(完整word)高三一轮复习---英语作文词汇升级和写作要点(1) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(完整word)高三一轮复习---英语作文词汇升级和写作要点(1)更新完毕开始阅读f9ebfec9b80d4a7302768e9951e79b8968026813

b) I have the confidence that…我有信心… 17、 I hope…

a) Hopefully, sb would do sth. 18、 I know…/I heard… a) I learned…我得知

b) I acknowledge that …我承认 19、 learn学习 a) master 掌握

b) pick up 顺便学到,轻松学到 20、 because a) …, for…因为 b) …, in that…因为

c) …, considering that…考虑到 21、 so a) …; therefore,… b) …; as a result,… c) …; consequently,…

【添词大法】 1、


English is an important, useful and beneficial language. 2、


I, a common high school student, is crazy about your newspaper, the most popular

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newspaper in our school. 3、


sb do sth.

? sb have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择做某事

? sb do whatever he can to do sth. 尽可能做某事

? sb find/ believe it necessary/ important/ challenging to do sth. 发现/相信做某事有必要/很重要/有挑战性

【例句】He takes good care of his grandparents.

? He have no choice but to believe it necessary to do whatever he can to take good

care of his grandparents.

4、 超级副词活用大法

a) 句子前:Fortunately, he won the game. b) 句子后:He won the game fortunately. c) 句子中间的位置:be后,实前,助实间 i. ii. iii.

第二讲 轻松英语造句(上)

句式的本质在于谓语动词的含义和用法!因此,每个大纲动词的含义和用法都要掌握。 最基本的句子结构:主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质

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He is fortunately the only survivor. He fortunately won the game. He has fortunately won the game.

eg:我得考个试。I will take part (in an exam).

【必须学会…】有时要先把我们想要表达的中文整理成这种标准形式后,才能翻译。 【例】断肠人在天涯。 ? 一个伤心的人离家很远。

? A sad man is far away from home.

这桌子坏了。 This desk is broken. 这是一桌子。 This is a desk.

造句困境1:中文句子没主语 造句困境2:中文句子动词太多 (一定要学会处理多余的动词,如:并列/非谓)

Level 2. 对句子进行修饰、补充

I read English every day.


I read English loudly in the open air every morning. 主语+动词+人/物/主语的性质+[方式]+[地点]+[时间] 长难句模板:



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? 我抬头and看到了明亮的月亮。

? I raise my head and see the bright moon. ? 我往上看and看到了明亮的月亮。 ? I look up and see the bright moon. 【例】低头思故乡。

? I look down and miss my hometown ? I look down and become homesick.


如何造出一个正确的小句子? Step1:先把中文整理成“标准形式” (1)要把中文意思完全直白地表达出来 (2)加主语;


Step2:将“标准形式”的中文翻译成英语。 (1)注意动词的用法




Flowers cover the path in Huangsiniang’s home.

There are a lot of flowers (on the path) (in Huangsiniang’s home).

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