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d. started investigation / suspended low-level missions

An accident at a ski resort in northern Italy in which an American military plane cut the wires of a cable during a low-level training flight has killed 20 people. One car plunged about 100 meters into the snow, killing everyone aboard. An operator was rescued unhurt from a second car left dangling in the air after the accident. The plane returned to its base 60 kilometers away, the crew unaware of the accident. Commanders of the base have since started an investigation and suspended all low-level missions in Italy until further notice. Questions:

a. What is the cause of the disaster? b. How many people have been killed? c. How far away is the military base?

d. What have the commanders of the base done since the accident? C

1. floods and landslide Venezuela

Homes of 140,000 – 150,000 people destroyed

30,000 people killed poor city planning 15 billion dollars

2. a. to give quick and generous aid to Venezuela

b. to build new housing for those homeless people c. in stadiums, car parks, airports and military barracks d. plain areas away from the coast

1. Venezuela --- tens of thousands of people affected by recent floods and landslides are preparing to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays in shelters. Officials estimate that the homes of as many as 140,000 people were destroyed. Venezuela officials say the floods and landslides may have caused the death of as many as 30,000 people. Experts say poor city planning was a major cause f the damage. Many houses were built on weak ground of on the side of mountains along the northern coast. The Venezuela Defense Minister says survivors need to cooperate with government efforts to move them away form the coastal area.

2. The United Nations has urged the international community to give quick and generous aid to Venezuela to help it recover from last week’s devastating floods and mudslides. A

resolution passed in the general assembly said it was deeply concerned over the tremendous loss of life and severe destruction of the country. As many as 30,000 people are thought to have been killed. Officials have estimated the relief and reconstruction efforts as costing some 15 billion dollar. Officials here say that reconstruction efforts could take several years to complete. They say the priority is to build new housing for the 150,000 people who’ve been made homeless. These people are now sleeping in emergency shelters set up in stadium, car parks, airports and military barracks. President Hugo Chavez says that he is looking at several different places across the country in which to build new houses, all in plain areas away from the coast. Mr. Chavez says that the government will not rebuild houses in the parts of the northern coastal region destroyed by floods and landslides. Relief efforts are continuing in damaged coastal regions Questions:

a. What has the United Nations urged the international community to do?

b. According to Venezuela officials, what is the priority now? c. Where are the emergency shelters set up?

d. According to President Hugo Chavez, where will the new

houses to built? Part III

1. heavy rains / the spread of 2. people’s hopes of a good season 3. one of the best months

whole life / not a season like this / not rains like this

crops flooded / difficult / meet requirements / consumers / crops destroyed

struggling / not supply 100% / something

hello! For the last two weeks, we’ve reported how heavy rains have contributed to the spread of Rift Valley Fever in Kenya. This week, we hear how the continuing torrential storms in that region are washing away Kenya horticulture’s hopes a good season. Sarah Rannoe is just back form Nairobi.

Now there’s never a good time for heavy rainfall such as this. But for the horticulture industry, Sarah, this must be a particularly bad time for heavy beating rain.

Well, January should be one of the best months for growers of fruit,