大学生村官政策论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章大学生村官政策论文更新完毕开始阅读fb47eea76529647d2728527c

摘 要





In recent years along with the severe employment situation and the national team in the new rural construction, selection of university graduates to the countryside as work has been as a long-acting mechanism put forward. \new concept in the national policy, the policy is not only helps to ease the current university student's employment pressure, is on China's practice of scientific outlook on development, accelerating the building of new socialist countryside, cultivate the cadres reserve talents is an important measure in the. Rural culture construction is not only the cultural security system and the construction of public facilities, more important is to let the farmers formed cultural consciousness, improve the culture quality of the farmer. In the rural cultural construction in college students has a lot of advantages: a high level of scientific and cultural knowledge, learning ability, organization ability,

active thinking, adaptation and strong communication skills; high work passion, confidence is strong; network application ability and the message update quick advantage. They played the perfect rural legal construction; information guide; communication of new ideas, establish farmer belief; to build a city cultural resources to rural social penetration bridge role.

But in\the university student village official\the policy implementation process still faces a series of problems, causes our country country\empty nest phenomenon of village official\This article is from the university student village official policy publish setting and the phenomenon of empty nest phenomenon; village; village empty nest phenomenon brought harm, to analyze and summarize the situation, and to solve the village empty nest phenomenon and puts forward some methods and suggestions.

Keyword:The village; Rural area;Empty nest

目 录

前 言 ..................................... 1 第一章我国大学生村官政策的出台背景及现象 ... 2 1.1大学生村官的含义 .................... 2 1.2选聘大学生村官的意义................. 3 1.3村官空巢的现象 ...................... 5 1.4大学生选择村官的原因................. 7 第二章 “村官空巢”现象出现的原因 .......... 8 2.1 大学生村官实行效果不强 .............. 8 2.2 大学生村官外调 ..................... 10 2.3大学生村官自身不适应................ 11 2.4大学生村官政策存在问题 .............. 13 第三章村官空巢现象带来的危害 .............. 17 3.1影响农民的切身利益 ................. 17 3.2影响国家的利益 ..................... 17 第四章 解决“村官空巢”现象的方法 ......... 19 4.1科学设置大学生村官选拔机制 .......... 19 4.2明确责任,加强管理 ................. 19