if you agree.

10. But he stresses that it is an exceptional case and

will in no case set a precedent.

III. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译

Directions:Work in groups of three, acting as A, B and interpreter respectively. Role-play the following dialogues and interpret them. After the role-play, listen to the recordings and interpret what you hear.


1. A General Enquiry 询盘 A: 哇! 好多漂亮的衬衫啊!

I: Wow! What a range of beautiful shirts and blouses! B: Yes. We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of textiles and garments in China. We have many

subsidiaries and export our goods to Europe, America, Canada and Japan.

I: 是的。 我们是中国一流的纺织品和服装生产商和出口商。有很多子公司,产品远销欧洲、美加和日本。 A:太棒了! 请允许我自我介绍一下。我是加拿大时装有限公司业务部经理皮特.波斯顿。你叫我皮特好了。

I: Fantastic! Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Peter Boston, the manager of Business Department from Fashion Force Co., Ltd., Canada. You can call me Peter.

B: Nice to meet you, Peter. I’m Chen Min from Sico Textile Garment Co., Ltd, China.

I: 很高兴见到你,皮特。我是中国思科纺织品服装有限公司的陈闽。


I: Nice to meet you. I’m quite interested in your goods. They are impressive.

B: I’m glad you like them. Here is a catalogue of our latest products with illustrated pictures. Is there any special item that attracts you most?

I: 我很高兴你喜欢它们。这儿有一份最新产品目录,还带有图片说明。有什么特别吸引你的产品吗? A:它们都很吸引人。我都不知道选哪个了。你有最新价目表吗?

I: They are all attractive and I have no idea of which one I shall choose. Do you have the latest price list? B: Yes, but they are on FOB basis. And they vary according to your order size.

I:有的,但报的是离岸价。根据订单大小有所不同。 A:我明白了。有佣金吗?

I: I see. Do you allow any commission?

B: In principle, we don’t allow any commission. But if your order is large enough, we will take it into consideration.

I:原则上我们不给佣金, 如你方订单够大,可以考虑。 A: 但我们的订单大小得根据你们的价格决定啊。如价格合理,又能如愿以偿得到佣金,我们可以马上下大订单。

I: But our order will depend on your price. If your price is reasonable and I can get the commission I want, we can place a large order immediately.